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    Sleepwalker got a reaction from Tirawen in Lag when pathing to mining nodes   
    yes that's correct, doesn't matter which zone I'm flying round the bot stutters every time it sees a node while flying
    Edit: I decided to try a few things and started using "WRobot (No Lock Frame)" exe and the issue is now resolved
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    Sleepwalker reacted to Marsbar in Use certain spell when a certain number of mobs are in range?   
    Oh lol dude, add a 
    using System.Linq; to the usings at the top of the file
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    Sleepwalker reacted to Zan in Use certain spell when a certain number of mobs are in range?   
    Go download VS Community Edition and add WRobot references while writing in C#
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    Sleepwalker reacted to Marsbar in Use certain spell when a certain number of mobs are in range?   
    This should be enough as your if statement:
    if (Swipe.KnownSpell && Swipe.IsSpellUsable && Swipe.IsDistanceGood && ObjectManager.Me.ComboPoint <= 3 && ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitAttackables().Count(u => u.Position.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.Target.Position) <= 8 && u.Guid != ObjectManager.Pet.Guid) >= 3)
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    Sleepwalker reacted to Apexx in Use certain spell when a certain number of mobs are in range?   
    Here's what I use to check attackers in range:
    public static int GetAttackerCountInRange(float yards) { int EnemyCountInRange = ObjectManager.GetUnitAttackPlayer().Count(t => t.IsAlive && t.IsValid && t.IsAttackable && t.InCombat && t.GetDistance <= yards); if (EnemyCountInRange > 0) { Logging.WriteDebug($"Enemy attacking count = {EnemyCountInRange}"); return EnemyCountInRange; } return 0; }  
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