This still does not work. I have tried editing latency settings / confiremd that i get a bobber GUID / editing bobbers earch time and all fields, removing all addons and fight classes.
This fishbot does not work properly. Some locations work and others do not. Such as raventusk village with 425 fishing has issues, yet nardentis river in feralas has no issue. With the exact same settings in raventusk the bot will click at the end of the G in fishing just like in Sasha's video, however in feralas it will work.
How do I resolve these issues?
@Droidz can we please have further help?
Current settings are 700/900 min max latency / no fight class /wait time after loot 120-1200(tried many values)/ wait time before interact 200-1200(tried many values)/ Bobber serach time 2000-3000 (tried many values). The bot has no issues in feralas (never has) but is unable to properly fish in BG's (With plugin) or Raventusk.
Here is a log.