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Everything posted by edes74

  1. Thank you for trying to answer. So is it a closed case, Wrobot wont be updated for Endless and will never work there?
  2. You can't log in without this patch, that is the issue.
  3. Any updates on that issue anyone ? 😄
  4. Whan wrobot use click to move, your toon is drifting
    Hello, i've bought this Rotation some time ago, and it worked flawless
  5. Hello, im' creating a sham heal profile for TBC is there a way to not face target (party or raid member) when healing ? I just want my char to afk heal and not move Thx :)
  6. Hello, i want to create my own Classe fight routine, and id like to know if there is any way to add a condition : don't try to cast if i'm mooving thx alot
  7. This is not working ;( Edit : CastSpellByName("Chain Heal(Rank 1)") just needed to add a space :p
  8. So great ! Any way to don't try to cast when i'm moving ? :)
  9. Hello, I'm new to Wrobot, and I'd like to know if there is any option to derank healing spell. I want to Chain Heal rank 1 and 4 Thx alot :)
  10. hi, I bought a private server license Yesterday, but i got no updates about the Key :) Can i get some help please ? thx alot ps : Nvm i found it ! :)
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