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Everything posted by AmberLaHotee

  1. Just got banned, was duo botting on 1 PC. I was playing active and talked to the GM when he TP´d me to GM island, so he didn't catch me actually botting. Both accounts hit lvl 40 shortly before.
  2. Hi again, using this FC now for a while. It was putting down Stoneskin Totem and Mana Spring Totem every time when fighting 1 unit, bec the condition "UnitAttackPlayerNear" is missing for both, also there is a typo in Ligh[n]tning Shield, so it has never been casted. (Also there is a minor typo in Stoneskin totem). I also reduced the cast time of Searing Totem, since it is important for farming and most Shamans use it very often for grinding. As I am playing hybrid Shaman (Dagger + Shield), I am only using Flametongue Weapon. I attach the costumized file, its free to use, optimized as mentioned for 1handed enh shamans. edit: updated, sometimes flamtongue was not buffed Shaman_Enh_lvling - flametongue 1H+Shield.xml
  3. didnt know that spells have to be in action bar to be able to use thanks to debug log and thanks to you now working as intended after putting it into it ? [D] 19:29:48 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 939, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
  4. gonna check that out later with a clean wrobot installation and just this profile
  5. Both. 27 atm
  6. Having the issue that it doenst use heals (same issue with other shaman FCs). shaman.cs is in the fight class folder with Shaman_Enh_lvling.xml. Everything else works. Other classes dont have that problem, f.e. druid. English client, Lights hope.
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