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    lsabakal reacted to Zan in close bot   
    Replace UseItem line with it.
  2. Sad
    lsabakal reacted to Droidz in Updating wrobot   
    WRobot will not support modified game clients. But if the game client is the original and you have problems can you share the list of servers.
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    lsabakal reacted to Matenia in Looking for help with asign talents in wotlk 3.3.5   
    This is a full class that can be run as a state.
    It works based on wowhead talent strings and talents are assigned "historically" meaning you have to give it different states of the talent tree depending on how you want talents to be assigned as you level up.
    If you look at the code, it uses Lua to call the LearnTalent function with the index it calculates. You can also hard code this.
    By default, these talent trees are for vanilla and TBC, the WoWVersion check deactivates this for WotLK.
    public class TalentPoints : State { public override string DisplayName => "TalentPoints"; private static readonly Dictionary<WoWClass, List<string>> ClassTalents = new Dictionary<WoWClass, List<string>> { { WoWClass.Mage, new List<string> { "--05003230", "--0501323010005", "--0501323010235", "--050132301023513", "--05023230102351301", "--05053230102351301", "230005--05053230102351301", "23005500002--05053230102351301" } }, { WoWClass.Druid, new List<string> { "-53020203", "-53020203002", "-53020203032001", "-53020203032021", "-5302020303222151", "-5302020303222151-05", "0140003-5302020303222151-05", "014005301-5402020303222151-05" } }, { WoWClass.Rogue, new List<string> { "-02", "-32005001", "-32005521000201", "-3200552100050110231", "005003-3200552100050110231", "3050031053-3200552100050110231" } }, { WoWClass.Priest, new List<string> { "--50023001", "--50023221004", "--50023221014012", "--5002322103411241", "--5002322103411251", "05003213--5002522103511251" } }, { WoWClass.Hunter, new List<string> { "55000001", "550002015", "5500020150201", "5500020150221", "5500020150521041", "5500020150521251-050514002" } }, { WoWClass.Warlock, new List<string> { "05-00503", "05002-00503", "05002-20523", "050221001-20523", "050221301-20523", "05022230102-20523", "0502253010201-20523", "0502253010201-2052300122", "0502253010201-2052300152", "0502253012201-2052300152", "2502253012201005-2052310152" } }, { WoWClass.Paladin, new List<string> { "--052300012", "--052300512", "--0523025120001", "--0523025120031", "-052303512003151", "--052303512203151", "-5032010043-052303512203151" } }, { WoWClass.Shaman, new List<string> { "-50050001", "-50252001050001", "-50252001050031", "-5025200115003151", "5-5025200115003151-50005301", "5-5025200125003151-50005301" } }, { WoWClass.Warrior, new List<string> { "023230003", "02323020302", "0232502130201", "0232502135201", "023250213524100001", "023250213524100001-05053020005" } }, }; public override void Run() { var talentStrings = (PluginSettings.In.TalentStrings.IsNullOrEmpty() || PluginSettings.In.TalentStrings.All(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace)) ? ClassTalents[ObjectManager.Me.WowClass] : PluginSettings.In.TalentStrings.ToList(); foreach (var talentString in talentStrings) { // "-545" results in "" and "545", "--545" var trees = talentString.Split('-'); //spec every tree left to right for (var i = 0; i < trees.Length; i++) { var talentsString = trees[i]; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(talentsString)) { continue; } // Wow uses index starting at 1 var talentTree = i + 1; List<uint> talents = talentsString.ToCharArray().Select(s => (uint) char.GetNumericValue(s)).ToList(); //Logger.Info($"{talentTree} {talentsString} {talents.Select(x => x.ToString()).Aggregate((s1, s2) => s1 + "," + s2)}"); // Talent points are meant to be spent by priority. Whenever a new point is available, we need to run the whole algorithm again var successfullySpent = LearnTalents(talentTree, talents); if (successfullySpent) { return; } } } } private bool LearnTalents(int tree, List<uint> talents) { if (tree <= 0 || talents.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return false; } // we iterate the talents from left to right as they are used in the talent calculator for each tree return Lua.LuaDoString<bool>($@" local tree = {tree}; local talents = {{ {talents.Select(u => u.ToString()).Aggregate((s1, s2) => s1 + ", " + s2)} }}; local talentIndex = 1; for k, talent in pairs(talents) do local name, iconPath, iconX, iconY, currentRank, maxRank = GetTalentInfo(tree, talentIndex); --if name then print(name .. ' at index ' .. talentIndex .. ' and rank ' .. currentRank .. ' needs to be rank ' .. talent); end if (name and currentRank < talent) then --print(name .. ' ' .. currentRank .. ' needs to be ' .. talent); LearnTalent(tree, talentIndex); return true; -- we can't learn multiple talents at once, talent points are spent as if they were historically given one per level up end talentIndex = talentIndex + 1; end -- no talent points spent return false; "); } // don't change this! just returning UnitCharacterPoints is bugged public override bool NeedToRun => Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && Helper.RealWowVersion < 12340 && Lua.LuaDoString<int>("local talents = UnitCharacterPoints('player'); return talents") > 0; }  
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    lsabakal got a reaction from Matenia in Looking for help with asign talents in wotlk 3.3.5   
    First you need to use its /fstack command, to gather clicking information in the game.
    Then, in your fight class add new skill, RunMacroText("") and choose wich button you will prepeare for it. Example RunMacroText("/click ActionButton1")
    In the skill, turn on "Not spell, is lua script "true", Wait during casting "false", Can move during cast "yes", other fight options is "false", also you can add timer to get the how ofter the bot will click on it, and two conditions "me level" to get the level range where the bot will click on the macro.
    When you pass the first steps, you move in game, and create a macro then put it into panel, and start gather information you need with /fatack.
    Move your cursor on the talent you want to learn, to get info.

    The macro example
    /click PlayerTalentFramePanel2Talent3
    /click PlayerTalentFramePanel2Talent6
    /click PlayerTalentFramePanel2Talent4
    /click PlayerTalentFramePanel2Talent7
    /click PlayerTalentFramePanel2Talent12
    /click PlayerTalentFrameLearnButton "this parameter is a button learn the talent"
    /click StaticPopup1Button1 "this parameter is a button that ask you, are you sure to learn it, 1 its yes, 2 no"
    Hope this help ppl fix the problem with talents asign in wotlk.
  5. Thanks
    lsabakal reacted to Droidz in vector3   
    You don't need to wait (while (MovementManager.InMovement)) with gototask.
    You can directly interact with a game object with code like :
    var pos = new Vector3(9992.634, -7113.402, 47.70632); int clickonobject = 184502; bool result = GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithGameObject(pos, clickonobject); return result; Do you have any error in your log when bot run this task ?
  6. Thanks
    lsabakal reacted to Droidz in Taxi   
    You can try to fix manually in "Npc DB" the positions of bugged flight masters. Or, if you use a quester profile which must often take flightmasters you can add the necessary steps that the profile uses them itself.
  7. Confused
    lsabakal reacted to nax in need some help with lua   
    Im patently wait to see if anyone is gonna tell this guy he is using c# and not lua?
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