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Everything posted by mael

  1. what you see written here, coppy that into spell name and scroll down and set it up as LUA script, and thats all, u can alter some more but this is what you need to get it to work
  2. as far as I am aware this shouldn't happen like ever. So I am 99% sure that u will be safe without wiping anything. Blizzard shouldn't have access to your other files and there is no way it could flag your account by having such an app in PC.
  3. It matters because sometimes You don't want to put all the points in certain talent. Anyway thank you for the link
  4. Hello there, I have been messing around with new profiles for TBC and I want to make the bot assign the talents by itself. So after looking on the forum here I couldn't find an answer. So I checked the assign talents options, checked the wow api and found this: LearnTalent(tabIndex,talentIndex) - Learns a talent from the talent tree. ok so.. I went to update my Fightclass so.. basically what I did was: add the script as spell set it up as lua script combat only = false added condition - me level == XX now the last problem I face is that I would like to somehow make it run only once, i can setup some high number for it to occur again but that is not what I want. (if I won't be able to find solution so be it) Ideally It would check whether talent was allocated and then if it was It wouldn't do it again. I want it to keep the best performance and this solution doesn't seem good to me. -this is the last problem I have with this solution, but if there is some other way to assign talents in TBC I would love to hear them. I appreciate any help with this thing! Thank you!
  5. As a Hunter on TBC this was great help Plugin
  6. Hello there, found this really useful! There is this thing ... I am working on Questing profile for hunter which will level automatically to max level and there is constant need to change the food for this character so I looked into API and LUA and made this simple modification if UnitLevel("pet") < 18 then if GetPetHappiness() < 3 then CastSpellByName("Feed Pet") UseItemByName("Tough Jerky") end elseif UnitLevel("pet") > 17 and UnitLevel("pet") < 30 then if GetPetHappiness() < 3 then CastSpellByName("Feed Pet") UseItemByName("Tough Jerky") end else end this is just little example for now... I will probably end up using elseif all the time... I want to ask you whether you could help me and think of better solution. Maybe better looking or more efficient (efficiency > looks). Thanks! I can think of making bot check the pet level only when character levels up? also maybe create functions.... This is my first time playing with LUA
  7. I understand what you mean, but the thing is I would be ok if it would ignore only gold vein, but after getting fail it ignores iron deposit and tin veins as well, so your workaround kinda works but still this should be checked :)
  8. Hello, So another problem with Gatherer in Thousand needles, I encountered this problem about 4 times always on the same position. around - 44.6 and 40.2. Bot completely stops and does nothing, found out after having my paladin 20 minutes idle on the spot. Today I tried this with another character to test it and give shorter log. Happened again. I made for myself a new profile which avoids kolkars but it is a waste since there is quite a few veins there. I started bot, it mined about 3 veins and then the bug described here appeared: Bug Report after that bot went on and again Kolkar Wrangler threw net at my character which stopped and did nothing, did not even dismount and it did let the Wrangler to shoot at my character the whole time. 22 Jul 2017 07H17.log.html
  9. Ok, so what literally happens is that, I let bot run almost all over Thousand Needles. When I checked him back there was no Ore at all so I watched over it and what happens is that it goes the right path nicely but totally ignores any veins / deposits. So when I went around gold vein and iron deposit I stopped bot and started it again, everything went smoothly bot went and mined those 2. After those 2 he did not mine anything else again broken. What I noticed is that it also happened once on this occasion: Bot tried to mine vein but got like 10x failed and then It continued ignoring everything again. It is not problem of Fightclass, happened on 2 different classes, on paladin I did reset bot and wow a few times and it worked for a while so I finished Iron ore farming on that character but it is pain in the ass to monitor if it is mining and reset it so it can work. Mining with both characters in Redridge mountains worked fine. 22 Jul 2017 05H27.log.html
  10. Will test it soon and I will let you know.
  11. BUMP! Actually I started with creating my army of druid bots and this would be so great to have!!
  12. Why did I check this so late, will check it out today for sure thanks :)
  13. Thank you very much, aell it is dense area with mobs so that is maybe why it has some problems.
  14. Yes I do know about that, but if there is a way to fix this... since I would like to keep this setting. But thank you.
  15. Hello, I want to ask whether there is a way for bot to recognize the surroundings and move while in ghost form so it would not pull all the enemies? I encountered this in zone which is farmed quite often and at that moment noone was there. Pulling 1 mob which was assigned by grinder pulled 2 more mobs which killed my character, now my character was stuck going into this exact position after dying several times always getting back to life right next to them pulling 3 mobs with half health, sometimes even 4. Is there any workaround anyone could think of? Of course blacklisting helps but this scenario could happen in like 10% of time. Which does not cover my time watching my profile whether it works.
  16. Hello there, I have this issue - whenever my priest dies in Netherstorm ( I did not encounter this in other zones so far) and bot hits release spirit - I get loading screen and it teleporta my character to spirit healer as ghost. And then bot and wow will shutdown and I will only get message that I was teleported, while bot only used Release spirit. This is on TBC, different spirit healers, always in Netherstorm so far. Cannot give you my log since it will close both wow and wrobot so I cannot get the info from it. This happens 60% of times when I die there, happened in 2 different parts of Netherstorm.
  17. That is the exact issue... Of course I looked into settings. I was wondering ehether this could be fixed somehow since it has really bot like behaviour.
  18. Hello there, what happens to me is that if I farm place which is heavily farmed. My bot will go and use instant on one of the mobs, but since it is heavily farmed.. some people tag the mob before me and bot still goes all out against that mob, wasting time and efficiency, also giving others time to tag other mobs, while helping the enemy. Heh. Well is there a way for bot to recognise whether I have tagged the mob? And if not leave it... At the moment I am botting on tbc
  19. Never happens to me with flying mount, always with ground mount. Try to set min latency to 500. I have changed my mount on paladin and warlock to their summons which fixed this error, but couldn't find a fix for other classes. Also this does not happen on every profile I made. But on most of them yes. Maybe even if it takes lots of time try to recreate that profile
  20. What happens when I bot is that having set path with waypoints to go make my movement look really bad since it records those waypoints too close, maybe it is because i am overtaxing my pc's performance :D But anyway what helped me with this is just put 1 waypoint every 30-50 yards so my bot wont move 5 yards stop for sec and again all over until sargeras will devour us. There is plugin to be more human like, but it seems noone is working on that anymore, I did not try this one yet, but some plugins will not work on tbc.
  21. Is it possible to create profile for this: I have 5x ok geared bots with ideal setup for dungeon... 2.4.3. I would like them to go and farm fel arnaments in Shadow lab. Only killing elites - Do you think it is possible to create such profile it would be effective to farm elites?
  22. If this is with flying mount and the character remounts after 1 time mining vein then disable "Use flying mount at all times". if this happens with ground mount what helped me was setting the latency to min 150 and max 500 as I found this solution in different thread on the forum.
  23. Yes That was the first thing I thought about the scare tactic that is why I did not confess - that is just stupid hah. Well thank you for input ... I think that even though they might not be able to prove anything It will be on watchlist so I will be careful.
  24. Hey there, as I am new into this, today on my lvl 60 character on alliance side, one player whispered me about me botting of course I did not admit anything, but he told me that he reported me and had screenshots.... now I wonder how can one prove that the other guy is botting with screenshots? Also I got "caught" by this player because of choppy / jerky movement - is there any way how to fix this? or what to do for the bot not to do it?
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