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Everything posted by Photogenic

  1. I tried that, problem exist. I noticed a pattern though. The bot approach the mob, once its in something like 10 yards range, it stops moving -like a pause- for 1-2 seconds, then continues approaching target, but most cases manages to auto attack before pouncing and breaks out of stealth.
  2. Hello, So I am using feral druid, my fightclass should go Prowl, then walk to target > then Pounce. Problem : Bot use Prowl, starts walking towards target, STOPS in very close range to target (but not close enough to cast Pounce) and sits there spamming pounce. What happen there is the mob detects my character in stealth > Run toward my character while bot spamming pounce , then the fight start either by my Pounce or mob hitting me. If not detected, it would sit there. What did I try to fix it? I added Pounce twice, one with Combat option True. Other with Combat option False. Yet problem exist.
  3. I know your struggle my friend lol.. I have been running multiple toons and having to pick up quests from each and so on and so fourth. Also, waiting to mount up after a certain distance is troubling because it makes you look bottish not multiboxer. I wish Droidz would implement the idea of multiboxing (pick up same quests as leader and/or pick up and turn nearby quests in "X" yards, as well as mount up if Leader is mounted) That would be total bomb!
  4. I copied it from your sample file and worked! I think I had some spaces or something the first time! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Thats amazing!
  5. This didn't work..Sorry for the trouble my friend and I appreciate your help.
  6. Well basically, I added Abolish poison in my fightclass which is .xml. And I want to Cast Abolish poison whenever I am inflected by a poison using condition "Lua script"
  7. Hello, I want an Lua script to detect debuff type only. Like if its magic / poison / curse..etc If its poison = Cast my spell..? I don't want to type debuff names such as Crippling, Wound....etc. That would be very very long list, I just want to check the debuff "type" and cast my spell based on that.
  8. I think you need to change your Latency from Advanced settings > Others play with the Min|Max. For example, if your ingame is 50. Try put 50-100. Play around and see..
  9. Hello, So my problem is that the bot tends to use Mangle and Rake before using Faerie fire... Sometimes, it uses Faerie Fire first. It seems way too random! I have faerie fire in higher priority See here where it didn't use Faerie Fire first. and here it uses Faerie fire FIRST!.. Both are the same fight class and same sessions. Why ?? And I have seen this happens many times with other spells and other classes where the bot skips spells. My settings for Min|Max Latency is 350-750 my actual and ingame Latency is 150
  10. write this in the empty box in your fight class, above "Add spell" then click Add spell RunMacroText("/cast Faerie Fire (Feral)(Rank 5)") Change the rank number based on whatever rank you have. From options, put "Timer : 6100 " which is means the CD is 6 seconds, and "Combat only = False" Add conditions: +Target Buff Name: Faerie Fire (Feral) False + Buff Name: Cat form NOTE: :If you want it to work on another form, Create another exact spell and conditions except change the name on the buff. +Target Distance Smaller or Equal to 30
  11. yes there is more into it actually. You have to add conditions, I assumed you were aware of that. First, the spell you going to use for Party or friendly people has to be completely separate from spell you use for yourself. The spell you use for yourself --> Change from option and make it (Cast spell on self = True ) Now for friends --->from option: Cast spell onself: False, Cast spell on : None -Conditions to add: +Target buff type the buff name and make it False +Target is player True +Target distance Smaller or Equal to 40 Finally, from wow interface > Uncheck Auto self cast This will work for people in party for sure, but I don't know if it will work for randoms. But I am pretty sure you can do such a thing with C# profile except you need the knowledge to do it. Unfortunately, I don't. Hope that helps :)
  12. From fight class when you create new spell for friendly people, use from settings For party : True, Buff : true
  13. You have to make your own or pay someone! I dont have any, but i will be making one soonish.
  14. when you open the folder simply do CTRL+F (to search your log) and type whisper. :)
  15. do you mind sharing your Fightclass so I can take a look? In a private message!
  16. It seems like no matter what I put in there, the plugin still do the same movements. It does not follow what I put in there. And when I open it back again, it has all that stuff written from the first time.
  17. Okay so here is whats up.. Bot stutter when mob is like a the top of the hill while my toon is at the bottom. Technically, if you think about it, the mob is at a higher ground > Bot has to use the Z and X dimensions at the same time. thats what I think. What the bot would do is stutter and stutter until it gets in a semi even ground with the mob where there are no Hills / Walls. AS a player, I can attack the mob from a far without a problem, but in the bot mentality, the target is not in line of sight! I wish there is a fix for this? Sadly I have zero knowledge of C# and coding and all that kinda things.
  18. I am running multiple Wrobots, most are at 2%-6% but they keep jumping up to 20%-30% CPU usage. And they randomly go up and down! I think this means there is memory leak or something.
  19. Can this be a real thing please ? Again, druid can harvest herb WITHOUT touching ground! = No combat ( about 5 yard range from node ) but the bot has to land completely (touch ground) before starting to harvest! = Combat always if mobs around. it can save a lot of time and a lot of headache
  20. thank you for sharing my friend. Tho I am clueless about C# and all these things. All I know is how to use the fight class creator so I really dont know how to use this. My hunter consumes all pet food fast because everytime it feed the pet, it starts a combat.
  21. @Droidz Problem still there, Gatherer is useless now because it makes my toons all look bottish 100%
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