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My client(wow) runs at 1000fps constantly if not cap put on I have to cap it to 60fps and 60hz via nvidia drivers and set 60hz and vsync ingame in order to work with wrobot, I'm on a 240hz monitor. Anyways your profile also only cast rank1 frost nova all the time even after it has ranks above it. And it does not cast berzerking with latest download as of today 13-02-2018 Also errors in the log, i only run your hbm and class fight nothing else. Also only generates rank3 instead of rank4, did not specify this since it has never been an issue before now it is, i wrote that issue under hbm, i assume it should do that?
Particular reason to why It generates second highest food instead of highest, does it not automatic set food and generate highest food? Im testing the mageprofile we discussed issues about and just noticed that it generates conjured food rank 3 instead of rank 4, nothing has been set as default in wrobot, however the water rank was correct
1) I will copy next log for you 2) Use another hotkey BAR than on BAR 1 use on another example like 4 or 5 "bar" I see others profiles I paid for doing exactly this, sometimes you want to play your self or monitor it while dying and want to take over, suddenly hotkey 1 on bar 1 is mana gem or something.. 3) Im running on a 8700k 5ghz cpu wth 16gb 3600mhz cl14 + 1080ti 11gb + 250gb 960 evo and a 1tb 840 evo from samsung ... I have around 30ms latency to server im just next to it elysiu.... My internet is 1/1 gbit on the WAN side I really doubt my system is a "toaster" The bezerker has never worked for me on your fight class it works on imagepro and other paids profiles i paid for for other classes, but not yours. But tell me what, give me screenshots of general settings every window that has the important settings and what you suggest and I will see if it helps anything, because all my shit is default, with paid lvling profiles, your hmp and vanillamage fight plugin.
I feel like I got ripped of my this, im using your human plugin and this profile. Frostbolts are not casting instantly after each other it always wait like 200ms or more, "not" spamming like a human would, also when you start the bot and it wants to generate food/water it spams trying to create it while running, also using number1 on your key is really annoying the bot is really awful, the cone of cold is also a mess and hardly casted at rank level 30. The profile also just tends to run into mobs before taking them at RANGE. The ideal way would be frostbolt x3 or 4x until mob arrives, cone of cold, move away frost bolt 2x, frost nova if no yellow mobs around, use COC/Firenova when mob is less than 7-10%, I feel like you should add those settings so players can adjust their self, the profile it self is not very good. Get the profile to blink at escape, so many irritations about this profile, the sheep is good however, in most cases, with that said, while having 2 mobs, killing the first then being low health, resheep mob being sure it wont get out, then use first aid and nail it after, why is this not a thing, that is the human way profile and human plugin screams bot. Also your human profile does not add up for extra mob aggroing while escaping, it will only escape from initially but every other mob you drag with it, will let you get killed, half cooked plugins :( Last but not least, the bot does not take into consideration when a mobs get auto frost nova, it will waste another frost nova 10-50ms after the mob just got auto hit by it, WHY, add delayed check timer to see if mob is already captured. Get the plugin to use class skills like bezerking on trolls, its wasted! uh uuh uhh last thing profile is shit spamming fireball/frostball on key1 all the time its insane, the swap sounds plays every 100ms or so, swap swap swap swap swap swap swap.
Addons and plugins disabled, same thing. [D] 13:59:25.188 - [Quester] New step (317): CycleofRebirth>Pulse 13:59:26.685 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1529 ; 717,888 ; 142,33 ; "None" 13:59:32.639 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Pridewing Wyvern (lvl 22) 13:59:34.389 - Number of Spells: 34 13:59:47.845 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Pridewing Wyvern (lvl 21) 14:00:02.257 - [Farming] Player Nearest of the node 14:00:02.575 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1577,24 ; 757,409 ; 133,939 ; "None" 14:00:10.344 - [Farming] Farm successful 14:00:10.719 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1640,26 ; 795,113 ; 129,504 ; "None" 14:00:19.033 - [Farming] Farm successful 14:00:19.516 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1703,08 ; 782,711 ; 134,429 ; "None" 14:00:30.282 - [Farming] Farm successful 14:00:30.687 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1726,34 ; 773,34 ; 136,96 ; "None" 14:00:35.690 - [Farming] Farm successful 14:00:35.893 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1748,77 ; 882,718 ; 131,44 ; "None" 14:00:52.908 - [Farming] Farm successful 14:00:55.143 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1622,01 ; 899,396 ; 123,166 ; "None" 14:00:56.560 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Raging Cliff Stormer (lvl 18) 14:01:06.025 - [Looting] Loot Raging Cliff Stormer 14:01:06.709 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1622,01 ; 899,396 ; 123,166 ; "None" 14:01:25.685 - [Farming] Farm successful 14:01:25.876 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1627,15 ; 984,317 ; 126,792 ; "None" 14:01:43.092 - [Farming] Farm successful 14:01:45.181 - Number of Spells: 34 14:01:45.916 - [Quester] Stopped 14:01:46.214 - Session statistics: Elapsed time: 00h:02m:32s XP/HR: 15631 - 54 min Kills: 3 (71/hr) Deaths: 0 (0/hr) Stucks: 0 (0/hr) Farms: 7 (165/hr) Loots: 1 (23/hr) Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C) Honor/HR: 0 (0)
Let me tell you what the log exactly shows... When I watch it work, it finds a new item to pick up, then it writes that 23:30:57.076 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1529 ; 717,888 ; 142,33 ; "None" After that it starts running to the item for x amount of time, and within 1-2 seconds it says 23:23:41.384 - [Farming] Farm successful The 23:30:57.076 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1529 ; 717,888 ; 142,33 ; "None" Is not written when its actually standing infront of the item trying to pick it up, its when it discovers it and moves to object.
its 100ms to 500ms? And I have 5-15ms to server. This is from another session. tried 500/2500 and 1000/5000 same thing. Not a single time did it loot correct. [D] 23:21:59.922 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft 23:22:00.470 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1447,92 ; 816,679 ; 142,055 ; "None" 23:22:18.713 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:22:19.934 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1488,74 ; 856,914 ; 132,446 ; "None" 23:22:23.220 - Number of Spells: 34 23:22:29.872 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:22:30.899 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1507,13 ; 819,177 ; 133,427 ; "None" 23:22:38.106 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:22:39.124 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1473,38 ; 902,268 ; 134,989 ; "None" 23:22:47.850 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Deepmoss Venomspitter (lvl 17) 23:22:55.551 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1473,38 ; 902,268 ; 134,989 ; "None" 23:22:59.853 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:23:12.169 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1577,24 ; 757,409 ; 133,939 ; "None" 23:23:30.123 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:23:31.075 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1529 ; 717,888 ; 142,33 ; "None" 23:23:41.384 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:23:46.748 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deepmoss Venomspitter (lvl 17) 23:23:53.533 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Looting Deepmoss Venomspitter 23:23:54.551 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1640,26 ; 795,113 ; 129,504 ; "None" 23:24:12.667 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:24:13.213 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding repair Veenix for next ToTown state! 23:24:13.213 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding vendor Veenix for next ToTown state! 23:24:13.831 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1703,08 ; 782,711 ; 134,429 ; "None" 23:24:23.799 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:24:24.921 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1726,34 ; 773,34 ; 136,96 ; "None" 23:24:32.336 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:24:33.213 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1748,77 ; 882,718 ; 131,44 ; "None" 23:24:47.463 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Raging Cliff Stormer (lvl 19) 23:24:49.398 - Number of Spells: 34 23:24:57.516 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1748,77 ; 882,718 ; 131,44 ; "None" 23:25:02.916 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:25:05.450 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1622,01 ; 899,396 ; 123,166 ; "None" 23:25:28.101 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:25:28.651 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding repair Veenix for next ToTown state! 23:25:28.898 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1627,15 ; 984,317 ; 126,792 ; "None" 23:25:48.196 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:26:00.214 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1473,38 ; 902,268 ; 134,989 ; "None" 23:26:22.399 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:26:23.331 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1488,74 ; 856,914 ; 132,446 ; "None" 23:26:33.682 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:26:34.642 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1507,13 ; 819,177 ; 133,427 ; "None" 23:26:44.270 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:26:45.283 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1447,92 ; 816,679 ; 142,055 ; "None" 23:26:56.736 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:27:09.261 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1577,24 ; 757,409 ; 133,939 ; "None" 23:27:17.094 - Number of Spells: 34 23:27:28.999 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:27:29.711 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1529 ; 717,888 ; 142,33 ; "None" 23:27:41.712 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:27:42.338 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding vendor Veenix for next ToTown state! 23:27:47.242 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1640,26 ; 795,113 ; 129,504 ; "None" 23:28:06.283 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:28:06.759 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1703,08 ; 782,711 ; 134,429 ; "None" 23:28:20.060 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:28:21.012 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1726,34 ; 773,34 ; 136,96 ; "None" 23:28:28.411 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:28:28.778 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1748,77 ; 882,718 ; 131,44 ; "None" 23:28:47.925 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:28:48.415 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding repair Veenix for next ToTown state! 23:28:48.415 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding vendor Veenix for next ToTown state! 23:28:51.443 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1622,01 ; 899,396 ; 123,166 ; "None" 23:29:12.445 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:29:13.307 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1627,15 ; 984,317 ; 126,792 ; "None" 23:29:32.023 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:29:41.086 - Number of Spells: 34 23:30:10.869 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1447,92 ; 816,679 ; 142,055 ; "None" 23:30:21.919 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:30:28.428 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1488,74 ; 856,914 ; 132,446 ; "None" 23:30:33.513 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:30:49.615 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding repair Veenix for next ToTown state! 23:30:49.615 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding vendor Veenix for next ToTown state! 23:30:57.076 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1529 ; 717,888 ; 142,33 ; "None" 23:31:02.629 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:31:20.240 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1577,24 ; 757,409 ; 133,939 ; "None" 23:31:31.152 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:31:31.834 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1507,13 ; 819,177 ; 133,427 ; "None" 23:31:48.903 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:31:50.224 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding repair Veenix for next ToTown state! 23:31:50.224 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding vendor Veenix for next ToTown state! 23:32:09.048 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1640,26 ; 795,113 ; 129,504 ; "None" 23:32:10.797 - Number of Spells: 34 23:32:28.238 - [Farming] Farm successful 23:32:28.881 - [Farming] Farm Gaea Seed > 1703,08 ; 782,711 ; 134,429 ; "None" 23:32:30.998 - Lbniese Rogue stopped. 23:32:31.283 - [AutoChooseFoodAndDrink] Stoped. 23:32:31.285 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stopped. 23:32:31.285 - [Quester] Stopped 23:32:31.796 - Session statistics: Elapsed time: 00h:22m:19s XP/HR: 3938 - 239 min
Typical scenarios is like this.. 15:09:11.668 - [Farming] Farm Battered Footlocker > 1249,3 ; 154,684 ; 4,96865 ; "None" 15:09:28.051 - [Farming] Farm successful 15:09:28.206 - [Farming] Farm Battered Footlocker > 1239,45 ; 222,891 ; 14,8428 ; "None" 15:12:26.654 - [Farming] Farm Battered Footlocker > 1185,02 ; 173,503 ; 2,90554 ; "None" 15:12:38.303 - [Farming] Farm successful 15:12:38.492 - [Farming] Farm Battered Footlocker > 1107,43 ; 249,567 ; 16,722 ; "None" It clicks to open and then right away moves on without really opening and looting, this is the same for many quests items you need to loot that takes maybe 3-6 seconds to open.
Vanilla wrobot client choose to ignore whatever settings you put into the gui It also seems that purple is missing from the settings. I noticed that there was never any green items, all sold even if unchecked. Settings/General-CharName.ServerName.xml file also had the entries correct but still selling Mistake/Hardcoded values @Droidz ?
@Matenia I do not think it has anything to do with the training in General, being to fast, I think theres some offsets wrong in Vanilla he needs to adjust that checks and crashes like the "Error injection says" I have tested with and without the native trainer in wrobot and the free profile for vanilla, same thing. As we speak right now I paused the bot since it leveled up, vent to trainer manuel and it crashed by just training 1 spell while bot was being active in background but in "pause" mode @Droidz
Not working, the only place where it works is when its dead it tries to bandage, but cannot since its dead, implementing Stat suggestion stops the trying to bandage when dead because the original code did not check if char was dead or not. But still not working, tested with low level chars, and made sure item id's was correct (vanilla)