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Posts posted by Bambo

  1. 49 minutes ago, Findeh said:

    Well, if you asked, "Thoughts" are that you, for no reason, were dicking with the guy that owns realm that you are working at to make money. At the same time you were licking Droidz ass, for no reason as well. And you have spanded your time for moron activity like teleporting yourself to GM island, again, for no reason.

    As a result, WK is angry (at everyone, not only at you), Droidz is doing close to nothing, you have been baned and have spended your time. I guess you are doing something wrong, maybe, everything.

    Am I the only one not understanding what the hell is going on here?

  2. 36 minutes ago, Ordush said:

    Make a club only for wrobot users.
    his "ban" video is filled with screenshots of posts here.

    and then he buys a wrobot sub, its a public bot, he will always get the screenshots he wants ^^

    let him do his hollywood series on youtube, we do our thing, from what I have heard people still bot on LH and Outland etc.

    No winner announced, yet.

    Edit: Do not even know if its true but if he really was threatend IRL he has balls of steel to now start making fun of the people who threatened his beloved ones

  3. Hey wRobot community,

    please tell me. what would make wRobot a perfect bot to you?

    Where do you see room for improvement?

    The reason I am asking is, because my roadmap of vanilla content is about to be finished. So I will start TBC content for wrobot soon (Tbc questing for example). And maybe some features that you guys are missing?

    Kind Regards


    Edit: Obvsly my vanilla products will be updated in frequent intervals.

  4. Are you connecting via any kind of Remote Tool to the machine your wrobot is on?

    E.g. teamviewer, or Shadow, or Google Remote?

    It sounds like this is the ScreenshotProtection.

    You can turn it off in the RobotManagerGlobalSetting.xml in your wrobot settings folder.

  5. 12 hours ago, naviomg said:

    for the lift it might work automaticly, so far had no problems with using the lift in tb. for boat check the vanilla quester profil section there are examples using boat as well using the sw if tram. this should work as well for the lift if it does not work with wrobots pathfinder.

    tbh i think the movement manager only handles the tb lift and not the 1k needle lift. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Andoido said:

    told you =p they track your computer =D not JUST ip, ip is like a 2ndary way to see stuff.

    They see somebody botting - 1) check IP - how many accounts are on the IP. 2) Check computer id if any accounts are dual logged , or your MAC. 3) Check 1 account, and see if you were sent items or gold from an existing acc, and look at THat acc, see who all you sent stuff to - like a spider web thing.

    Pretty lucrative. Like i said above I use VMware and if i receive a ban on the VM i take 1-2hrs setup a new one. nd start again. Usually botting 2 accs max on this vm since i no longer waste my time with proxifier as its pointless as F..

    Hope it helps! Im at char @ 13 without a ban sofar. Why mess witha winning system.

    So you might loose 2 chars if they are in the same VM right? But nothing more. Is that what works out yea?

  7. I was one of the guys who had massive mass ban trouble on northdale..

    I never said it was literally detected, I always looked for the links between the accounts. Never found any convincing working theory. Maybe it really was the old LH vanilla client. Who knows...

    Ofc many people did think it was detected though. But its a difference if only a few people experience it or a programm is really being detected.

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