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70 files

  1. [Playingnaked] - Frost Mage - PEW PEW

    This was created mostly for BG/Honor grind farms.
    Able to interupt casters/healers with 2 skills.
    Able to USE - Frost nova if mele target's are close and Blinks
    Able to Blink if stunned
    Able to burst most dps
    Able to make conjured food for any lvl every 30mints so you don't have to buy ( make sure you add the food name in your bot settings.) Also if some
    Able to make conjured food table when joins a BG ( Currently not working right due to update - will fix this asap, make sure you disable it from setting as shown in the pictures

    Please leave feedback so that it will help me
    Improve it in the future with your comments!


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  2. ARogue

    ARogue - Assassination Rogue

    I created this one for myself while leveling, it works great!

    Recommended Talents & Glyphs

    15 Shadow Focus
    30 Nerve Strike
    45 Leeching Poison
    60 Cloak and Dagger
    75 Prey of the Weak
    90 Anticipation

    Glyph of Deadly Momentum
    Glyph of Stealth
    Glyph of Recuperate

    Not Rested Item Level 377 - Using standard grinding profile in The Jade Forest.



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  3. PvE Combat Rogue

    PvE Combat Rogue
    by: fall0ut

    This fight class is usable by any level. You do not have to remove spells you have not yet learned from the rotation.

    The openers and rotation assume you are solo grinding. Typically the enemies you fight will not live that long. This fight class will not provide adequate dps for long fights in raids and normal dungeons.

    Opening order
    Ambush (if behind target).
    Cheap Shot (if not behind target).
    Primary rotation
    Keep up Slice and Dice (with at least 2 combo points).
    Revealing Strike (maintain debuff on target).
    Sinister Strike
    Eviscerate (with at least 3 combo points).
    Replaces Eviscerate with Recuperate if health is below 50%.

    After combat, all spare combat points will be spent on Recuperate if your health is below 100%.

    Kick when enemy is casting.
    Adrenaline Rush cast whenever possible.
    Killing Spree cast whenever possible.
    Evasion is used when your health drops below 70%.

    Depending on your talent spec you can specify additional spells to be used.

    Shadowstep if true, will Shadowstep if in Stealth before pull tries to Ambush or Cheap Shot.
    Marked for Death if true, will be used before the pull.
    Blade Flurry if true, will activate when at least 3 enemies are attacking you within 5 yards, will deactivate when fighting 1 enemy.
    Deadly Throw if true, will be used if your enemy attempts to flee and you have combo points.
    Shuriken Toss if true, will be used if your enemy attempts to flee.
    Combat Readiness is used if you have at least 3 attackers within 10 yards.

    Poisons are set in the settings section of the fight class. Just turn the poison you want to use to be true. If you set more than one Lethal and Non-Lethal poison, you're going to have a bad time. Only one of each type.


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  4. PvE Retribution Paladin

    PvE Retribution Paladin
    by: fall0ut

    This fight class is usable by any level. You do not have to remove spells you have not learned yet from the rotation.

    Primary rotation
    Keep up Inquisition (with at least 3 Holy Power).
    Cast Templar's Verdict (only with 5 Holy Power).
    Cast Hammer of Wrath (when available).
    Cast Exorcism
    Cast Crusader Strike (when fighting less than 4 targets).
    Cast Judgment
    Against 2 or more targets, replaces Templar's Verdict with Divine Storm.
    Against 4 or more targets, replaces Crusader Strike with Hammer of the Righteous.

    Word of Glory will replace Templar's Verdict and/or Divine Storm when health is less than 50%. After combat, extra Holy Power will be spent on Word of Glory if your health is lower than 100%.

    Lay on Hands is used if your health falls below 20%.
    Guardian of Ancient Kings is cast whenever possible.
    Avenging Wrath is cast whenever possible.
    Hammer of Justice or Fist of Justice is cast whenever possible.
    Rebuke is cast when target is casting.

    Depending on your talent spec you can specify additional spells to be used:
    Execution Sentence: If True, will be cast before primary rotation starts as long as target health is not below 40%.
    Light's Hammer: If True, will be cast if you have more than one attacker within 10 yards.
    Sacred Shield: If True, Sacred Shield buff will be maintained.
    Speed of Light: If True, Speed of Light will be cast if your target attempts to flee.
    Blessing of Kings: If True, Blessing of Kings buff will be maintained.
    Blessing of Might: If True, Blessing of Might buff will be maintained.
    If both Blessing of Kings and Blessing of Might are true you will have a bad time.


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  5. [Frabato]Unholy


    Blood Fury if u are orc and enemy below 93%(battle got real)(no GCD spent)
    Death Pact if u are below 25% health (adjust it higher if low resilience)(no GCD spent)
    Dark Simulacrum (burn it manually)(no GCD spent)
    Strangulate if the target is casting (7 sec silence with glyph :}) (no GCD spent)
    Icebound Fortitude if u are stunned (breaks stun) (no GCD spent)
    Anti-Magic Shell if below 75% health (no GCD spent)
    Unholy Frenzy if target below 87% health(when the battle gets really real :}) (no GCD spent)
    Lichborne when psychic screamed (u get it basically every time u fight priest) (no GCD spent)
    Summon Gargoyle when you are under Unholy Frenzy effect
    Death Grip if target is further then 22 yards
    Icy Chains if target is further then 20 yards,dont already have Icy Chains and is target is moving
    Mind Freeze if target is casting
    Dark Transformation when its available
    Gnaw when target is casting (and if not on auto-cast)
    Outbreak if no deseases(only BP check needed)
    Death Coil when enough resource
    Plague Strike to apply diseases if Outbreak on CD or were dispelled
    Scourge Strike (at this priority step target should have both diseases no check needed)
    Blood Boil if target is within 11 yards
    Icy Touch to burn Frost Runes and also Dispel (Glyph REALLY recommended)
    Death and Decay if more then one enemy near u and if u cant land Scourge Strike for some reason
    Horn of Winter when GDC is free (20 Runic Power gained)

    (I use the converted to C# variant,try it if there is a problem)

    Enjoy it.


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  6. Feral (bear) combo

    Thank you and please post any comments


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  7. [Bigpapi] Elemental shaman with heals

    This is a fight class for elemental shamans and it heals in combat ive been using this for 85-90 and its been working good havnt tested it much in pvp but it does alright


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  8. Priest - Shadow [Loki]

    [Loki] Shadow Priest

    This is the final version
    And am I proud of this baby or what!

    The train of thought for my profile is:

    Power Word: Fortitude and Inner Fire always up

    First put Vampiric Touch and SW: Pain up for DoTs. I have them on a 10000 and 12000 ms timer atm but will make a "condition" for the final product which prevent the cast if the DoT is up.

    When DoTs are up I have:
    1) "Mind Spike whenever Surge of Darkness proc is up.
    2) "Mind Blast whenever proc is up", <-- NEW IN 1.0
    3) "Dev Plague whenever 3 Shadow Orbs"
    4) "Mind Blast when avaliable"
    5) "Shadowfiend when avaliable" <-- NEW IN 1.0 (this is a nice mana generator and also decent dps)

    When those four are unavaliable I want Mind Flay to be the fallback spell that always is avaliable. I will also add conditions for the AoE for when 4 enemies are within 5 yds in the final release.

    Other than that I have SW: Shield to kick in at 85% and renew at 70%. Also dispersion at less mana than 100k for obvious reasons.
    If you drop below 75% Vampiric Embrace kicks in and gives you 100% healing of any single target damage spell you cast for 10 sec <-- NEW IN 1.0
    As a last resort if you drop below 35% it will cast Fade and then pump Flash Heal til you are back above 35% and take Shadowform again. <-- NEW IN 1.0

    Even though Dispersion kicks in below 100k mana,
    Ive also added Hymn of Hope if you go below 50k. This will break Shadowform for 6 secs but there is a 50%+ Health condition also. <-- NEW IN 1.0

    I did NOT add Halo or Cascade to the profile because they will suck your mana dry in notime and you dont want the extra aggro that they will cause, becoz you will DIE.
    Add it yourself if you wish (or ask me to make one for you) but I really do NOT recommend it. Only time you want it is when farming pets and stuff vs lvl 50 mobs and anything that dies only by looking at them.

    I ran this for 335s (5min 35sec) just to get a graph to post for you. Its done in full DISC gear (ilvl 495). This means more spirit, less crit. And obv no set piece bonuses. A REAL Shadow priest will obviously kick my graph to pieces. I even do my dps in disc spec nowdays :) That fight class will be uploaded soon too. Its a beast.

    Please share pictures or just the numbers on what you can do with this fight class. Its used on the Raider's Training Dummy.

    Talents and Glyphs (you HAVE to have this or the fightclass will loose ALOT of effect)

    Feedback to me below please.



       (4 reviews)



  9. Destrolock2.xml

    (Sorry about my english)
    I created a destruction warlock fight class, and i get up 90 from 60 easily.
    It's a very simple fight classe and very very useful.
    I recommend tu use this fight class with grinder mode in wrobot because it's very very fast way to get xp.
    OBS) The wrobot never recognize the incinerate spell and here is the tip to avoid this.
    1- Set demonology as the first spec and destro as the secondary spec.
    2- Before click start in Wrobot make sure you have the demonology spec active, and set BATTLEGROUND mode in Wrobot, then click Start.
    3- go to the wow and change your spec to destruction.
    4- go back to the Wrobot and click STOP.
    5- Change to GRINDER mode, select the place you want, then click "start" and you will notice incinerate will be able to cast now.

    I hope you enjoy.
    Again, sorry my bad english.


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  10. Impie Death Knight

    Impie Death Knight

    Raise Dead = Pet true
    Blood Presence = -80% Health
    Unholy Presence = +80% Health
    Conversion = -80% Health stop +80% Health
    PetAttack = My Target
    Death Grip = Target Distance +15
    Dark Transformation = when up
    Unholy Blight = 1 Target Distance max 8
    Icebound Fortitude = -65% Health
    Mind Freeze = Target In Cast
    Horn of Winter = Buff
    Outbreak = if no Blood Plague
    Soul Reaper = -35% Target Health
    Chains of Ice = Target Distance +8 Target In Move
    Death Coil = if Buff Doom soudaine up
    Festering Strike = Target Buff Blood Plague
    Icy Touch = Target Buff no Frost Fever
    Summon Gargoyle = Target Is Player
    Blood Strike = no Buff Conversion and Runic Power +85
    Desecrated Ground = Me Is Stunned
    +RunMacroText("/use item:91685") = Me Is Stunned [ Malevolent Gladiator's Medallion of Tenacity ]


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  11. MWMonk Fight class

    Updated with spin kick for greater survivablility.. Works great...


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  12. [Playingnaked] Beast Mastery

    This was created mostly for BG/Honor grind farms.

    Able to interupt casters/healers with 3 skill.
    Able to Kite mele dps if taking to much dmg
    Able to slow movment speed if enemy target is trying to run.
    Able to burst most dps
    Able to self heal

    Please leave feedback so that it will help me
    Improve it in the future with your comments!

    Version 1.1


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  13. balance_druid

    A balance druid fight class I made myself. I use it on my level 80. Might not be as complex as it could be for a level 90.


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  14. Fight Class: Monk Brewmaster 1-90

    For Monk tank
    very good dmg with defence CD


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  15. monk WW dps [healing is priory][pve]

    chi wave and Expel Harm are mainly healing so it will be less likely to die in pve world!

    this is not for pvp since there is no interrupt but just works fine.


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  16. Druid - Guardian [Loki]

    Druid - Guardian [Loki]

    Beta 1.0

    Uploading to share with Ohren.

    For now this works fine for leveling to 90 but its a BETA and you should consider other
    options as of now for your endgame.

    This is very much in the building process and not a release.

    I will however keep working on it and let you guys know when its ready for public.



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  17. DiscAtonement.2



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  18. Warrior - Fury [Loki]

    Warrior - Fury [Loki]

    Fury is my main and the one spec I have played the most.
    Since I first started using WR I´ve constantly tweaked this
    fightclass and I am now ready to release it for public.

    This is version 1.0 and it includes what ever you need for
    the day.

    Version 2.0 will include proc rotation which obv will increase
    dps, but Im still working on that. CDs also need some endgame
    work but this is for 2.0.

    I use:
    15 Juggernaut
    30 Second Wind
    45 Disrupting Shout
    60 Dragon Roar (I love this!)
    75 Mass Spell Reflection
    90 Bloodbath

    Unending Rage

    (Everything in bold you really have to have, but get all above anyway)

    Feedback and questions in this thread please.
    This IS my first profile so if you find baby mistakes make sure to let me know.
    Im sure there are a few in there.

    Over n out



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  19. Unkillable Frost DK

    Pretty in-depth Frost DK profile. This one uses Conversion in order to keep your health above 50%, as well as taking advantage of things like Freezing Fog, and Killing Machine procs. Tested a lot with my lvl 85 frost DK, and had no problem killing a 88 rare. Even keeps Horn of Winter up, and uses Raise Ally if its up.

    Feel free to comment your thoughts on this profile, and rep if you like.


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  20. Hunter Survival-gomisensei.xml

    Relatively complex fight class for survival hunters, with a few options, and multi-target support. Tested with lvl 90, used mostly for grinding/gathering. Let me know how it works for you.


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  21. Feral Bear

    Working Feral Bear Profile. Keeps itself alive very well. Prioritizes
    spells on uses. Keeps Mark up, and stays in Bear form while fighting,
    without changing in and out of form.

    It also uses Swipe when more than 1 mob is in distance, or Lacerate when
    only 1 mob is fighting. (requires navigator to be checked)

    Casts Enrage, Renewal, Frenzied Regeneration, and Survival Instincts to keep self alive.

    Casts Bear Hug, Mangle, Thrash, and Lacerate & Swipe, in those priorities for maximum damage.

    Uses Frenzied Regeneration when below 95% health and Maul only when rage is above 80, so there is always reserves for FR.

    Currently Only uses Skills on targets Targeting Self. This way you don't pull away from another tank if you are switching back and forth. use a taunt to take it back and you will resume using skills. as long as the mob is Targeting you.

    With all of these features all aligned together, this is one of the best profiles to be found for Feral Bears!

    (Credit to James Duncan for his Druid-Feral (bear) profile giving me the
    start to understand how to build a profile, and a Starting place)


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  22. Stealth/combat

    It's still in the works. Depending on your talents you might wanna put a few more spells in there. It stealths, slice and dice, put poisons on,(talent leeching) and keeps recup up. Still needs work but solid enough to post here.


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  23. Warlock Affliction specc

    Good for farming. ;)
    Voidlord and heals if under 50%
    Haunt if got shards, use drain soul to get some
    4 curses: Curse of element, Agony, Corruption and Unstable Affliction
    and Nalefic Grasp to fill it up

    Dark Intent

    I leveled my warlock 80-90 with this :)


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  24. Bearpvp

    Works both in battlegrounds and grinding.


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  25. Assassination Rogue

    I created this for grinding from 85-90 and it has worked well for me so far without any issues. This is my first attempt and I am new to this application so forgive me if it isn't perfect, I'm sure I'll get better at this as time goes by.

    Also note that WRobot didn't seem to recognize "Envenom" or "Dispatch" but I found that if you used their "renamed" Combat spec versions of "Sinister Strike" and "Eviscerate" then I could get it to cast the abilities I wanted instead - the makers of WRobot might want to take a look at that but this profile gets round it for the moment and works just fine.

    Anyway - If you have any problems, shout and I'll do my best to address them.



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