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Everything posted by Bambo

  1. tbh i have never heard of this happening, although on northdale it currently is so hot, that I can not make a safe guess for that realm.
  2. can you maybe provide a small guide on how to setup a vm with bot and proxy program etc.? would be really helpful i guess ? or advice a program maybe for the VMs? and tips? ty greetings
  3. Same thing applies 100%. They don't need to catch you online, if you fail their tests. Just exchange my "talking with the botter" trough "being online and botting". Same stuff.
  4. Currently there is only eenys and mailus grinder. Not alot of variety. If you want, you can buy a horde quester profile. But I really recommend sticking to grinders, since all horde profiles are not polished.
  5. Well if they really go for certain "tests" that you can pass or fail. They will not go into discussion. If they see you failed 4 of 6 botting tests. You will get the hammer. No need to waste time on asking: "Did you bot?", obvsly no one is gonna be like " Oh yea, i am sorry, just hammer me!" ^^
  6. It is a framework. Which means it contains the basic logic of a fightclass for you to build up on and make it to the product, that you need it to be.
  7. Again. Afaik what you are seeing is the pull request to get the "News" Stuff on the upper left corner. There is no need for a constant permanent connection to just grab a few lines of text. If you log in with your character and play with it, there will be a permanent connection. Greetings
  8. It is normal. If I get it right, it is just the pull of the "Message of the Day" Stuff... Once you login and stay logged in, there will be a permanent connection listed in your proxifier. Greetings
  9. I can not speak for him. But if you ask me, I would answer that 1) last 15 levels will take extremely long with botting 2) if you get banned along the way it hurts alot because you almost did it 3) the last 15 levels arent that boring (seen elwynn forest many more times than burning steppes for example)
  10. For me, they dont even Talk to me. When i see the Box it already is over.
  11. How do you know about the Chinese. From what I have heard is they dont communicate with outsiders at all. Also some guys claim to get mass banned even through VMs
  12. If they are that close to your ass already, there is not alot you can do... And I thought K3 Botting was hard with that Flash GM xDD.. Northdale is a whole new game... Also I bet they haven been reading this thread alot... hello opponents ? we will find out at one point, trust me.
  13. Lets just find the most corrupt guy of them and pay him to get all the info we need. I am serious. Those guys are as hungry for money as we are... Maybe we find a little GM that has not alot to say but knows their systems.
  14. But test.... they have more than just tests for sure.... I just started characters. Literally have started the bot like 3 mins ago. And they were all chain boxed... There are no tests in the starting zones, come on
  15. Honestly the best thing would be to get an Insider that we pay all together xD pretty sure they are corrupt enough, if we find the financially weakest guy, we get the info we need
  16. I highly doubt they are using walking patterns to detect something. That would mean a huge amount of workload to do that for every char online.
  17. Doesnt explain 12 loading screens at the same time and all in GM Box at all. All 12 chars in the box were mine back then, no other chars that also didn't pass some "tests". Still appreciate your effort. Maybe you are right with the tests, but that would still mean they detect wrobot in a way ?
  18. 1) you should know that i run private profiles, because you test mine 2) chain bans (loosing 12 accounts within the same minutes, all ported to gm box, no other chars, just my 12 chars) 3) People with different VMs still get mass banned
  19. Very interesting stuff. Thanks alot for your research. I watch my bots alot. And they never have been fighting against mobs that constantly evade or something like this. I could have missed it as well though. TBH i think they stepped their game up and they detect wrobot in some weird way that it doesnt catch all people... Also, true anything below lvl 30 does not really seem to be of interest for them. Although I got mass banned on 12 low level accounts as well already.. All withing minutes. So they are not only able to detect wrobot itself, they are also able to create links between the accounts.
  20. Okay then!!!! I got a disconnect on the lvl 39 shaman... logged back in, a few moments later GM BOX! A few minutes later I got a disconnect on another high level char.... I was like OH OH!!! and yessss..... ? a few moments later GM box as well. Been talking to another guy. He also gets disconnected everytime before they box his chars... It wants to tell us something guys, start thinking... why the disconnect... Is it automated and they see something when we are logging back in?
  21. I literally just had a nice GM Box vacation on my lvl 39 shaman I instantly stopped it and jumped around acting as human as possible.... Not even talking to me. Account gone. They know for sure. Problem is we don't know shit.
  22. At this point in time. Anything is possible. I received some new info from @Matenia , they can literally (if they know how to) upload a virus to our systems if they wanted to. Or search for MAC, HWID, so on and so forth. Also, which does not support your theory, my characters that survived many ban waves, were very high level. And all in the same OS, so clipboard would be the same to all. But then again, they could've been trolling me to keep me in the dark. I was the very first one to experience all of this and make it public. Some people even blamed me for doing something wrong and attacked me big times. After a few days other people started to have it. I almost feel like I was their testing object. Also I sold an account and that one got banned immediately after sale. Ban Reason: "Profiting of Botting"! How dafuq did they know? PS: I obsvly refunded. Rip.
  23. Now I dont get the error anymore, ty. Still doesn't work at all though xD just skips to next pulse var bindLocation = Lua.LuaDoString("hearth=GetBindLocation(); return bindLocation;", "hearth"); var position = new Vector3(-407.123f, 1633.99f, -4439.37f, 15.43328); int npcEntryId = 6929; while (bindLocation != "Orgrimmar") { wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(position, npcEntryId); Lua.LuaDoString("GossipTitleButton1:Click();"); Lua.RunMacroText("/click StaticPopup1Button1"); } Thanks alot for the help.
  24. I know this thread already. As I stated. My Lua knowledge is very limited for now. I wanna fix the syntax of the code posted above. Or is it completely wrong and will not work? Thanks for sending the link anyway.
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