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File Comments posted by Pudge

  1. 33 minutes ago, Talamin said:

    Иногда эта ошибка может произойти, когда FC загружается быстрее, чем срабатывает Talentmanager. Таким образом, Rotation пытается загрузиться, а Talentmanager не потратил ни одного очка, поэтому по умолчанию он определяется как Assassination. То же самое происходит здесь и там, когда Жрец решает стать Жрецом Дисциплины и не потратил ни единого очка. Лучше всего потратить это одно очко в бою, и вы больше никогда не увидите эту ошибку.

    It seems the FC spent the first talent point in the assassination specialization automatically, do you know how to prevent this without changing settings?

    Oh sh, sorry it seems i'm noob, spell=13732 is from combat specialization.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Talamin said:

    Hey Mate,

    The AIO detects automatically what class you have and loads the proper Rotation. I recommend to let the AIO set all Talentpoints automatically, because the amount of Points spend determines which Rotation will be used and which Spec you are on. And as you can see, Assassination is not supported. For Rogues we actually only have Combat as Leveling Class.

    Thanks, okay, but I didn't configure anything in FC, so are the Assassination talents selected by default?

  3. Hey, need some help, after 20 minutes of first time using FC on level 10 rogue have an error and FC does not work.

    In order to automatically load the fightclasses for different classes, I configured my custom plugin to automatically select the FC after checking player class and spec.
    Also my plugin checks when fight class was not loaded (using CustomClass.IsAliveCustomClass) and trying to reload it

        private void ReloadFightClassIfNotLoaded()
            if (CheckIfFightClassDisposedTimer < DateTime.Now && !CustomClass.IsAliveCustomClass)
                CheckIfFightClassDisposedTimer = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(60);
                logs("fight class was not loaded");
                SDMArchiveAlerts("" + info1() + " fight class was not loaded");
        private void LoadFightClass()
            // fightclasses //
            if (ImPal)
            // ...
          	//else if ()
     		// ... all other classes
            else if (ImRogue)
                Setting.CustomClass = "AIO.dll";
                logs("[LoadFightClass] fight class changed to [AIO.dll] (" + Setting.CustomClass + ")");
            logs("[LoadFightClass] fight class loaded: " + Setting.CustomClass + "");

    In this case for the AIO.dll  IsAliveCustomClass returned false and FC just does not work, this happens after bot goes to trainer learn skills and an error appears "Unrecognized specialisation Assassination"


  4. Hey! Little issue: after stopping the bot and launching again with image.png.68d97f86f7aa026110f179c59520b955.png button I got the error after which finite state machine bugs and the bot stops work. What could it be?

    [E] 17:12:14 - Compilator Error : q:\WRobotKach\Data\temp\srbdboqg.0.cs(16,7) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'yohBOpJvyyxWMLDBMJOJSYVHFdCRrPMrsigAihBA' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) 


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