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Posts posted by Bambo

  1. Just now, vanbotter said:

    Yeah... i didn't mention anything about talking to the bot or the player. As i said, it was banned while not botting which means they never SAW it botting or WATCHED it. Which is different to usual. Other bans from other servers the bots have always been online when banned. 


    Same thing applies 100%. They don't need to catch you online, if you fail their tests. Just exchange my "talking with the botter" trough "being online and botting". Same stuff.

  2. 21 hours ago, Monkeylimits said:

    just to update it worked perfect and i totally get what u were saying @Droidz lovin the past 3 4 days now. been a breeze for me. any good horde scripts (paid) u would recommend? ive been using Eenys Vanilla of late. 

    Currently there is only eenys and mailus grinder. Not alot of variety. If you want, you can buy a horde quester profile. But I really recommend sticking to grinders, since all horde profiles are not polished.

  3. 39 minutes ago, vanbotter said:

    It seems they dont actually need to see you botting to ban you. Either they ban you based on peoples reports or ban you based on other information.

    Just lost 5 accounts, after a long PvP session of totally manually playing on 1 of the accounts. Played about 7 hours manually doing WPvP, went to bed, banned. 


    Well if they really go for certain "tests" that you can pass or fail. They will not go into discussion. If they see you failed 4 of 6 botting tests. You will get the hammer. No need to waste time on asking: "Did you bot?", obvsly no one is gonna be like " Oh yea, i am sorry, just hammer me!" ^^

  4. 11 hours ago, Reggan said:

    proxy bought from lime proxies, and setup in proxiefier.

    Have also setup multiple proxies all do the same .


    [07.27 17:32:25] WoW_2.exe - status.wow-europe.com:80 open through proxy WoW 2 SOCKS5
    [07.27 17:32:33] WoW_1.exe - status.wow-europe.com:80 open through proxy WoW 1 SOCKS5
    [07.27 17:32:35] WoW_2.exe - status.wow-europe.com:80 close, 113 bytes sent, 213 bytes received, lifetime 00:10
    [07.27 17:32:43] WoW_1.exe - status.wow-europe.com:80 close, 113 bytes sent, 213 bytes received, lifetime 00:10

    Again. Afaik what you are seeing is the pull request to get the "News" Stuff on the upper left corner. There is no need for a constant permanent connection to just grab a few lines of text. If you log in with your character and play with it, there will be a permanent connection.



  5. 44 minutes ago, CocoChanel said:

    Ye, this only happens to players who are reported, so by then you are already fucked, the important part here is to avoid chain bans, and I can assure you that it can be done by using a VM, that's what the Chinese have already started doing.

    How do you know about the Chinese. From what I have heard is they dont communicate with outsiders at all.


    Also some guys claim to get mass banned even through VMs

  6. 2 minutes ago, CocoChanel said:

    "I reported a mage botting in wetlands at the lvl 27 raptors. I AFKd on the hill above the area, and after some time a GM moved the bot several times to see if it would run back in range and immediately attack the mob. You may not have "seen" the GM chat window, but you would have noticed being moved from your mob over and over. You got caught botting."


    Comment from Reddit.


    How I would fix = If your character or current fighting target is moved more than 10 yards, ignore your current fighting opponent, and generate a smooth path back to the profile or generate a smooth path to the mob, and do random shit like strafing, jumping or saying a message in general chat like "Lag?".

    If they are that close to your ass already, there is not alot you can do...


    And I thought K3 Botting was hard with that Flash GM xDD.. Northdale is a whole new game... Also I bet they haven been reading this thread alot... hello opponents ? we will find out at one point, trust me.

  7. Just now, CocoChanel said:

    I know you run private profiles, but they have to be 100% private for you to be safe. Or droidz could just randomize the pattern a bit each time.

    I highly doubt they are using walking patterns to detect something. That would mean a huge amount of workload to do that for every char online.

  8. 2 minutes ago, exuals said:

    The links between accounts is their note system.

    It's based on connection IP, so all accounts share the same notes. This way they make notes about the actual player and can tell if you were previously banned for botting or muted etc for follow up offences.

    They don't detect wRobot, they simply have automated tests that they run on every single person reported for suspicious activity. If the tests are inconclusive (eg. user passed 4 out of 6 tests), a note is most likely added to the account and a GM will do manual follow up.

    These tests are easily producible by taking your current target and moving it away 20 yards, making it perm evade, teleporting your character away 20 yards etc.

    They also can do simple DB checks to get an idea of the autism involved, eg. Get a sum of all NPC kills for mob Id 4082, if over >500 this guy is clearly not questing and needs investigation.

    I rewrote my fight classes from scratch and included a wide range of scenarios for handling target distance, whether we're actually doing damage, ignoring fights and using a wide range of spells plus more accurate movement such as attempt to kite a mob higher lvl than us.

    I recently survived the past two waves (which seem to occur around 10am-noon EST) using private fight classes and profiles.

    If you guys don't want to be banned you need to step it up a notch and adapt to your environment. It's the little things that get you reported, tag a mob someone else needs for quest and they inspect and see if your a bot, don't return a buff from a passerby, respawn twice and get killed clearly. Simple plugins fix a lot of these issues.

    Doesnt explain 12 loading screens at the same time and all in GM Box at all. All 12 chars in the box were mine back then, no other chars that also didn't pass some "tests". Still appreciate your effort. Maybe you are right with the tests, but that would still mean they detect wrobot in a way ?

  9. Just now, CocoChanel said:

    There is no way WRobot is detected. If you want to bypass bans, make your own profiles. And no, don't buy paid profiles with the hope that it will be better because it will be the same. I'm 99% sure that they can see our LAN. If you want to go the extra mile, make a new set of profiles when your character get banned. Droidz could also go the same route as HB and make it so your bot will not follow your path 100% but will randomize the pattern every time it's loaded up.

    1) you should know that i run private profiles, because you test mine

    2) chain bans (loosing 12 accounts within the same minutes, all ported to gm box, no other chars, just my 12 chars)

    3) People with different VMs still get mass banned

  10. 10 minutes ago, exuals said:

    Some thoughts on this:


    I kept trying to think why bots would make it to level 30 before starting to get picked off, it's when both factions start to merge and bot in the same areas making it easier for GMs to group ban lots of bots based on common profiles.

    I've been checking Gears_LH on reddit looking for clues to their internal systems:

    Their notes system they use:

    Interesting comment on their bot detection:
    "You have the right to appeal via the control panel. A GM who was not involved in the original banning will review the evidence collected by banning GM. If you were not banning botting, the reviewing GM will be able to tell based on the output of the tests performed and you will be unbanned.

    FYI though, our bot tests don't concern whether you're paying much attention, because we know that people zone out when they grind. Our tests are for automation, and if you were playing as you said, you would not have failed them.

    Edit: Accidentally a word wrong"

    They have tests such as making a mob perm evaded, untargetable, move it farther away etc. We should develop a plugin that checks for various ways these tests can occur and to ignore any mob being tested on.

    People making topics for GMs to watch spots for botting:

    Next plan for those really upset:
    "You're both right. We process thousands of tickets. At any give time there are between 100-300 tickets pending. New tickets are constantly coming in even as we clear old tickets. Basically the number of pending tickets defines the response time."

    Let's spam the report system with fresh accounts, make the number of pending reach the thousands or even have it run a stack overflow.


    Further comments of interest:
    "He's on my tracker for now, I watched him for about an hour last night before bed while writing code, and seemed legit. But we'll continue to monitor."

    "I'm pushing leads to let me release a full breakdown of bans since launch. It's staggering."
    They have new technology they don't want leaked?

    "Yep, it may take a little time to get each bot, but we do, so don't fret if you see them still botting after being reported. They just don't know they are banned yet."

    "Woody was banned for botting after failing a suite of tests to a conclusive standard, not for using or making a macro. I have reviewed the data collected by the banning GM and concur. The appeal has been denied, and that is the end of this. Woody is welcome to create a new account and start over just as any player is, provided he/they obey the rules of the server."

    Once again they have a testing suite applied to suspicious or reported players.


    "The GM team is very healthy right now, and we are planning to take on a couple more GMs before launch.

    That said, tracking fish botting and seeing who is catching the fish and where, and even looking into instances to find fish bots is extremely easy.

    When we talk about "receiving" we don't mean players that buy stuff on the AH. We mean direct trades or mail, and thats stuff we can check directly."


    Very interesting stuff. Thanks alot for your research. I watch my bots alot. And they never have been fighting against mobs that constantly evade or something like this. I could have missed it as well though.


    TBH i think they stepped their game up and they detect wrobot in some weird way that it doesnt catch all people... Also, true anything below lvl 30 does not really seem to be of interest for them. Although I got mass banned on 12 low level accounts as well already.. All withing minutes. So they are not only able to detect wrobot itself, they are also able to create links between the accounts.

  11. Okay then!!!! 

    I got a disconnect on the lvl 39 shaman... logged back in, a few moments later GM BOX!

    A few minutes later I got a disconnect on another high level char.... I was like OH OH!!! and yessss..... ? a few moments later GM box as well.

    Been talking to another guy. He also gets disconnected everytime before they box his chars...

    It wants to tell us something guys, start thinking... why the disconnect... Is it automated and they see something when we are logging back in?

  12. 3 hours ago, shadydealer said:

    Is it maybe possible for them to force your clients to send your copy clipboard to a channel and then compare it? Somehow i made a mistake today, copying a text and it was also available in the copy clipboard of my VMs. While all characters above a certain level were banned, one VM with freshly setup accounts survived. Maybe they were too low lvl to talk (<5) at that time.

    At this point in time. Anything is possible. I received some new info from @Matenia , they can literally (if they know how to) upload a virus to our systems if they wanted to. Or search for MAC, HWID, so on and so forth.


    Also, which does not support your theory, my characters that survived many ban waves, were very high level. And all in the same OS, so clipboard would be the same to all. But then again, they could've been trolling me to keep me in the dark. I was the very first one to experience all of this and make it public. Some people even blamed me for doing something wrong and attacked me big times. After a few days other people started to have it. I almost feel like I was their testing object.


    Also I sold an account and that one got banned immediately after sale. Ban Reason: "Profiting of Botting"! How dafuq did they know? 

    PS: I obsvly refunded. Rip.

  13. Now I dont get the error anymore, ty. Still doesn't work at all though xD just skips to next pulse

    var bindLocation = Lua.LuaDoString("hearth=GetBindLocation(); return bindLocation;", "hearth");
    var position = new Vector3(-407.123f, 1633.99f, -4439.37f, 15.43328);
    int npcEntryId = 6929; 
    while (bindLocation != "Orgrimmar")
    wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(position, npcEntryId);
    Lua.RunMacroText("/click StaticPopup1Button1");

    Thanks alot for the help.

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