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Everything posted by Avvi

  1. Hi there. is this coming from a plugin or quester code? Not sure where you put this.
  2. Ok, that will work with my plugin if you know the names of the GMs.
  3. My plugin should work for that - you would need to know the Names of the GM's if you want to specifically only exit on GM whispers, though.
  4. No. The whisper alert will only go off for people in the list. I will not be adding it to work the way you specified in the above post. The code is written in such a way that if I were to do it in the above way, it would mud up the code. Is this necessary for you? It seems that originally you only cared about exiting the game for a subset of users and didn't specify noise/email/phone notification/discord as being important.
  5. Hey there, i've added this functionality to my RoboXecute plugin. It does not automatically exit the game, but it will send messages to you into Discord. Once you see the message from the player, you can then exit the game by running /exit command into discord. Does this fit your requirement, or would you still rather it automatically exit the game for you?
  6. Sorry to say, but you just had really bad timing. Most people on this forum have been botting for many years and haven't got caught until this most recent ban-wave.
  7. For stopping the bot, do you want it to fully exit WRobot, or do you want it to Pause WRobot?
  8. The bot attacking multiple enemies at the same time to die. : There is a setting that can help with that. Under General Settings "Max units near target: x" Try setting the value to 0. Instead of sitting down and eating food / drinking mana he rushes on into the next mobs only to die (again). This is likely a fight class issue, but I think you can try setting your minimum hp/mana to a higher value (like 65%). It's not a great workaround, but it solved my problem with it. You'll end up buying more water/food this way though, so that's a con. The bot not selling things or having trouble Can you expand on this more. Is it never selling, or is it only selling some items? Out of everything you said, what are some ideas that you think would help improve the bot as a whole? Do you think the bot needs more support/features from plugins, or are you mostly frustrated with the things you listed above, and the other issues you've run across?
  9. Hey there. I will be adding soon. Been busy with work life so I will likely add it over the weekend , but Hopefully sooner.
  10. My plugin does the pause after a whisper occurs. I can add a feature so that it only pauses for certain players if you'd like.
  11. Added new version with option called Add Ignore Delay
  12. Addon was added in the description. I will add the delay option soon. For now, you can remove line 176 in the plugin file. calculateRandomSleepByRange(1000, 4000);
  13. Issues have been fixed. The Guild Check was always saying 'true' when a player wasn't in a guild.
  14. Yeah - I did -_-. Try now please lol
  15. Uploaded new version. Thanks for letting me know.
  16. Hi there. Is there a specific feature that isn't working or is everything just not working? I haven't tested this o. Wotlk, but I will install if nothing works. Thanks!
  17. For anyone that is unfamiliar with ramdisk configuration, can you provide some steps or a URL that describes the process?
  18. A few options that include reacting to messages in game: Create a notification (Phone notification/Email/Sound) Respond with a message: If you want to just ignore people who whisper you:
  19. Avvi


    Unfortunately, ALL system processes are suspended when the system goes into sleep mode (with a few exceptions for operating system operations).
  20. private void foo() { var tmp = calculateRandomByRange(1000, 3000); //sleep for random between 1000 and 3000 Thread.sleep(tmp); // run macros macro(): } private int calculateRandomByRange(int lower, int upper) { Random r = new Random(); return (r.Next(lower, upper)); } Here is how you do a random sleep between 1000 and 3000 milliseconds in C#.
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