Old, Obsolete
70 files
Protection Paladin
I created this for grinding from 85-90 and it has worked well for me so far without any issues. This is my first attempt and I am new to this application so forgive me if it isn't perfect, I'm sure I'll get better at this as time goes by :)
If you have any problems, shout and I'll do my best to address them.
Shadowpriest for Battlegrounds -contest
By rendon
Priest doesn't use mindflay and shadow form because its not recocnized by wrobot.
This fight class uses def cooldown, off cooldowns and standardattacks.
It's made to grind honour in BG's!
! Shadowform works now !
Windwalker PvP -Contest
By n4rc0tic
Windwalkerprofil for farming honour.
Does support:
- Basic Attacks (Jab, Rising Sun Kick, Blackout Kick, Fists of Fury)
- follow fleeing enemies (Blossom and Roll)
- Defence Spells : Touch of Karma, Expel harm, Chiwave
- Stun near Enemies (Leg Sweep)
You need to skill following talents and glyphs:
- Chiwave (tier 2)
- Leg Sweep (tier4)
- Touch of Karma (glyph)
Does not yet support:
- tier 6 talents
- kick
- Flying Serpent Kick
FireMage -Contest
By rokudenashi
This is a Fire Mage Profile for German Clients (the buff detection needs the correct ingame language) - If u want it in English i can modify it and upload it too.
The Profile uses Cooldowns, Intercepts and have some Survivabilty. I think it would be nice too, for grinding.
You should use the glyph "Frostfire Bolt" and skill "Living Bomb" - "Ice Barrier" - "Scorch"
- Uses instant Pyro Proccs
- Not in move -> Frostfire Bolt
- In Move -> Scorch
- Living Bomb
- Ice Barrier
- Frost Nova
- Blink
- Deep Freeze
- Mirror Image
- Evocatition
..and so on
SV PVP Hunter -Contest
By SoD
this is a SV PVP Profile, it will work while PVE as well I think.
The Buffdetection is in German, if u want it in English. Just reply to this and I will upload the filein english too.
- Deterrence
- Disengage
- Scatter Shot
- Rapid Fire
- Stampede
- Silencing Shot
- Feign Death
- Kill Shot
- Hunters Mark
- Serpent Sting
- Black Arrow
- Glaive Toss
- Explosive Shot
- Blink Strike
- Arcane Shot
- Cobra Shot
If there are any improvements, don´t hesitate to ask me :)
Jh16 - Warlock Demonology -Contest
By jh16
This was originally created for personal use, however I felt like sharing. :)
Also having a chance at a free subscription isn't that bad either. :D
Single Target Supported
AoE Not Supported (might try this sometime later)
For 1.0.0:
List of spells used: (in no particular order)
Corruption (keeps DoT active)
Hand of Gul'dan (keeps DoT active but not all charges used, least after it uses it the first time)
Soul Fire (used while Molten Core buff is active and while in Metamorphosis more than 85 Demonic Fury)
Metamorphosis (activates at 900 Demonic Fury)
Shadow Bolt (filler while all DoTs are active and Molten Core isn't active)
Touch of Chaos (Demonic Fury dump while waiting, would like to see a faster cast of this)
Chaos Wave (keeps DoT active but not all charges used, least after it uses it the first time. Stops after lower than 120 Demonic Fury)
Aura of the Elements (keeps buff active, applies when gone into Metamorphosis)
Dark Regeneration (activates when lower than 40% health)
Life Tap (currently working for level 90, might make support for lower levels in later version)
Dark Intent (keeps buff active, in or out of combat, however not while mounted)
Summon Imp (if Summon Voidwalker isn't currently learned and no pet active and if Sacrifice is active)
Summon Voidwalker (if Summon Felguard isn't currently learned and no pet active and if Sacrifice is active)
Summon Felguard (default pet if spell is learned and won't summon if Sacrifice active)
Mortal Coil (below 80% health only)
Talents:15). Dark Regeneration Support (will add Drain/Harvest Life in later version)
30). Mortal Coil Support (will add Howl of Terror in later version. unsure about Shadowfury)
45). None (will add to later version)
60). None (will add to later version)
75). Supremacy and Sacrifice Supported. (Will add Service to later version)
90). None (will add to later version)
None (will add support for useable glyphs in later version)
[*]Trinket(s) Not Supported (will add this in later version)
[*]Healthstone Usage Not Supported (tried adding it but seemed it didn't want to work, might try in later versions)
[*]Damage Cooldowns Not Supported (will add in later version, will be disabled on default go into settings to activate)
[*]Pet Abilities Not Supported (tried adding but seemed it didn't want to work, might try in later versions)
Phew, a lot of stuff in there and a lot of testing put into it. As you can tell there are several things that I need to figure out then I could do a lot more with it.
Hope you guys enjoy it. =D
- Warlock
- Demonology
- (and 2 more)
Monk Windwalker
By Skandal
It's not a advanced fighting class just a simple one.
- Monk Windwalker
- Monk
- (and 2 more)
Hunter - BeastMastery
By Droidz
Fight Class Hunter BeastMastery
Click here to auto install: " target="_blank" title="Hunter BeastMastery">Hunter BeastMastery
Shadow Priest
By Syrenthia
Rotaion include's
Shadow word:pain
Vampiric Touch
Mind Blast
Mind Flay
Retri Pala
By CorteXx
Hi is use this at lvl 88-90 to grind (Kun-Lai Summit Beach -Beach of Zouchin)
its work for me!
Blood-Death Knight fight class
By tonyboybra
Feel free to give me your impressions about this Blood DK fight class
and if you have any suggestion or see any things that could be better for this fight class PM me :)
You should be advised that I use "1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 3 / 0" as talent tree ( I wrote "0" for the last one because I'm only lvl 87, so I dont have the last talent point). "Rolling blood" is for the outbreak dots spreading (it is better then doing pestilence.) I also have death pact (that's why it is used in this fight class).
- blood DK
- deathknight
- (and 2 more)
By tonyboybra
First version of Arms-Warrior Fight class.
tell me if you see any enhancement I could or thing I could change ,thank you!
enjoy it!
- Arms Warrior
- Fight class
- (and 1 more)
Druid-Feral (bear)
By Syrenthia
Hello, James duncan here with another fighting class the druid Feral (bear) MOP
Is calling GUARDIAN spec
Here you will find a pic of the way my keys are set up so you can bettter understand the way I play
thank you more updates to this spec will be released soon thank you
Fury - Warrior
This is a Fury Warrior rotation built from icyviens suggestions.
Thank you.
Mage - Frost Spec
By Syrenthia
Hello and sry for not Naming the spec haha first time making one.
Updates for the custom profile. I'm Working on more options to prevent character death and npc demise
Retribution Paladin Fight Class
By reaper
There wasn't a fight class for retribution paladins so I made one. It works well enough for me, but it might not satisfy you. No matter what it's probably still not gonna kill a person sitting at their computer who decides to attack you.
Does not include use of defensive or offensive cool downs, blinding light, any trinkets or tinkers, self cast holy prism.
Talents used for this fight class are long arm of the law, fist of justice, selfless healer, clemency, holy avenger, and holy prism
- Ret
- Retribution
- (and 4 more)