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  1. I could be wrong and don't have the app in front of me to check, but I was thinking there was a "buff time remaining" or something similar as an option in the fight class creator.
  2. They use a custom client and will be progressing from different patches. wrobot didn't want to connect though. will there be a working option available?
  3. Not quite what you want but you can always use alt-x to turn it on and off
  4. 2 accts banned, they said was detected using wrobot. i wouldn't use it on tari
  5. Could be something like your profile checking for a DOT or debuff casted by you before casting another spell but another character is placing that on the target? Or does it not work at all in any situation inside the raid?
  6. No you will have to create your own profiles. There is very little content here for that expansion.
  7. Yes it is. Two accounts instantly banned when bot started. Friend lost 3 accounts as well.
  8. Is there a way to have the bot not mount up if another node is within walking distance?
  9. Would anyone be interested in making a fight class for a Holy Paladin to use in dungeons, raids, and battlegrounds? I'll pay for one that works well and fast.
  10. If you have a good profile and fighting class you can make some decent gold. I'd suggest making your own to prevent others from using the same profile and getting reported
  11. I've tried changing the fps in the fight class but it still seems like it has about a 1/2 second delay between any casts. I don't have a lot of items in the class but maybe i need to prune it down some more. Would it be faster to convert it to C# instead of leaving it in the normal format?
  12. It's working fine with the fight class I made but it's just slow. Sometimes waits 1/2 second before casting the next spell. Thanks for any help.
  13. Make sure you get the digsites xml file other wise the bot will just stand motionless. Other than that it does work fine although it has some pathing issues at times so I wouldn't leave it unattended for hours
  14. Druid flight form gets stuck on water surface and refuses to dismount. It just keeps hitting the water looking VERY botlike. Is there a way to remedy this? Thanks!
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