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Everything posted by TheSmokie

  1. @Talamin i mean no disrespect at all, if anything i consider you some type of friend. but this happening on 2 different profiles. one min and one is bambos. both are using your fightclass.
  2. what is the name of the fightclass?
  3. could you provide a video of whats going on? turn off all plugins | fightclass | addons etc. everything that not the profile and see if that fixes it.
  4. @bobmanden hello, idk his profile but if you wait a few days, i am planning on releasing a free copy of my 1 - 450 herbalism with Alchemy for both horde and alliance. Ps: is this problem with the bridge and lava in "The Searing Gorge"?
  5. I’m heading to sleep, this might help https://wowwiki.fandom.com/wiki/API_SendMail
  6. I have one if you message your discord nane
  7. @Droidz You may want to remove this post, its nothing
  8. yes but this method uses mouseover instead of using interact with a corpse.
  9. You may need to do some testing with the offsets found Here @iMod used "uint mouseOverGUID = 0x00BD07A0;" or @Droidz used "uint s_MouseOver = 0x00BD0798;" other offsets
  10. You may want to interact with corpse before casting.
  11. https://marsbars.gitlab.io/unoffical-wrobot-api-docs/api/wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.WoWCorpse.html
  12. using Timer = robotManager.Helpful.Timer; public Spell rezz = new Spell("revive"); if (p.IsDead && ObjectManager.Me.IsAlive && !Fight.InFight && _time.IsReady) { if (ObjectManager.Me.Target != p.Guid) Interact.InteractGameObject(p.GetBaseAddress); rezz.Launch(); Usefuls.WaitIsCasting(); _time.Reset(); } I helped him,
  13. @Talamin interesting, isn’t there a lua bool to check of a toon was recently rezzed??
  14. Awesome !
  15. @Droidz can we just ban this guy? he is using a crack copy, and its not worth all the lame stupid post about a cracked copy that doesnt hardly work because of detection.
  16. @Matenia May I ask why a timer? I’ve always found waitiscasting to be the best way
  17. Holy c ow, @Droidz not perma banning a user who is using a cracked copy?
  18. You should use the grinder option in the quester product.
  19. @Droidz You're Awesome !
  20. Its not crashing, its closing because of the safety net that droid added. wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.CloseIfPlayerTeleported = boolen; // true or false.
  21. I am trying to redo my PvPtools with adding custom states but i am having a little problem with buying item via string , boolen. i am trying to use my settings bool to buy the item if the settings is true. but i am not understanding how to get it to buy the item while using a boolen. error : parameter 'number' of 'Vendor.BuyItem(string, int)', i understand i need a string + int amount but how do i get it to check before buying using boolen? public static class AllianceGems { private static Dictionary<string, bool> Mains = new Dictionary<string, bool> { { "Majestic Zircon", true}, }; public static void BuyingGems() { foreach (var item in Mains) { Vendor.BuyItem(item); } } }
  22. Lua.RunMacroText("/cast Swipe(Bear Form)"); Try This.
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