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Everything posted by KnightRyder

  1. I apparently am a huge idiot and cannot read.
  2. I have. Still goes running off. World Bosses.xml
  3. Doesn't go to the "save zone" when guards take a break, just keeps grinding.
  4. I'm trying to use Quester to go after and kill Rukhmar. However when he comes flying around, the bot will see him from far away and try to go to him. By the time he gets to where rukmar is, he's gone past the pull location I had setup because Rukmar is flying and the bot likes to make a path on the ground. I keep getting the error: [Fight] Mob has moved more than 45 yards and then blacklist him. I've tried setting the search radius down to 20 but it has made no effect. I've disabled Blacklist NPC/Node if unable to make full path to reach it, so it does not blacklist it now, but still get the 45 yards message and still leaves the area. Anyway to make the bot not move til a mob gets closer?
  5. Is there a way to open the Easy Quests Editor without opening Wrobot and attaching to wow, like how the fight class editor works?
  6. I've been trying to use this, but I keep getting various Compilator errors. return GetQuestsCompleted([32098]); return IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(32098); return Quest.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(32098); return QuestHelper.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(32098);
  7. I'm trying to setup a profile that would kill world bosses. Since the hidden quests are not in my quest log, I have "Not required in quest log" set true but it tends to skip over the quest. I think it is because i have no complete condition. However, I'm not sure how to make it check the quests for world bosses to see if they have been done and to move on to the next step. For example, Galleon's quest is 32098. How do I make it check to see if that is complete before going to next quest?
  8. Sounds like you didnt add the NPC a 2nd time with the quest complete ID in it.
  9. Yeah, it keeps track of NPC ID as well as x,y,z cords.
  10. Do them as separate quests. Feast or Famine A and B or Kill and gather. Doesn't matter as long as they are named different.
  11. Seems to fall off a lot for the quest [Felendren the Banished]. Also it breaks at step (30): CompletingtheDelivery>TurnIn - Npc quest giver no found for TurnIn Quest: Completing the Delivery. Looks like the NPC is just missing from the quest giver editor.
  12. If your using mine, it may be the clear target spell I added. I found it doesn't like to swap between party members and itself to heal very efficiently. Never had it stop me from running though.
  13. https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/7338-healer-not-healing-himself/#comment-33541
  14. Sounds like your fight class doesn't have bear form setup correctly.
  15. https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/7468-did-the-game-just-updatewrobot-not-working/
  16. Havn't been through many patch days? https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/7468-did-the-game-just-updatewrobot-not-working/
  17. Sorry for the long reply back, been busy on my end. Thread t = new Thread(() => { uint spellId = 248292; int questId = 47992; while (robotManager.Products.Products.IsStarted) { if (Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause) { if (!Quest.HasQuest(questId)) break; if (ObjectManager.Target.IsValid && ObjectManager.Target.IsAlive) { wManager.Wow.Helpers.ClickOnTerrain.Spell(uint spellId, Vector3 vector3, bool waitCasting = true, bool stopMove = true); wManager.Wow.Helpers.ClickOnTerrain.Pulse(Vector3 vector3); } } Thread.Sleep(700); } }); t.Start(); Gives the error: Needless to say, I think I'm using it wrong? Thread t = new Thread(() => { int questId = 47992; while (robotManager.Products.Products.IsStarted) { if (Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause) { if (!Quest.HasQuest(questId)) break; if (ObjectManager.Target.IsValid && ObjectManager.Target.IsAlive) { Lua.LuaDoString("OverrideActionBarButton1:Click()"); } } Thread.Sleep(1600); } }); t.Start(); The above code does get it to work, but only when it targets an enemy or itself. It does not auto target demons that it comes in combat with, and so will still do circles.
  18. I'm not sure on them not attacking, only time ive noticed it not attacking is if the "leader" is not tanking then the bot wont help. There's an option in advanced settings to "help party members" so make sure that is enabled. The "for friends - party" spells are what it should be casting on party members, yes.
  19. Yeah, my healer will follow me around healing me and itself as well as dps'ing or not. I have one fightclass with dps and one without and seems to work pretty well. Havnt tried it with more than 3 people in a group though.
  20. I found that the healer option in party bot wasn't too helpful. I made a fightclass that would mainly heal in party, but dps otherwise and works great. It's not very complicated as it only has a few spells, but feel free to pick it apart and try to make it work for you. It's for Legion btw too. [Mike] Priest - Holy - Party Healer and DPS [Surge of Light].xml
  21. https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/6539-request-plugin-to-get-on-2-person-mount/ I've been wanting something like this for a while.
  22. I use party bot and have it follow me on an alt while I do world quests. Seems to work just fine for me. Only issues I have is that if I start attacking something, and it does not attack me because it is a boss or something and someone else is "tanking" it, I will not help me. Not really a big deal for me as it still gets credit.
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