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About Extc

  • Birthday 06/23/1989

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  1. WoW.exe There you go, 32 bit 4.3.4 client.
  2. Hey, its been a while since ive been in the Wrobot scene or even playing WoW, but recently my IRL friends asked me to join them for some casual playing on Warmane Icecrown and im up for it, im just curious hows the detection status on icecrown server nowdays? I would be only using rotation bot. Also if the detection is rather high, is there any alternative to GSE addon which works at warmane 3.3.5a? I would be making neat 1 button macro for it, warmane forums has backported gse but I cant make any icons with it and that means i cant move the macro to my bars and use it. Edit. I Was also considering the old Lazybot if theres people who remembers it, it had rotation bot also and was kinda configurable for tanking and dpsing, anyone uses that one on warmane and is undetected? Any other pointers would be appreciated. Edit2. I managed to finally get the backported GSE to work, woop woop, but im still curious abut detection status on Icecrown.
  3. Scroll up "my purchases" then click manage and ull find ur license key.
  4. Its implemented, it chooses the first one as default if it isnt made at quest profile to pick otherone, never had this issue before, thats why im pretty confused
  5. Update: The Q return is so fast i cant even react myself with bot on to select manually the Q reward, IMO it needs delay or something.
  6. Im not sure is it server or bot issue, but at the tauri wow crystalsong, the bot seems to try to return Q too fast, tried altering MS with multiple different options but no luck in there, no addons, otherwise the bot seems to run smooth, but when theres option to take Q reward it seems to stuck on " you need to select guest reward ". Doesnt do that everytime, just sometimes. But well makes it impossible to AFK, eventho I have profiles which should be fine (my own and bought).
  7. And also make sure u got default castbar visible.
  8. Yeah that worked, weird, never had to alter the MS, owell thx ?
  9. Yeah, mining/herb gathering is 2.5sec and quest object is 5secs, seems like it thinks its mining or herbing since it ends right at the 2.5sec mark.
  10. Hey. The topic says it pretty much whats the problem. Bot tries to gather quest object too fast, it thinks that it takes 2.5sec but it takes 5sec, this happens on vanilla+, otherwise the bot works great there. Fix for that would be nice.
  11. I only did write down path, prolly does that.
  12. I had folio hat theory that Lights hope is DDOS:ing youre path finding server to bring it down for catching up ton of bots at once, is there something like this possibly happened?
  13. Oops, forgot to add pulse, works now.
  14. Food/Drink, just scout through all of them and ull get hang of it.
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