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Everything posted by Primordiarch

  1. Hello, I have a newb question. How do I make the rotation to re-cast Mind Flay to the target when Mind Flay is still 200 ms from complete? Thank you.
  2. Hello. Please help, it doesn't work in Stormforge-WoW. So far I've tried your BM and Ret. Both works, but not this one. Thank you.
  3. How do I disable auto-loot each time I start the bot? It's really annoying.
  4. How do I update without downloading from the site?
  5. Thanks. Can you add the option to set the threshold of rage for using cleave/heroic strike?
  6. Yes, but when I opened the settings again, it resetted.
  7. Thanks. I can't turn off auto assign talents. How do I do that?
  8. Thanks, it works now. What is Talents Codes?
  9. Please help. How do I install this. Where can I see instructions?
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