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  1. doesn't seem to dismount after gathering all the mobs, just runs back and forth, never trying to engage
  2. using the pet battle product, my toon flies around in the set area, but never actually engages or stop when a pet is nearby, radius is set to 100, can't figure out why it doesn't start...
  3. Would it be possible to set a unit to target an AoE spell to? For example, Rune of Power, mage spell needs you to click the spell, then click on the ground at your feet. I can get it to drop on my target, but not self, or even allies.
  4. so, bigger than 0 does not include 0? And does Hostile Units near Target include the target? I try to find these values experimentally but it seems inconsistent in practice. I should probably figure out the C# conditions, but that seems even more tedious...
  5. I;m having trouble getting this condition to be consistent, may be my own fault, but to clarify... Hostile unit near: does the number include the target, or is it in addition to? and when using bigger/smaller, is it <number or <=number? same with the other nears. Also, pressing pause (or alt-x) doesn't seem to stop anything in wRotation
  6. I'm working on it, gonna put some time in as soon as I'm finished my Survival Hunter.
  7. W00t, thx, trying now
  8. - Remove IsAttacked detection in WRotation. Is there a way to manually add this? It makes my hunter not attack the next target when a group of more than one has been aggroed, even though the pet is fighting it. Character just sits there, tho it sometimes randomly starts the rotation again. The debug per spell seems to not be working, all spells seem to show debug, even if debug for them is set to false. Adds up to a LOT of lines, which fill up the window, and then wrobot starts to eat up memory and cpu cycles.
  9. Are the buff stack options only for actual stacks of a buff, or can they be used for time remaining on buff?
  10. Version 0.91 alpha


    Relatively complex fight class for survival hunters, with a few options, and multi-target support. Tested with lvl 90, used mostly for grinding/gathering. Let me know how it works for you.
  11. I can't seem to find any information on this anywhere. I've started it up, selected what I want to track. Doesn't seem to affect the WoW client at all, or bring up anything in the log, and if i dismiss the selector window, the activity stops.
  12. Got that working with just CastSpellByName("Misdirection"); SpellTargetUnit("pet"); it was just the "'s that were giving me errors earlier. Is there a way to make Conditions OR besides making 2 copies of the spell? Also, would it be possible to add a debugging type option, to make the log show decisions it made in a lot more detail? Would help a lot for troubleshooting profiles, cuz i'm having some difficulty figuring out why a few conditions are firing off irregularly.
  13. which problem, needing to escape the " ?
  14. Wow, that post got messed up. Anyways, I mostly hacked my way thru it, still seems inconsistent in the results, but I think i'll play with it for a bit. A few questions, tho are the spell conditions inclusive or exclusive? Like, AND or OR? In the lua script condition,can i use AND and OR in the "return value research"? Say If the script returns anything except 0 or nil i want it to activate.
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