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Everything posted by Taskman

  1. Hello everyone! I was looking for an Option where i could create my own Grinding Profile.. Something like "Start Record Waypoints".. Is there such an Option? If not is it maybe possible someone writes a small Tutorial? Im not asking for a full how to guide, but a little help in the right direction i would appreciate. I have two Paid Grinding/Leveling Profiles but i run into alot of other Bots doing the same Route over and over again (which is quite dangerous obviously) Thanks a lot
  2. Hello there! Im currently running a level 13 Paladin.. I use the Grind Profile of Eeny.. So far so good, but he keeps aggroing multiple mobs or just runs directly into 5+ mobs.. Or if he wants to kill a neutral mob next to a hostile one he pulls the neutral first & then get aggro of the other one .. Is there any chance to improve this behavior? he really dies a lot! =( Thanks in advance
  3. Hello there! I just bought your Profile pack and its currently running a Level 8 Paladin.. (Human) Is it supposed to do some Quests? Because it is just killing mobs around Goldshire "Bot state: Grinder for Elwynn boars and bears." Yes it is running as Questbot Thanks in advance :)
    Hello there! I just bought your Profile pack and its currently running a Level 8 Paladin.. (Human) We will se how it goes .. So far 1 Death, just runs into Fargodeep and adds 4+ mobs and Dies =(
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