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Everything posted by Bugreporter

  1. Thanks for that. It helps much. I've created a Stratholme Profile based on yours.
  2. Version Version 2b


    At First: Buy Findel's Loot-A-Rang or build your own Loot-A-Rang if you are an engineer This profile is a quest profile without any quests. It should help you to farm the Mount of Stratholme. Start the profile after the first gate, before you enter the dungeon. The profile only loot the baron, if you have a Loot-A-Rang (buyable) and set Loot Mobs=off. So you can kill the boss many times more before your bag is full. Because of a Bug in the Quester its a good idea to set the following settings: Loot Mobs: off Attack before beeing attacked: off These settings and a few more will also set temporary by the profile, but after you stop and restart the quester, the temporary settings are gone (thats the bug). At Last: Buy Findel's Loot-A-Rang or build your own Loot-A-Rang if you are an engineer
  3. Is it possible to loot only one boss, not all the mobs on the way? I work on a Stratholm dungeon profile, and after 2-3 runs my bag is full.
  4. Maybe I have a solution with multi-scenario-sriterias _, _, completedObj,_,_,_,_,_,critID = C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfo(1); if critID ~= 24922 then completedObj = 'true'; end; instead of _, _, completedObj = C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfo(1); In the second step (syntax not checked) I check also the critero ID. Is the ID wrong, then is the criterio gone (so my hope). Is it true, ComleteID will do the job. But did I see it right, thart completeObj is not local? (critID also, but this is only one line more.)
  5. A good sample. I can work with this if the target is a boss. but in one case the targets are mobs (farming for a very rare drop). With this i didnt found a good condition to break the loop. And there is also a door on the farm way. Maybe a good break condition would be something like "no mobs found" or "in the near of position x,y,z". But my c# is bad . Any Ideas ? Just tested on Stratholme: In this case, you have more then one Scenario Criteria Info: (First the 3 Ziggurate - Bosses, second the 9 Monster, third the Baron.). Wrobot checks the criterias for exit to fast and because of this, the Profile stops to fast. The Stratholm Profile has some other Problems, but this is at first my Problem (I Think)
  6. wrobot cant login. The connection to wrobot.eu is very bad from my location . An update is not possible (wrobot.exe have 4k,6k maybe 3k after download ) . From work I could do the update and wrobot.eu is very fast. (maybe because of the proxy) A try with my mobile (mobile data, not wlan) shows also a very slow conection to the website ... [D] 11:00:14 - D3D11 used [E] 11:08:00 - DFiosdfosfIDFsDIODJFsios#1: System.FormatException: Die Eingabezeichenfolge hat das falsche Format. bei System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal) bei System.Number.ParseInt64(String value, NumberStyles options, NumberFormatInfo numfmt) bei System.Convert.ToInt64(String value) bei authManager.LoginServer.PoibicauVavaedi()
  7. Thats right. in the log you only see "--buffs", because in the log you see only the name of the "spell." In this case the lua script ist the "spell" and named "--buffs" You have to change the for-loop variable form 6 to 11 (if I count your buffs right)
  8. Sorry, i cant. I only post the (imho) best solution. If you want to get the old solution change only if (GetUnitSpeed("player") == 0) and not (UnitCastingInfo("player")) and not (UnitChannelInfo("player")) with if not (UnitCastingInfo("player")) GCD is simple to detect. Use Parameter "Is Spell usable" in the fight class editor. in lua try something like this local spellid=123456 --[[change to the ID-nr of the spell)]] local spellname=GetSpellInfo(spellid) if (IsUsableSpell(spellname)) then local start, duration, enable = GetSpellCooldown(spellname) if (duration==0) then CastSpellByName(spellname); spell=spellname; break; end end
  9. A pause that is set by the user should not be overwrite by bot. - Player Nerby, pause bot *done by bot. OK* - Pause started a few sec later - Pause stoped *done by me. OK* a few sec later - Pause started *done by me. OK* 2 sec later - No Player Nerby, unpause bot *done by BOT. NOT OK* - Pause stoped
  10. I think I found the reason: I put a debug on sinister strike, the most important spell to build CP and also one of the last in the priority list - Sinister Strike (Combat. Important) - Run() time to execute: 109 - Sinister Strike (Combat. Important) - NeedToRun = false - KnownSpell, IsDistanceGood, IsSpellUsable - Sinister Strike (Combat. Important) - NeedToRun time to execute: 62 The spell is known, the distance was good, and the spell was usable. I could use it by klick. so there is a mismatch in your code. Maybe a wrong set variable, because after I stop and start wrotation again, it works fine. The boss didnt move, and I didnt too And in all cases I was in the red ring calculation by range was ON, unlock fps ON improve speed OFF edit: At a first step I will replace all checkKnowUsableRange with a LUA script to test, if the problem could be solved (for me).
  11. look here (in Fight Class Assistant) for stealth: for buffs: More solutions for rogue you can fnd here:
  12. Use Stealth if hostile 30 Yards away but only in pvp or solo <FightClassSpell> <SpellName>Stealth</SpellName> <FightClassConditions> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>HostileUnitNear</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionUnitNear"> <Type>Bigger</Type> <Radius>30</Radius> </Param> </FightClassCondition> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>LuaScript</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionLua"> <LuaScript> --[[ PvP or solo AND No Casting and Stealth off and ready ? ]] local idStealth=1784 local start, duration, enabled = GetSpellCooldown(idStealth); result=((UnitIsPVP("player") or (UnitInParty("player")==nil)) and (duration==0) and (enabled==1) and not (UnitCastingInfo("player")) and not (UnitChannelInfo("player"))) </LuaScript> <VarRet>result</VarRet> <ValueRet>true</ValueRet> </Param> </FightClassCondition> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>MeInCombat</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionBool" /> </FightClassCondition> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>MeIsFlying</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionBool" /> </FightClassCondition> </FightClassConditions> <Priority>11</Priority> <CombatOnly>false</CombatOnly> <CheckIfKnowUsableDistance>false</CheckIfKnowUsableDistance> <CheckIfView>false</CheckIfView> <AddToSettings>true</AddToSettings> <DescriptionSpell>Stealth. If hostile 30 Yards away. only pvp or solo</DescriptionSpell> </FightClassSpell> based on WoW 5.4.2.
  13. Bugreporter


    Do you use archy ? If so, check if archy found the digsite. If you use archy and archy didn't find anything, try one left-click on the archy symbol on the minimap
  14. Feint removed. Kick need a high priority to be effectiv. Feint as there-is-nothing-else-to-do-Spell needs a low priority. So I removed Feint from the Kick-code above.
  15. maybe bracket around UnitPower("player") >= 85 . but one a the first view the syntax looks good.
  16. NO !. You make a additional error. UnitBuff("player",GetSpellInfo(122510)) is the right one. notepad doesn't make syntax checks. It only shows blocks
  17. no, it covers (show) only the if-then-end block
  18. In this case: nothing. It isn't used. in other cases you could test, if you are the main tank and your aggro status http://www.wowwiki.com/API_UnitDetailedThreatSituation
  19. changed (UnitClassification("target")=="worldboss") to (UnitLevel("target")==-1)
  20. Every Boss has level -1 . In MC (60+) as equal as in SoO (90+) if (UnitLevel("target")==-1) then print("Hi Boss") end
  21. Maybe its a good idea to add an additional "If" after "If UnitExist...". The condition below test , if the target is a player and if wait up to 50% percent of the casting spell before kick. On NPC it kicks instant Reasons: a /cast; /stopcasting; /cast again; wouldn't work for the target, because we wait, if he really cast. :-) a too fast kick could be identify as kickbot. And we don't bot !!!... or? (not testet yet) if (not (UnitIsPlayer("target") and UnitIsPVP("target")) ) or (((GetTime()-startTime)*100/(endTime-startTime)) > 50) then ...kickit here... end It could be, that we miss some kickes because but thats okay, I thing.
  22. Sure: 2 spells backstab first (in the list) And with the same condituions (without behind) sinister strike as second spell.
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