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Posts posted by artur.k

  1. make profiles for every high end materials like every zone have one or two that materials,farm low drop pets there is tons of ideas if want i can pm you whot i farm on vanilla (i now not bot on vanilla but years ago farm) i always have 8 chars online with 8 hours break for next teams not get bans and always have max materials to post

  2. Hi guys i have questions maybe someone can help me fix this  how to avoid 2 things in tbc wow

    first this Hardware change prompt every first run after computer restart even if before you set everything and save

    second most frustrating how to run tbc clients faster now when i run tbc client small 2-5 mb wow.exe will start and i need wait even one minute when it start window normaly,but if i run second wow  it will start immadiately before first even popup



    strange i have few machines and on one pc none of this problems show but on another pc they show i dont know why

  3. even with all plugins bot will be bot and good eye need seconds to see this i think most important is not plugins ( but yes they are good and better have them )

    but route bot can be more human yes but better will be to not be visible use private profiles hidden places,yes its hard on big servers but no one say botting good botting is easy

    like i see today 3 bots use same profile on feralas even if they are move action like human haha who the hell think they will survive,few hours all got ban


    i see on this forum some people get more money from creating profiles instead of botting in game for me its funny:) if you want be good and have high chance to ding max lvl dont buy any grind routes 1/max   buy plugins like HMP or good FC or anything that make you more like human but never ever use public route and in public i mean buyable grind profiles also maybe except full random questing profiles.

  4. every server is a cash grab:) on every  one  they sell gold/accounts backdoor plus every private server is a pile of shit  BUT  if real people play here there is money and its ok to bot here:)

    i play on every server where i can get profit and i leave every one where i cant:P

    and im just little interested how to get 600g on 25 lvl on ah yes?:) (they ban many times on angrathar for gold selling they just need time to see logs i not say they are not stupid but they ban for gold selling also server is fresh and now we have some weeks where we can "play" here easy way) we can say its bad server but price today on nightbane is little too big to leave it

  5. on sunwell they have good gms and you can use best fightclass best profile but if person who watch you know how wrobot work he will  report you,next gm will only do one thing 1. teleport you 20/30 yards and watch (there is plugin for this on forum) 2. or freeze/sleep you in place and just watch it takes max 30 seconds  but average 10/15 and you get ban

    no one on this forum made plugin for this gm freeze/sleep command for sunwell it will be most important stuff to counter bans but no one care


  6. 7 hours ago, Mike Mail said:

    @Ordush Doesnt play warmane, he is mainly TBC from what i see with his fightclasses. 


    i have botted 2 toons to 80 with in 2 weeks slowly and didnt get banned.

    2 toons with 2 weeks on server with multiple exp,i not say i cant lvl i just say i can but its: " manage to get high lvl with wrobot now but it takes enormous time and is a waste of time becouse bot must more be offline than online "

    i can play 16 hours by hand  but i cant bot 16 hours per day on bot and i talk about  icecrown,dont even try on lordaeron  now with bot it will take months if you want have chance to lvl to 80.

    @Ordush explain it perfectly whot i think,

  7. 1 hour ago, Ordush said:

    Keyword "detected the moment you login."
    That is exactly what makes the difference between being detected or not.
    If wrobot was detected, it would be the moment you log in. ?

    i think they can see you use wrobot but they hell NOT BAN you instant they decide ban  later if they will ban every account instant @Droidz will see where wrobot is detected and how, can fix it easy,if they wait and ban you later 1,2,8 hours 16 hours 24 hours you have 0 chance to know WHY and thats why they can ban others old bots instant becouse they know 0 update they need be sneaky with wrobot becouse update can be made.

    And its only my opinion but i see this patter many times in last days if you run bot on different times of the day it depends when you get ban like one person refresh accounts who was flagged for botting and ban them on different hours.

    So far i have 8 machines where i was use wrobot for lvling icecrown,lordaeron[outland not needed also have sneaky methods:P thank you @Ordush for show the way:))my record now 1 day 1 hour to 70] and only on 2 machines i manage to get high lvl with wrobot now but it takes enormous time and is a waste of time becouse bot must more be offline than online ?


  8. guys ok tauri tauri but i was thinking on not tauri one servers but from my country  sunwell team will open new mop realm,i know its  future becouse they realease first tbc,but mop will be also and it will be hard bot mop if they see all besides they have best gm's and time response for report tickets:)

    i realy good know this guys and if they will have tool to auto ban they will use it without see you are friend or not:P

  9. and angrathar wotlk where gm work with 100% and you can get ban by report,or gm just freez char and see,teleport or just whisper attack you,them no not  detected just good gms:)

    i dont play on mop but Mike Mail maybe it is about mop tauri server?


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