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Everything posted by MistaPlex

  1. Yes i'm using the Relogger application. Wrobot is up to date for 3.3.5a clients
  2. its definately spelled correctly^^ checked it a few times^^
  3. Hey, i set up the relogger and everything works fine when i start it. Just when he disconnects he isn't able to login cause he's getting stuck at choosing the Server oder getting stuck at the log-in screen. Any solutions? Im playing on a Private-Server
  4. Hey is there any plugin which automatically buys in pvp stuff if i have enough honor? Maybe anything where i can set a list which items to buy?
  5. he's actually not buying in any food or drink :( i activated it in wrobot and set drinks to 80 and food to 20 but he doesnt buy in. Any help pls?
  6. Hey guys first of all thanks for the profiles BetterSister. Is there any reason that wrobot isnt using the class trainer? how can i fix it? I'm leveling a Priest so it should be supported.
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