World of Warcraft is portable. So the easiest way is to copy and cleaning up the copied folder. If you are too lazy for it. I have wrote a batch file for you.
@echo off
echo World of Warcraft copy and cleaning up
echo A path with spaces has to be inside of two quotes e.g. "F:\World of Warcraft"
echo If the path hasnt any spaces you dont need them e.g. F:\wow2
echo WARNING: At the end of the path there is not slash!
echo ________________
:: variables
set /P source= World of Warcraft source folder:
set /P des= Destination path:
set xcopy=xcopy /S/E/V/Q/F/H/I/N
%xcopy% %source% %des%
echo Cleaning up destination folder
rmdir /s /q %des%\Cache
rmdir /s /q %des%\Interface
rmdir /s /q %des%\Logs
rmdir /s /q %des%\WTF
rmdir /s /q %des%\Utils\cache
rmdir /s /q %des%\Utils\logs
echo done