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Posts posted by Avvi

  1. 1 hour ago, scripterx said:

    Alright I'm very close to the solution (even if I realize it's kinda useless)..I'm glad that I can made it work, and yes thanks to your support and suggestions obviously. Basically there is a command "hooksecurefunc" which pretty much does the job. I redirect the CastSpellByName and also CastSpellByID (just in case) with a function and it's ok, the weird part is:

    I tested with a Priest just the istant spells, it blocks for example the Shadowform, Dispersion, almost everything. But doesn't block Holy Nova, Prayer of Mending. So I said, maybe it doesnt block Holy spells, but guess what, Power Word: Shield is blocked..I mean what's the difference between PW:S and Holy Nova? I don't get it. if the command stop almost every istant spell why does it let me cast Holy nova and not PW:S?

    Talking about spell with cast time, it doesn't block them at all. I don't know why?

    Not a big deal, but the thing that blocks only some spell and other not its really really weird I can't understand

    Technically Holy Nova is a Holy spell and PW:S is a discipline spell :) SO THERE'S A DIFFERENCE!!!

  2. 1 minute ago, wheels1911 said:

    so i dont have to install 2 wow.exe? just use same battle.net preinstalled for both?

    Some would recommend having two different installations , some would say even running on two different computers. It really just depends on how paranoid/how secure/how much you think blizzard looks into banning accounts. There's really no way to know how much is 'safe enough'.

  3. Just now, wheels1911 said:

    so make the guild on my main account? and have the bot accounts be members of the guild and then just throw the stuff they make in there? is pretty much it

    Guild can be made by any of them, as long as your main account has access to the gbank you should be good.

  4. 24 minutes ago, wheels1911 said:

    so im obviously going to make each account have its own email and battle.net and wow in its own folder somewhere away from my main account on my computer


    is it safe to just mailbox all my stuff from the bot account to my main does blizz track that.

    How do i get my botted items over to my main account?

    The best thing to do is to have a shared guild bank. Maybe an alt or something. Throw some invites out to people as a 'leveling' guild or something and keep a few tabs and the guild money as yours.

  5. I'm just going to vent, because posts like this irritate me.

    Things that accomplish nothing when creating a thread like this. 

    1. We have no way to troubleshoot this issue because no logs were provided
    2. Nobody else is reporting issues, so the issue is obviously on YOUR side of things.
    3. You call it 'Stupid BOT', but at the same time you even admitted that it has been working for 6+ months. How can you demand your money back AND at the same time in the same statement admit that it's been working perfectly fine up until recently. 

    I suggest that if you WANT help and or WANT to provide constructive criticism, that you do so in a way that is helpful for everyone involved. Posts like this just make you seem like a jerk, and pretty much makes everyone else reading this not want to help you.

    Here are the things you can try (and something EVERYONE should try) before submitting a post like this. And because you didn't report that you did, I will link to the page for you to run through some troubleshooting steps. Once you have done that, please provide some logs.


    And some additional questions. 

    1. Are you running Skype?
    2. Do you use Teamviewer?
    3. Do you have an NVIDIA graphics card that has some sort of overlay on?

    Disable/Turn off the above and restart the bot.


    If all else fails PLEASE provide the logs so that we , as a community, can troubleshoot your issues. How to collect logs, can be found below: 




  6. 1 hour ago, dvdood said:

    I am already using your fight class, modified for my needs :) I tried right now without modifications but same thing happens, vampiric touch sometimes is cast twice in a row for no reason :/

    Oh, sorry for the issue with it then :( . I think the best way to fix this is to actually do it in c# or use lua. Like @forerun said, the bot starts casting again because it has not detected that the target has the buff yet. Alternatively, there may be a wait to add a wait time of preventing it from being casting successfully more than once every x seconds in the Not spell is C# code part of the Spell Settings. I do not have a code example of this, though. Or even.. ..  add a Thread.Sleep(250) right after the spell is casted. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Matenia said:

    It's easy enough. All spells the client casts through the interface inevidbly go through CastSpellByName() (in Lua).
    Therefore, you can overwrite CastSpellByName with your own function, do a condition for HoJ and just make it do nothing if target has CoS etc.

    Do I think that guy is actually doing it that way? Probably not. He's likely just boasting/lying about something he has done in a way more simplistic way.

    That's exactly my thoughts. doing the override just makes more sense here.

  8. 20 minutes ago, scripterx said:

    Oh i see, I was thinking in a lua way ;)

    Well idk how to explain.. basically the "UNIT_SPELLCAST_SENT" is the request you send to the server to launch a spell, and assuming conditions are true (target is in line of sight, in range...) then it triggers immediately SPELL_CAST_START (means the server accepted your request and the spell is going to land). So when this happens, the istant spell lands succesfully in a matter of milliseconds, while the spell with a cast time instead, begins to cast, and that's why I can stop this and not the other one.

    So I want to have the request denied from the server, blocking me from doing that spell. Like having a message "is out of range" "not in the line of sight", something like this.

    It's just curiosity, since that guy wrote that thing about the hammer of justice I was curious how it could even work.


    It may be possible. I may even be wrong about something i said above. Hopefully someone else can chime in on this.

  9. 12 minutes ago, scripterx said:

    I think you meant if cast time < or = 0 then stop casting (you said: cast).

    In my C# example, it would be Cast.. because the event triggers based upon the spell beginning to cast. So, once the bot sees that it's a spell that has a cast time, it will stop the cast.

    If your goal is to stop casting based on some sort of 'event'/'trigger', then I agree that checking to see if it's an instant cast/not one is irrelevant. I re-read your message, and I see that i completely glossed over your actual question. My mistake. 


    And more than likely,  "can I stop an istant spell fired with UNIT_SPELLCAST_SENT? Or when that event starts, it's too late to block it?"

    I think it is too late to block the spell.  I think the best thing to do is to check your condition before casting anything.

  10. 6 hours ago, scripterx said:

    I forgot to mention I was writing that entirely on LUA and using pqr, so I can't put C code in it (at least i think). Also I'm not skilled enough on C language so I can't understand that code 100%.

    The reason of my question is because I came across a guy who claimed he has some pqr scripts that do certain things which seemed weird to me, and I wanted to try by myself if that could been done for real, I never thought about that:

    " [Hammer of Justice]: Will not be used if [Cloak of Shadows]/[Ice Block]/[Bladestorm]/[Spell Reflection] or any other spell that prevents you from landing it is up.
    This script will stop you from casting [Hammer of Justice] if any of the spells stated above are up."

    This is what he wrote. I mean I can understand a SpellStopCasting() when there is Spell Reflection up and you are casting so you avoid being reflected, it's not hard its like 2 rows of code... but how can a script prevent you from casting an istant spell, like Hammer of Justice?

    So there are two ways:
    1) The script has an automatic Hammer of Justice cast (which is completely idiot imho, what's the point?), and before casting it, it checks target's buffs.
    2) The script blocks you from manually casting Hammer of Justice by mistake, like target with Cloak of Shadows.

    If its the first option well it's the worst script ever for sure and I don't see how can people find that useful, if it's the second, that would be actually a good script for pvp (even if it's not hard to check target buffs before using a certain spell on it..) but it's still interesting code talking.

    check the casttime of all spells before they are casted. If the cast time is greater than 0, then stop casting. If it's 0, then cast.


    And I'm the opposite :D. I can read LUA, but it's definitely not my forte.

  11. Modify your event listener to check to see if the spell that is being casted has a cast time  less than or equal  0. I have no idea what SpellStopCasting() does, but the below should work.

        private void watchForCast()
            EventsLuaWithArgs.OnEventsLuaWithArgs += (LuaEventsId id, List<string> args) =>
                if (id == wManager.Wow.Enums.LuaEventsId.UNIT_SPELLCAST_SENT)
                    if (instantCast(new Spell(args[1])) == false)
        private bool instantCast(Spell spell)
            return (spell.CastTime <= 0);
  12. 5 minutes ago, kpeno said:

    Have no idea bag this or no, but if bot in city with high amount people around  - bot start usage many CPu (plugins disabled, load default quest profile with only waittime) and stop bot after start, but wrobot.exe anyway eat 5% Cpu. For example: in fight or move to any area - bot usage around 2% CPu :)

    To be honest, 3% increase does not seem like that much percentage. Also , depending on your system specs 3% may actually only be 1% on a different system.

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