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File Comments posted by pecorino

  1. 9 hours ago, FNV316 said:

    Well, that is indeed possible. If a server runs a different version and quests have been altered, that can cause issues. Thanks for the hint, I gonna start a test run there tomorrow.

    I started a new char on northdale and didnt touch it at all. So far i'm in the high teens without too many issues. there were some hiccups where the bot didnt want to interact with quest items or gets confused when it needs to move between continents. it isn't FLAWLESS on northdale, but with a touch of babysitting (so far been going off and on 24 hours) it's been doing okay. Looking forward to updates for northdale. That'll be great.

  2. Is there a way to skip doing a quest without looking up the quest id, stopping the bot, adding the quest as done, restarting and finding out the next quest in the chain? Sometimes there's far too many people around a questing spot and I'll have to take over manually and end up doing 3-4 quests and it really seems to bug the profile. Thanks.

  3. It definitely is the plugin because the bot loots fine when the plugin is turned off. Latency is where it should be and looting is turned on in general settings. 1.12 is what I'm running it on. I don't mean to sound argumentative but the issue only occurs with the plugin enabled. I did try turning off looting in general settings altogether but that just caused me not to loot at all, which obviously makes sense. Turning it back on causes the same issues with plugin enabled, but is fine disabled. 

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