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Everything posted by Kr8zycdn

  1. I read teh FAQ didn't see this.. Well thank you.
  2. VERY frustrated! Still getting this error for the past 2 days and no help what so ever beside saying Read the FAQ.... GREAT HELP! Error I am getting [E] 21:41:18 - [My fightclass] ERROR: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format. at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal) at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info) at LuaUtils.GetSpellRemainingCD(String spellName) at Main.PreCombatRotation() at Main.Rotation() HERE IS WHAT I DID! uninstall the bot/ wow client completely deleted all. uninstall : Direct x , Microsoft >net Framework 4.6, and Microsoft Visual C++ 2010.. and reinstall them. Than downloaded a fresh copy of the WOW client installed it in C:game/wow Downloaded a fresh copy of the bot installed in the C:game/WRobot dragged my FC into the fight class. Worked fine for a min or 2 and than the god damm error popped again.. CAN you help me or please just refund me? So I can move forward and delete this hunter I was planning to make.
  3. Update, VERY frustrated! Still getting this error for the past 2 days and no help what so ever beside saying Read the FAQ.... GREAT HELP! [E] 21:41:18 - [My fightclass] ERROR: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format. at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal) at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info) at LuaUtils.GetSpellRemainingCD(String spellName) at Main.PreCombatRotation() at Main.Rotation() HERE IS WHAT I DID! uninstall the bot/ wow client completed deleted all. uninstall : Direct x , Microsoft >net Framework 4.6, and Microsoft Visual C++ 2010.. and reinstall them. Than downloaded a fresh cop of the WOW client installed it in C:game/wow Downloaded a fresh copy of the bot installed in the C:game/WRobot dragged my FC into the fight class. Worked fine for a min or 2 and than the god damm error popped again.. CAN you help me or please just refund me? So I can move forward and delete this hunter I was planning to make. I am an idiot, thank you Ordush for showing me the answer. I couldn't see it from the FAQ not even sure why i didn't see it.
  4. Already did all that! thats your answwer read the faq.. you dont think i rad this page here before posting ? you said this to other ppl I followed the direction! and still get an error.
  5. [E] 15:03:44 - [My fightclass] ERROR: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format. at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal) at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info) at LuaUtils.GetSpellRemainingCD(String spellName) at Main.PreCombatRotation() at Main.Rotation() still getting this shit. can you post something here on how to fix this..
  6. You need to pay for it. this is why Matenia posted here and referred to his FC instead of helping you.
  7. a log lol great solution haha.. I have no addons installed.. here is a solution.. wish this could of been said before but guess that was to hard install this plug in.. bam no more issues.
  8. This happens all the time.. and no solution yet.
  9. IT"S FOR PRIVATE SERVER that will eventually close eventually
  10. Are you using any plug ins? I mean i am trying to level a mage and pally and still not working quite afk able.
  11. well if you wish to sell profiles maybe updating the demo version could help cause it doesn't work without supervision for me. Therefore I will not buy this profile.
  12. FNV doesn't work without supervision.. anyways for me.
  13. Ill give it a go! thanks
  14. Really whats to configure man. the pathing is crap.. what profile are you using..
  15. Hello folks, I am quite stunned at the fact that this bot is just a money pit. Honorbuddy was quite working well for the price we paid. but this bot.. 22$ euro for something that works like crap unless you buy expansive fight class, plug-ins and profiles.. for a private server really ? I understand all the hard work that goes into making profiles, plug-in and such but this is just too much. I bought this on 06/29/18.. can i please get a refund! It works like crap with free profiles and to be honest. I do have time to babysit this bot. every 5 min.. my shaman took 6 days to get to 20... unreal.. I am not interested in putting a house rent into a game that is free to play and i do it better by hands.
  16. I have a quest that I am working on. Quest: Night's web hollow, zone deathknell. It has 2 objective to kill these below. Young Night Web Spider slain (10) Night Web Spider slain (8) the bots goes and kill 10 of the young night web spiders but just sticks around them and never makes it to the Night web spiders until everything is killed and no more young night web are available.. I did set both objective correctly. I assumed that once he is done killing the set amount he will move to the next one ? Not sure what to do ? Thanks.
  17. While creating a fight class example Warlock. For some reason he's a caster but yet targets a mob attempts to cast once starts moving and than once he reaches the target he starts to cast ? How can i prevent this and the caster stays at range ?
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