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Posts posted by Kamogli

  1. howdy partner, at first glance it seems like it's trying to feed a pet which a.) is not there because not trained / dead / disbanded or b.) because you don't have food in your inventory that actually works with your current pet. Good luck!!

  2. I was part of that group - tank was played manually and without wRobot for two hours, 3 DDs followed in a party as Healers and DD (bots). Those 3 were named and called out by the GM, who joined Monastery and warned us. All of the related accounts were only ever used in Dungeons from Level 15 on over the course of weeks without issues. As of the patch you applied end of last year, detection was over. GM now said "Stop using that software" - seems like wRobot is again detected on Sunwell since only a couple of days again

  3. uhm, haha. Welche FightClass nutzt du denn? Springen kannst du in den Advanced Settings von wRobot unter movement ausstellen. Irgend etwas Richtung "random jumping".

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