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    libai reacted to Zer0 in Calling for developers and testers   
    Due to the lack of free available third party products in the store (plugins, fight classes, grinders, questers), I have decided to gather developers and testers under an umbrella project called "Project Wholesome".
    The goal of Project Wholesome is to develop, test, and freely share wRobot products. All the code created under the project will be transparent, open-source, and then released in the store for free. I insist on the fact that not a single line of code released under Project Wholesome  will be sold for profit. We already have a few people working together on fight classes and on profile creation.
    Developers : You want to help the community grow and participate in providing quality products or you want to learn how to create plugins, fight classes and profiles. You are willing to share your knowledge and your code to others. You are aware that you are not in for the money. You will take testers' feedback into account to polish your product. Once you finish a product, you will release it for free in the store, although you can call for donations on the product page. 
    Testers : You will have access to unfinished/beta products from our team under the condition that you provide active feedback through bug reports in the discord channel. You are willing to treat developers with respect and patience, keeping in mind that they are providing a service for free.
    Project Wholesome is all about trust, and keeping wRobot alive. We start small, setting realistic goals, but we intend to create a momentum and keep it growing as much as possible. If you are interested, feel free to join our channel.

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    libai reacted to nax in How to avoid boss AOE in fight ?   
    i found this, Might help. use google next time. https://github.com/Talamin/Wholesome-Dungeon-Crawler/blob/master/States/AvoidAOE.cs, also i do not know if wrobot ObjectManager has this type of info but Aoe ability's and ground effect can be found as Dynamic Game Objects. Here is the code for creating your own function using wrobot Descriptors, https://www.ownedcore.com/forums/world-of-warcraft/world-of-warcraft-bots-programs/wow-memory-editing/300463-wow-3-3-5-12340-info-dump-thread.html

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    libai reacted to Matenia in How to avoid boss AOE in fight ?   
    For anyone wondering, this is pretty much the preferred method. You could set WRobot's settings to completely ignore fights after calling Fight.StopFight as well. 
    But this is essentially what I use to escape mobs in HMP too. Unfortunately dynamic escape while avoiding new groups of mobs is quite complicated and will probably never be 100% perfect as you need to also make sure you won't just run in circles etc.
    Mostly just came here to say Zer0's approach is the one I found to be working best and most reliably.
  4. Thanks
    libai reacted to Zer0 in How to avoid boss AOE in fight ?   
    The  reason your character only moves a little step is because you're still on the fight thread, so your code only executes for one fight loop iteration. The next iteration, you're back on the normal fight loop which forces you to get in your fight class range.
    There are two ways I know to prevent this.
    1 - Lock the thread in your method. Which in your case would mean calling MovementManager.Go(pathList); and the next line, lock the thread in a while (MovementManager.InMovement) loop. I wouldn't necessary recommend this, because you're blocking the entire fight loop and you will need mutliple conditions to set it right.
    2 - Cancel the fight event. This is my preferred option, but it's more complicated to set up. The code Nax has linked you is one I've written. It uses a manager that listens to multiple events.
    On the ObjectManagerEvents.OnObjectManagerPulsed event, I check and record a list of all the AOEs present in the object manager range.
    On MovementEvents.OnMovementPulse and MovementEvents.OnMoveToPulse I make sure I don't walk into an AOE, and make sure I never cancel an escape
    On FightEvents.OnFightStart, I make sure I don't start any fight during an escape
    This code doesn't really fit your need, because it avoids AOEs that stand on the ground (like a puddle of poison), and uses a "grid" to look for a safe position. In your case, you react to a single action.
    What you need to do is:
    - Detect the moment you need to escape.
    - Cancel the current fight, using cancelable.Cancel = true;
    - Calculate a safe route.
    - Turn an escape flag to true (a simple boolean)
    - Make sure you don't start a new fight during the escape using your flag
    - Turn back the flag to false when your safe condition is met
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    libai reacted to Matenia in LUAMacro not working   
    Lua.LuaDoString("TradeSkillCreateAllButton:Click()") If that doesn't work, the problem seems to be that Wrobot executes secure calls and the button won't won't work when doing so. There might be an extra argument that allows disabling secure call.
    Additionally, maybe the anti-cheat protection WRobot uses breaks some code.
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