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  1. Sad
    Inf3ctious reacted to Linck in Instant ban on Project Ascension privateserver. Please help!   
    Anyone else using this bot on the Project Ascension private server and is experiencing instant detection ban (a few minutes after login with new computer and ip)?
  2. Like
    Inf3ctious reacted to Droidz in cant start quester after newest update   
    I'll resolve problem quickly
  3. Like
    Inf3ctious got a reaction from bizza in Thoradin's Wall (Hillsbrad/Arathi wall)   
    The meshes do not seem to account for the solid wall that separates Hillsbrad Foothills from Arathi Highlands. I will often find the bot running into the wall, it looks like wrobot thinks there is a gap in the wall somewhere south of the gate.
  4. Like
    Inf3ctious got a reaction from Matenia in Thoradin's Wall (Hillsbrad/Arathi wall)   
    The meshes do not seem to account for the solid wall that separates Hillsbrad Foothills from Arathi Highlands. I will often find the bot running into the wall, it looks like wrobot thinks there is a gap in the wall somewhere south of the gate.
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