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Everything posted by Kikkass

  1. Dear keyboard warrior, I've been a customer for around a year, so i'm not "just arrived" at all. I asked one question, and there you are, being rude. You're being rude, there's no need. You keep referring to HB, I have no idea why. Also, please quote me where I've made a demand because as far as I know, I've made a statement and asked a question. I also have zero fucks for your opinions, you mean nothing to me, know nothing about me and therefore, have no basis to form your super-smart opinions. I asked if a fight class was included or not, and how I feel it's silly to not include one basic one. Simple isn't it. Go masturbate or something, you sound really frustrated. And know this; whatever you reply, I won't read it. I'm not that desparate for your attention.
  2. I'm not going to dignify that reply with a comment.
  3. Hi all, Am I missing something here, but is there not even a default fight class for all classes built in to WRobot? I've looked, searched the forums and now asking here; I've either overloooked it completely and it's staring me in the face, or it simply doesn't exist. I could learn to make one, I know that, but I don't really have the patience to sit and learn how to create something in order to make the product I've already paid for, work. That's a bit like going to McDonalds and ordering a burger, but taking it home and cooking the burger before you can eat it. Failing that, and as a last resort, can anyone recommend an up-to-date and well managed fight class for resto shamans for 7.3+ please? Thank you.
  4. Your meshes folder can usually be found here: WRobot\Data\Meshes
  5. Really nice work, i'll be interested to see how this pans out. Good job :)
  6. I understand where you're coming from, however, Wrobot doesn't actually promise you free levelling from 1 - 110. Did you not try a trial first? That would have probably helped you to decide if this is the bot for you.
  7. Well, go play with HB and enjoy your bans if its better. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out....
  8. Hi all, When WRobot is running, the speed the camera rotates when looking around is really REALLY fast, actually, really quite annoying. This only yhappens when panning around using my mouse though. Any idea on how to fix it would be appreciated. I've already disabled "Hardware Cursor" but that didn't make any difference. Cheers! :) Kikk
  9. Hey mate :) First of all, download the FightClass you want to use, which I think you've already done. Next, copy and paste the XML file into the fightClass folder which is found inside your WRobot folder Once you've done that, fire up WRobot On "Main" option, select WRotation Next, select "General Settings (3rd option down on WRobot) At the very top of that section, you'll see the "FightClass" dropdown box. Click the drop down box and select the Fightclass you want to use. If you want to change settings for movement etc, click "Product Settings" and change whatever you want to change. That's it! This should cover it, but reply if it doesn't make sense and I'll do what I can :) Enjoy!
  10. Thank you :)
  11. Thanks matey
  12. ....just transitioned over from one of the bigger (and now the worst) bots and it took me all of 5 minutes from purchase to herbing in Suramar. Super easy, well laid out and very user friendly. Well done guys, I'm already a fan. :) Buying the unlimited on payday too
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