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  1. Hello there wrobot fans. Droidz gave me test key for 2 weeks, and after trying it out for a week i have to say these bot is awesome and i want to share this awesomeness with you. So my key still has 6 days left and until its expired i would like to share it with you, ill be purchasing full season key for my self. Here is the key: c275f5bdba9948b435d2bc72e1783092 p.s. I hope, I`m not breaching any protocols with these.
  2. cufta

    3 day test subscription

    I`m happy :D Thx alot.
  3. Hey there, Ok, first of all i have to say that from all bots i tested these 1 is the best, good movement, security, profile creating and very easy to use. And now to the point, as these title suggests , why don't you implement 3 day test subscription that will cost 1 euro ?? Sometimes i just need that :) thx, and be good.
  4. cufta

    auto gathering

    first of all, i have tray 3 bots, honorbudy (best for pet battle,if you like that part of the game) ,mmocrowler (good for auto gatherer) and these one. And of these 3 most of functions best work in WRobot (everything else and security is the best but it cud use few improvements, like time stop if another player is near you more then xx seconds or if some is targeting you). Any way, as i said, of those 3 i like these one the most, so i both it, my question is. is it possible to add options like auto gatherer, like the one mmocrowler has? Using that is also another tip of security as it wont follow same path over and over again.
  5. just to ask, when could we expect these option to be implemented? And if some 1 is targeting you to pause the bot, is also a good option to have.
  6. works great
  7. great, thx.
  8. But if i start wrobot, i cant use grinding option.Or am i missing something? i was thinking of making a plug in .lua to make him move like that, every 3sec, randomly up,down , left or right .. and to jump around the target sometimes.. But, it looks like my programing skills are not good enough for that. Is it possible for you to make that modification to character behavior in next patch??
  9. i have similar "problem", how do we solve these? mobs cast something on the ground, but bot just stands in that and takes dmg. It would be nice to strife left ,right, up , down. to avoid those things, and it looks much more "player like" playing if you rune around mobs. Cud that behavior be added in next patch for mob fighting.. like it uses in BG?
  10. same profile, same settings. but now after an update. after i activate him, he starts to move only few yards and stops. I try to change profile i was running but didn't help. only thing that help is that i need to move him manually to closest nod, then he starts to move on his own again. and sometimes, when he styes in combat he cant mount up, but character is still in combat. There is no 1 to attack but he wont move to get away to get out of the combat. Is there some log i can send you ?
  11. can you use these profile?? i dont know how to convert it. http://mmocrawlerbots.com/forum/custommodes/pet-battle-3988/
  12. was these fixed ? i have he same problem. just flying around and mining. Not initianoting battles.
  13. p.s. I would suggest that you use [Glyph of Touch of Karma], [Glyph of Flying Serpent Kick] and have 5 set bonus in PvP gear for "Touch of Death", but i wasn't able to test it jet if it works or not. In BG best test is if i can get some one to fight in 1vs1. Most of the time i get CCed from multiple players so bot cant use all the skills.
  14. 1033 downloads

    hello there. Im new to all of these and trying to make working profile i can use in BG and maybe in Arena. Skills are 60% working, but im stuck, after 2 days of making it work i cud use some help with it. Maybe from some 1 more experienced in these. thx, and hope you can help me. _______ version 2.0 few hours laiter :) i made some polishing of skills, i cud say that 90% works correctly.. but i cud still use help with skill executing sequence. that cud be " v3 " if we are able to make rotation a bit more smoother. And interrupt wont work all the time, don't get it why. ________________ version 2.1 a small update with some smoother rotation. Can some 1 leave a feedback? ________________ version 2.4 still testing in BG, minor modification to rotation and more defensive skills testing. ________________ version 2.6 few modifications. Now all i can do is to w8 for feedback from people to see what else cud be changed (bugs or to further improve it). ________________ version 2.7 new update is here. Still working on it. But it looks pretty good atm. Cud use some feedback :)
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