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Everything posted by Niklas1337

  1. Hm okey, how does it work? :p
  2. Hello! I use create fight class and put healing name and % for heal. The bot use highest rank of that healing, can I change so it use lower rank of that healing?
  3. I have same problem and when I try to change to the lowest HP manual the bot still want to kill that mob the bot have target.
  4. Hello! I use Automaton and made profile in the creater with some buff and healing. But the problem is when the bot run into a camp or 2-3 monsters and I got killed.. I putted range: 10 in the profile so my char wait for them to attack me but when its yellow targets its just stand there and wait for 5-10 sec then run away. So my question is if its something in bot that feel when its alot of monsters, going there slow for lure it to me and move back 10-20sqm from all monsters around. And if they are yellow so will it kill it and not stand away and just watch? Something that should be really nice.. Settings for monsters like +4 levels, go around, dont go to close.. If its to many monsters go slow to it and wait untill they attack and move away abit.. Sometimes my char jump/stand "in" the monster and turn around so slow for try to attack it.. Maybe the bot will move back/forward at the same time its turn around Some diffrents larm if someone priv message = 1 sound, or if someone is close and say something its will turn on like some larm, "pip, pip" Settings for heal so its not spawn to fast.. Sometimes its cast 1 time and i got full hp, then it cast again.. And maybe its heal little diffrent 50-70% health so will be harder for ban :-) Sorry for my English NNiklaSS
  5. Yea its spam the spell SoR and when its heal its heal 2 times but only need 1 time... And is it anyway to make it not attack target some not is mine?
  6. Never mind! I fixed it I think :-)
  7. Hello! I have download trial version for vanilla. Download a paladin fightclass script and make a little waypoints script around the camp, but I cant get the bot start move for se if its start attack or anything.. Wrobot: Grinder Fight class: McRo Paladin.cs Profile: Test waypoints.xml Thanks, NNiklaSS
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