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Bug Tracker
Everything posted by firekiler
My wrobot window gets a different name,which is different from wy game neam. How slove this?
This is new log 26 四月 2018 21H19.log.html
My account is safe.I disabled wow addons,but do not work. WR disappers only on that private servers.
I have updated the WR,but it still be detected.
OK 26 四月 2018 19H00.log.html
WR disappears for a few seconds after s I runed it , I guess this privte servers baned it. How can I sovle this?
Hello, who knows How to set reply? For example:A say: hello? I want say hello too. How can I solve this? ( just say, not whisper)
Sorry for my poor english,I wish you can understand this.
Hi,I use Whisper Reply.cs in the privte servers, but the GM alwwys whisper,for exampe: please reply GHFGF(or something else),or your account will be baned. so, How can I do with this? who can solve this ,i appreciate for your help, or I can pay for it.
who have a Pickpocket file,which can be used in TBC privte servers? I can pay for it.
can wr work on both 2.43 and 3.35?
I added a repair npc in the npcDB,but it always goes another repair npc which is verry faraway. How can i do?
"you cant use taxi while in shapeshifted",how can I solve this?
I always get stucked at Cenarion Hold in Silithus when i need repair, my servers is TBC. Who knows how to solve this?
yes.for grinder.
Thanks, do you have any another solution?
I added a repair npc and vendor npc in my grinding file, but when it needs repair, it goes to another repair npc, how can I solve this?
thanks.I can see it
Is there anyone can help me ? I want a file for lvling my character form 1-70 in privte servers, horde, so, if you have one, pls email to my email([email protected]), nomater question or grinder mod.i really appreicate you.
I use grinder mod, for example,I am lvl 15, use profile lvl15-20,when i am lvl 20,I want use profile 20-25 automatic ,how to set?
I have bought licence for private servers.
I can not download most of the files, so, is there anyone can email([email protected]) those files to me, i really appreicate it.
when I run the quester ,use (01-05)NightElf, it just accpte the question ,then stand at there,do nothing.