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[FREE][PvP/BG] Resto Shaman 1.0.1

   (1 review)

About This File

This is a sneak peek at my upcoming, paid PvP fightclasses, which will be superior to this one.

This fightclass uses frame lock. If you end up with low FPS, it is likely the server responding slowly at high load. Disable frame lock in the settings.
If you disable player attack, it will blacklist players after using a random emote.

Currently does the following (without giving too much insight to make it detectable):

- uses totems in a smart way
- chain heal when appropriate
- big heal if neccesary (only instant)
- bloodlust when it makes sense
- shocks/grounds/tremors casts around you if necessary
- purges some useful buffa
- DPS if no heal required (for anyone in range)


Check out my other Fightclasses:




What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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