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About kalladiz

  • Birthday 09/16/1979

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  1. 855 downloads

    mine and herb mega runs Votfw,Kun-Lai,Krasarang Wilds,Jade Forest
  2. Version 1.0


    Windwalker Monk 6.0
  3. Version 1.0


    Working Enhancement Shaman for 6.0 uses Totem, healing surge and Feral Spirit for health recovery
  4. Version 1.1


    Working Rotation for 6.0
  5. new version 18934 on beta
  6. because there is a PTR bot so figured there would be one for WoD beta maybe you should search and learn before you coment on something you didnt know anything about
  7. is there a bot working for the WoD beta?
  8. blizz had a hotfix patch to 5.4.8 (18291) so all is screwed up again
  9. kind of defeats the purpose of asking for a follow any party member now doesn't it? I mean it's not like i didn't think of that but what about when u are running multiple toons and someone else is party leader well u cant just say hey make me leader so i can run my bot without my ranged running all up on the tank and the distance settings doesn't always work to keep it back it would be alot more helpful if i could just make it follow my other toon and im sure alot of ppl would agree
  10. is there any way that we could get an option to follow someone other than the party leader,I use it for power levels through instances and would like it to follow my other toon instead of my main that is pulling masses of mobs
  11. can someone make a holy priest fight class most of my toons are healers and i would really like heal classes for priest,druid,shaman any help would be great
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