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Everything posted by Andoido

  1. 1) Selected only once when the profile is started, and everytime you Stop and Start the profile. 2) Currently same region. I felt that putting zones in diff areas would be problematic and cause a lot of stress if you were to stop and start the bot. However this is a feature I have considered and asked some testers about. 3) Yes. Stopping and starting the bot starts the random selection process all over. Currently only 48-51 had different continents (tanaris and ungoro because they are so close). When i created it I cut zones into sections N W E S example. And used different spots for grinding - This is why you only see 2 spots for some zones, and 4 for more. Currently there are 1-2 zones that i need to replace, such as Wetlands. I didnt realize how many other profiles used this area as there was reports of several botters in it. Also wetlands makes the bot go into the water to kill Murlocs (At the time this was intentional but I realize now not everybody owns HumanMasterPlugin.) so i will be removing wetlands all together i think. So keep an eye out for that.
  2. Version 5.1


    Greetings all! This is my 1-60 Alliance Quester/Grinder - Avg ammount of Quests is 100-150. If your looking for a quester with way... way more quests, and work. Please check out my new profile. TROUBLESHOOTING: As with any profile, expect issues. Mainly issues i have seen come from Other plugins mixing with my code. 1) Enter ID Faster Error: This tends to happen, not your fault. You can do the Following to troubleshoot the issue, and if it continues contact me via discord. DELETE -- Wrobot/Settings/AndoidoAuth____.xml then Start profile, re-enter your rocketr ID 2) Invalid ID - Wait 30 Minutes: This is the most common type of error i see with any of my products. Troubleshooting: Did you re-buy, or change your Wrobot License key? YES? Contact me Asap. You will need a new rocketr Key. NO? Keep reading. Did you start Wrobot.exe with One ip, and then re-start it with Another IP? YES? Wait it out. If you need multiple licenses ive offered this to many others before who wish to say "Bot on 2 different computers. NO? Contact me for more help. 4) ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Easy fix. Restart your WRobot. This error happens because you changed an INGAME setting (windows mode. Screen size. etc) and did not restart wrobot. 5) Bot Failed To Start: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Quester.Bot.Bot.Pulse(Boolean loadSettingsProfile, String profile) Usually an indicator that you are trying to load a Quester profile as a Grinder. Or your profile was corrupted upon download. Re-download the profile. Your profile should be 39bytes, sometimes rocketr doesnt update Immediatly after an update and gives you a 0kb file. If the problem still presists, make sure you have "QUESTER" Selected as your " Bot Type ". If none of thoes work, contact @Andoido or a more complete troubleshooting. Steps 1 and 2 should fix it however. Help and Support - Available 24/7 DISCORD (Profile Support) --- https://discord.gg/fudFNyc ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Disclaimer (Read First!) Buyers may only run up to 10 instances at one time per Computer. (You may run unlimited wow.exe's using different IP's by using a VPN or Proxifier) Using the same Rocketr ID on more than one Wrobot Key can result in a temp ban. If you need more than 10 instances of this profile running at any given time, send me an E-Mail and we can setup a special discount rate. All buyers must manually update by re-downloading the profile on Rocketr. The file will be updated/re-downloaded via the E-Mail sent upon purchase of the profile. Buyers should get on my Discord channel to see when I release an update. Randomized Grinding - What is it ? In a nutshell, Randomized simply means just that. The bot will do quests every level bracket and then go grind the rest out. When he does grind it will Randomly select one of the grinding locations making this method superior in many ways but mainly to not be banned. Match that with the huge grinding paths I have and you're set for success. The profile will randomly select a grinding location each time you start the bot. So there is no guarentee you will continue grinding in the same spot if you stop the bot. Features Automatic Updates! The bot will check for a new updated version each time you click start. Over 90 Quests included. Will do several quests per level group and then go grind. 100% AFK Botting - Meaning you shouldn't have to do anything to the bot. Randomized grinding locations- A new technique that has been getting a lot of popularity because it reduces bans by a lot. Automatic level tracking - Bot will detect level and start doing the quests. 1-23 Night Elf starting zone supported (Will go to Wetlands at 23.) 1-14 Gnome starting zone supported (Will fly to IF and take Tram to Stormwind, then continue.) 1-60 Human starting zone supported Ship usage : (Darkshore - Wetlands)(Wetlands - Theramore)(Theramore - Wetlands). Custom flight path System (Code will force learn new flight paths, and use them). Druid Bear Form Quest. Warlock Voidwalker Quest. Human Warrior Quests (lvl 30) Tram support for IF-SW and SW-IF. Automatic buying of Weapons at level 6/7 (More levels to be added). Automatic Weapons Master training (Darn, IF, SW). Will learn Herbalism (Night Elf's) Will learn Skinning (Doesn't enable it. You have to do this manually.) Custom pathing on longer quests to prevent dying. Huge hot-spots to prevent bot trains and bans. On-Screen display that shows what the bot is doing. On-Screen chat messages for important events. Custom Run-Code to modify Wrobot's base settings. Will use Hearthstone. Coming Soon: Mining 1-300 Random Zones Add grinding locations in different zones (means i have no control over the "Set" path he will take). Add "buy Weapons" support for higher levels based on the minimum ammount of silver you have. Add more quests. Suggestions: Grab a paid fight class from @Matenia Grab HumanMasterPlugin from @Matenia if you plan to run to 60 Put 50+ silver on your char so he will buy weapons! Buy yourself a green weapon ! (if you buy a weapon manually, be sure to uncheck between If and Endif in the settings) Get skinning at level 6. This helps with $$ Search Radius of 77 Use Profile Vendors Only turned On. (Turn off in HMP too) Inside Human Master Plugin - Turn off "Blacklist groups and Highlevel mobs" and "Use Smart Pulls" Install: Buy the profile Download the profile and put the .xml file into Wrobot/Profiles/Quester Select Quest bot In the drop down, select the profile. Click start, and enter your Rocketr Order ID (Order ID can be found in the top of the Email you received after purchasing.) Done! Report any errors or bugs Special Thanks I would like to thank @eeny I used some of your druid bear form code. I also used your class quest quest order from your NE 1-12. (level 1 quests). Thank you @Matenia For helping me setup the profile here on the forums. And thank you @Droidz for helping with some of the code I was confused on. Buy Now : Quester + Grinder - Randomized: https://rocketr.net/buy/703b23a87b58 Grinder Only(+ 25 Quests) - Randomized https://rocketr.net/buy/bf4de2592768 Alliance REMAKE 1-60 Randomized HORDE 1-60 Randomized Support / Help: Discord - https://discord.gg/fudFNyc Please report any and all bugs or errors to me promptly! Rate and Comment below, thanks guys. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bot Settings:
  3. Hey droidz, can you remove the default chat from the wrobot , or make it an option to turn on or off, i cant see my debug =(
  4. Well it sounds to me like you have addons on. What youc an do is go into your wrobotglobalsettings (in settings folder) and open with notepad, and change the Memory Usage to like 100000 <MaxLuaMemoryUsage>100000</MaxLuaMemoryUsage> You are using PartyBot right ? You could try disabling any plugins. and if that doesnt work, reinstall wrobot. (redownload, and what not)
  5. You need to disable ALL Addons. No addons can be enabled. This is either a Latency Issue, or an Addon issue. Disable all addons still dont work? Change your latency in advanced settings.
  6. If you find ANY BUGS.. any problems... Any deaths, or any thing that needs to be Blacklisted. Pls say something! My 1-60 random is going live today, so be sure to check it out.
  7. Oh, Well the quests are level specific! Meaning, if you rlvl 10 the bot wont go back and do ALL the quests. You need to be a specific level for each quest. Its how i made the bot AFK, so somebody at level 30 who buys it, can start and not have to check or uncheck quests and it would just go. Currently there is no way to pickup quests from the beginning. The only way you could do this is by opening the Editor, loding the profile and setting the Min and Max levels.
  8. Um. Theres like, Dozens of quests my man. Thats weird though. You started level 1, and did all quests up to 10 ? A lot of these quests have "Pre Requisites" meaning, i made it so if you were level 10.. and you didnt do P1 of quest XXX. the bot wouldnt try and pickup part 2. a million times. Could you elaborate on exactly what quest / bot step you are on, whats the last thing the bot did successfully. ( lookin your bot log, enable "DEBUG"
  9. you would need 2 quests.. 1 to loot 1 to use. You can use return ItemsManager.GetItemCountById(16314) >= 1; - use this in the "iscomplete" section of the quest, and add the Key ID. Then mke a quest that is "Use Item On" put the location, add the key for the item to be used, and add the item that it needs to use it on.
  10. My fastest for Rogue was 9 days. ( I did buy him blue we0pons + firey enchant every 5-10 levels) Fastest on mage was about 10 Priest is 50 in 8 days. so prob lookin at 10-11 for him
  11. run lua code SpellStopCasting(); SpellStopCasting(); CastSpellByName("Frost Nova"); or cast spell by ID. CastSpellByID(1234) CastSpellByID(1234, 'target') or C# Code wManager.Wow.Helpers.SpellManager.CastSpellByIdLUA(1234); wManager.Wow.Helpers.SpellManager.CastSpellByIdLUA(1234, "target");
  12. Try disabling Click to Move, and Enable Help Group members.
  13. Wrobot > Pirox. Honorbuddy was the most legit bot i ever used nexst to wrobot
  14. what matenia said is legit.. this is really the only choice for botting on private servers tbc+
  15. In great detail: You have 3 options when botting in VANILLA. 1) Wrobot - 8 euro /mo 2) Zzukbot - free 3) Vanillabotter - 5$/mon Zzukbot Zzukbot is a free bot that was developed by Zzuk and is purely a Grind Bot. it will Skin, and thats it, Grinding and skinning ONLY. Zzukbot is a Great bot if you cannot afford other choices, it is very reliable. Pathing is click to move, based on hotspots. For example i myself sell a zzukbot package for 1-60 horde and 1-60 alliance. Profiles are basically routes that you can circle or make in a straight line. You have the option of setting a search range, and modifying way point distances of + and -. You can have a DO NOT SELL list, and several other options including a relogger. You can have the bog logout every x mins and back in - which is super nice. Zzukbot uses a great system for Fight Classes. Some of the most advanced Custom Classes ( The bots rotations and spells ) i have seen out of all the bots. Zzukbot also has the benefit of not getting stuck, it will automatically move around objects to prevent you from being stuck. Zzukbot requires you to change profiles every 3-4 levels, so it requires manual input which isnt bad because you should always check every few hours. Wrobot Wrobot is a paid bot which is the most advanced of the 3. You can do just about anything including questing, grinding, fishing, pvp, dungeons, party, fuck you name it. You can have Plugins, and fight classes - however all the good plugins and fight classes and profiles are anywhere from 8euro to 30euro. So if you are not willing to spend money i would advice against this bot because the Free profiles just dont cut it. Wrobot really has no flaws, maybe the pathing being all jerky and bot like - but zzukbot/wrobot are exactloy uthe same. Wrobot has the advantage of being 100% afk with some profiles such as my own. Meaning you start it at level 1 and everythign is automated. Whereas Zzuk + Vanillabotter you must change profiles every 3 levels Vanillabotter Vanillabotter is a paid bot of 5$ per month. Its the most basic of the 3, and has many flaws and few advantages. Some of its advantages are herb, mining, skinning, fishing. Vanillabotter is also based on hotspot pathing, meaning the bot will go to Each Hotspot in a row, it wont randomly select, so its a set path. And is best used in a circular type profile because at the end it usually will start from the beginning again. Vanillabotter fight classes arent to advanced, and very few i have seen do what we need. Such as mage - it wont backup or sheep or anything like that. Just straight up mad man cast. Vanillabotter also gets stuck often, if the profile isnt pristine, it will run into a tree and not auto move around it. Hope this was informative! For thoes looking for profiles in the Zzukbot, or Vanillabotter catagory you can email me, PM me, or Add me on skype ( [email protected] ) email and skype are same. Hope it helps!
  16. In great detail: You have 3 options when botting in VANILLA. 1) Wrobot - 8 euro /mo 2) Zzukbot - free 3) Vanillabotter - 5$/mon Zzukbot Zzukbot is a free bot that was developed by Zzuk and is purely a Grind Bot. it will Skin, and thats it, Grinding and skinning ONLY. Zzukbot is a Great bot if you cannot afford other choices, it is very reliable. Pathing is click to move, based on hotspots. For example i myself sell a zzukbot package for 1-60 horde and 1-60 alliance. Profiles are basically routes that you can circle or make in a straight line. You have the option of setting a search range, and modifiying waypoint distances of + and -. You can have a DO NOT SELL list, and several other options including a relogger. You can have the bog logout every x mins and back in - which is super nice. Zzukbot uses a great system for Fight Classes. Some of the most advanced Custom Classes ( The bots rotations and spells ) i have seen out of all the bots. Zzukbot also has the benefit of not getting stuck, it will automatically move around objects to prevent you from being stuck. Zzukbot requires you to change profiles every 3-4 levels, so it requires manual input which isnt bad because you should always check every few hours. Wrobot Wrobot is a paid bot which is the most advanced of the 3. You can do just about anything including questing, grinding, fishing, pvp, dungeons, party, fuck you name it. You can have Plugins, and fight classes - however all the good plugins and fight classes and profiles are anywhere from 8euro to 30euro. So if you are not willing to spend money i would advice against this bot because the Free profiles just dont cut it. Wrobot really has no flaws, maybe the pathing being all jerky and bot like - but zzukbot/wrobot are exactloy uthe same. Wrobot has the advantage of being 100% afk with some profiles such as my own. Meaning you start it at level 1 and everythign is automated. Whereas Zzuk + Vanillabotter you must change profiles every 3 levels Vanillabotter Vanillabotter is a paid bot of 5$ per month. Its the most basic of the 3, and has many flaws and few advantaes. Some of its advantages are herb, mining, skinning, fishing. Vanillabotter is also based on hotspot pathing, meaning the bot will go to Each Hotspot in a row, it wont randomly select, so its a set path. And is best used in a circular type profile because at the end it usually will start from the beginning again. Vanillabotter fight classes arent to advanced, and very few i have seen do what we need. Such as mage - it wont backup or sheep or anything like that. Just straight up mad man cast. Vanillabotter also gets stuck often, if the profile isnt pristine, it will run into a tree and not auto move around it. Hope it helps!
  17. Ignore fight has always been unchecked. Yet the bot does this still >< My priest and rogue look like idiots when sum1 attacks. Its a total give away and should be fixed imo if droidz has the time.
  18. I have tried several fighjt classes. and when leveling the bot just completely ignores the players.. and runs lol. fights mobs when mob dies, he just stands there nd shit. Whats up with this =x
  19. I was using that myself since i use a vmware and can only use the rogue fc on one IP. I can send it to you if matenia is okwith it
  20. https://streamable.com/1zigd Recorded it for you droidz.
  21. Some fight classes need click to move, the updzte from today 10/4/ just makes the bot jump around haha. Taking Click to move off fixed it but, screwes the the fight class a little. Any fix droidz
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