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  1. Just pushed a new update Riskbling for your stealth, let me know if there's any issues.
  2. Hey there Riskbling - I've not been active for some time now due to bot restrictions for what I wanted my profile to do but I'm back and giving it another shot. I'm fairly sure I can add a stealth option into the next release - I'll look into getting a release at the back end of this week. It's also good to see that my profile actually turned into quite a popular one (at least based on downloads) - as such I'll try to improve upon this profile and perhaps enable 6.0 compatibility.
  3. Hey - that won't happen with the bot currently as it is. The main function for detecting whether or not you are behind is quite tempremental and the speed in general won't land you correct stun, interrupt timing and so on.
  4. Error is related to 'Is Behind' here's one screenshot example. It is at this moment my rotation resorts to Hemorrhage. It started off using backstab from behind to, but as the fight went on it started giving bad readings like this. It happens on various other fights as well. See PM.
  5. Fixed already. :)
  6. Here's what I get when I select my profile and click start: - [E] 14:24:08 - WRotation > Main > Start(): System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void robotManager.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.StartEngine(Byte, System.String, Boolean)'. at i8deC2nKp6UoZu9q0c.kq20Y1NCvV0ehWecy7.RYkfjmapm() at Main.Start()
  7. Right, it just looks like its pointing out an error, guess not. So, my finished HS is: - condiok = 0; local playerhealth = 100 * UnitHealth("player") / UnitHealthMax("player") if UnitPower("player") >= 85 or UnitBuff ("player",GetSpellInfo(122510)) and (playerhealth >= 75) then condiok = 1; end and my finished Cleave: - condiok = 0; local playerhealth = 100 * UnitHealth("player") / UnitHealthMax("player") if (UnitBuff ("player",GetSpellInfo(2565)) and (playerhealth >= 50) and UnitPower("player") >= 30) or UnitBuff ("player",GetSpellInfo(122510)) then condiok = 1; end I tried to play around and get '(playerhealth >= 50)' to work - at first I had no luck but then I managed to get it to work. The local playerhealth line basically works out the % of the players health if you do the math so I then attempted to get it to work at certain values. I assume the code is correct? They both seem to work properly with the AND's / OR's at least.
  8. Yea, to show there is an error between that piece of code I think. At least see my previous post, it 'fixes' it.
  9. I think 'UnitBuff("player",GetSpellInfo(122510))' should be 'UnitBuff("player"),GetSpellInfo(122510))' ? At least the error goes away then.
  10. I put the code you fixed into Notepad++ it shows this: - I assume the red line form top to bottom indicates an error?
  11. Also, what does 'local threat = UnitDetailedThreatSituation("player", "target")' do?
  12. Hi. Your code doesn't work: - condiok = 0; local playerhealth = 100 * UnitHealth("player") / UnitHealthMax("player") local targethealth = 100 * UnitHealth("target") / UnitHealthMax("target") local threat = UnitDetailedThreatSituation("player", "target") local start, duration, enabled = GetSpellCooldown(2565) if (start + duration - GetTime() > 0 and UnitPower("player") >= 85) or UnitBuff ("player",GetSpellInfo(122510)) or UnitBuff("player",GetSpellInfo(122016)) then condiok = 1; end but I decided to play around with it and can get it to work: - condiok = 0; local playerhealth = 100 * UnitHealth("player") / UnitHealthMax("player") local targethealth = 100 * UnitHealth("target") / UnitHealthMax("target") local threat = UnitDetailedThreatSituation("player", "target") local start, duration, enabled = GetSpellCooldown(2565) if UnitPower("player") >= 85) or UnitBuffID("player",122510) then condiok = 1; end The only difference is I took out 'if (start + duration - GetTime() >0' and then deleted the ')' after the UnitPower check since that closed bracket wasn't needed any more. I also removed the Incite check because I didn't want that in. It works like this, been watching it carefully. Out of curiosity though, why doesn't the Shield Block part of your 'HSProt.xml' work, any idea? These parts: 'local start, duration, enabled = GetSpellCooldown(2565) if (start + duration - GetTime() > 0'
  13. So I could just use the code you provided and it would work? What about the 'research' and 'var' values? Can these be left blank?
  14. A lot of things can be improved with multiple conditions outside of lua. Certain things though like refreshing something before it falls off as far as I know needs an lua script or the above example where you want to watch 2 sets of durations and act differently above / below those times. But yeah, what Droidz says as well, try those. Let us know how the King Similie one works, sounds like the initial fight class just wasn't made that well tbh.
  15. Tested the 5.4 frost dk profiel by King Similie - it seems to be using Frost Strike when KM is up and Obliterate is on CD. Is that the issue you wanted resolving? If so just try grabbing that. Most of the thinking is condition based. What you basically want to fix your issue is another version of your Frost Strike that has a buff condition checking for KM. That is assuming you already have a Frost Strike that's used to dump RP at certain amounts? If you're using your own then upload yours to here in a reply and I'll fix it.
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