Version 1.0.0
BloodElf Bot 1-110
profile is for a Horde BloodElf 1-110. Made with World of Warcraft Version
The route I have created is optimized for speed, and prioritized to stay away from the more popular areas of the game (to avoid other players).
This is only my Demo (Levels 1-12), I will be releasing the full released version in approximately 2-4 weeks.
I recommend running with heirlooms for faster level times
Quick-Quest is recommended, as it does cut down the time by about 30 minutes (For the full 1-110 leveling bot).
1-5 - Sunstrider Isle
5-12 - Eversong Woods
12-20 - Ghostlands
20-26 - Hillsbrad Foothills
26-30 - Arathi Highlands
30-34 - The Hinterlands
34-39 - Western Plaguelands
39-44 - Eastern Plaguelands
44-47 -Badlands
47-49 - Searing Gorge
49-53 - Burning Steeps
53-56 - Swamp of Sorrows
56-60 - Blasted Lands
60-62 - Hellfire Peninsula
62-64 - Zangarmarsh
64-66 - Terokkar Forest
66-68 - Blade's Edge Mountains
68-70 - Netherstorm
70-72 - Borean Tundra
72-75 - Dragonblight
75-77 - Zul'Drak
77-80 - Icecrown
80-82 - Mount Hyjal
82-84 - Deepholm
84-85 - Twillight Highlands
85-87 - Jade Forest
87-90 - Valley of The Four Winds
90-93 - Tanaan Jungle/Frostfire Ridge
93-96 - Gorgrond
96-100 - Talador
100-103 - Azsuna
103-106 - Val'Sharah
106-110 - Highmountain
I am charging $30 dollars for my fully released bot, which will include Every race for horde leveling from 1-110.
I will only be releasing BloodElf and Undead on the first week. Second week I will be releasing the rest.
You will receive the loremaster achievement for every zone listed up there except for Talador and Valley of the four winds.
If you do choose to download the Demo, please give me as much feedback as possible, the Demo isn't much... I know... so ill be releasing a 1-30 demo next week.
I am stopping production on this profile until the release of patch 7.3.5
In patch 7.3.5, blizzard has announced the new leveling scale. Zones will now be scaled to your item lvl.
Starting zones are now 1-10
vanilla zones are 10-60
BC & WotLK are 60-80
Cata & Panda are 80-90
Everything else is the same, the reason I am waiting until 7.3.5 is because I can cut down run times about 3-4 hours. I can choose to stay WotLk for leves 60-80, and I can stay in Pandaria from 80-90. Thus cutting down runtimes by 3-4 hours. I hope you all understand why I am waiting. Even if i dont wait with the new leveling scale, the quest routes might mess up the bot.
If patch 7.3.5 releases on November 28th, 2017 like everyone has speculated, I plan on releasing the bot on December 20th. Sorry for the big push date.