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  1. Hello, Is there any way to check for the last skill that was used, or if a skill was last used in a certain timeframe?/ Thank you.
    Absolutely amazing work. Learned a lot for looking through your Fight Class. Thank you!
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Fight Class I made to get more familiar with the Fight Class editor. Demonology was a lot simpler than I thought. Features : Uses talents and rotation featured here Logic for Soul Shard management to avoid overcapping Uses Hand of Gul'Dan only with 4 Soul Shards or above (most of the time) Prioritises Shadowy Inspiration's instant Shadowbolts Uses Thal'Kiel (?) with half-decent logic Working Life Tap (Dev pls fix) (Maybe it's because I'm on an older WRobot version?) Working Felstorm Working Axe Throw to interrupt (?) Uses Fear if target casting TO-DO : AoE rotation Healthstone use Test Pet interrupt Tested exclusively on 110 Demonology Warlock
  3. Version 1.0.1


    Fight Class I made to get more familiar with the Fight Class editor. Decided on Survival Hunter due to it's complexity and the lack of SV fight classes here. Features : Uses talents and rotation featured here Logic for "Bite Phases", decent usage of Mongoose Bite Non wasteful use of Flanking Strike Mok'Nathal Tactics 100% uptime Lacerate 100% uptime, except in Bite Phase TO-DO : Implement Defensives Implement Aspects Better use of Fury of the Eagle Implement AoE rotation Implement better pet logic Tested exclusively on 110 Survival Hunter
  4. Hello, Is there any way to check remaining skill uses for skills? i.e. Shadow Word: Death, Mongoose Bite, etc... Thank you EDIT: Nevermind. I kept looking for"Skill Stacks" instead of "Charges" and got nothing. GetSpellCharges works perfectly.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Fight Class I made to get more familiar with the editor. Features : Rotation and talents from here Near 100% DoT uptime, reapplies when nearly over Cancels Mind Flay > Mind Blast / Void Bolt TO-DO : Figure out why Vampiric Touch double casts sometimes Better use of defensives Test silences and other kicks Better use of Mind Bomb (?) Tested exclusively on 110 Shadow Priest
  6. Hello, Piggybacking on this thread to say that I have the same issue. Trying to run WRobot for Legion 26365. Thank you
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