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[A] [Quest] 1-60 grinder V6

   (6 reviews)

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About This File

Tested and stable WRobot grind profile for Alliance on private servers.

The Zip includes 1-60 Vanilla and 1-70 TBC Alliance grinding packs. Built on Elysium Vanilla and Warmane TBC. Also includes recommended WRobot plug-ins for leveling.

The Alliance profile is split into 2 parts 1-45 and 25-60.  At some point you will need to move the bot dependant on level- when you do it is up to you (you have 20 levels to decide.  A third profile is added for 58-70 in TBC.

Leveling paths:

Vanilla 1-45

1-6 Northshire 

6-14 Elwynn

14-19 Westfall 

19-22 Redridge 

22-32 Duskwood. 

32-36 STV

36-45 Swamp of sorrows

Vanilla 25-60

25-31 Wetlands

31-37 Arathi

37-43 Badlands

43-51 hunterlans

51-55 WPL

55-60 EPL


While this profile is 99% grind- you will still need to load it as a quest profile.

The profiles favour quiet grind spots with mainly beasts being the target. I have made gradual mobs changes so you wont see any massive jumps in death / mob difficulty as the profile goes on.

A Second grind path is included that will also target humanoids for those bots who need cloth.  However these spots may have more players than the 'normal' grind profile which favor quiet spots- you are able to freely swap between profiles as they follow similar paths.


What's New in Version V6   See changelog


Added small blackspots for some areas to stop the bot running into groups of 3-4.

Added druid / pally trainers for 6-45

Added some rare spawns in 25-60

still a grind profile.


V6 19th December 2017

Added 1-22 quest profile to vanilla

Added more files to BC content

Modifies 6-45 and 25-60 grind spots and added / removed some mobs after continued testing / use.



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I just bought this and ran the 1-45 human on a 35 human started the bot in STV he ran all the way to darkshire to acquire some Fine Aged Cheddar then proceded to run all the way to Stormwind to my trainer where I was greeted with a Wrobot error "Compilator error: c:\users\valued customer\appdata\local\temp\idc5qkn4\ldc5kqn4.0.cs(22, 169) : errorCS1026 ) expected error    

I have  go to trainer off in Wrobot.

I've sat here and watched the 1-45 human and the alliance 25-60 run around and do nothing I'm level 35 started this at 0 exp,  time played this level 1 hour 11 minutes and I'm still 0 exp into my level.... It's literally just running all over the place taking trams... walking to venders now I'm watching it walk to maybe the wetlands??? When I have all the flight paths and have that turned on in Wrobot starting to feel this was a giant waste of time and money

Now he stopped to kill a level 8 bear that didn't even attack first... 

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1 minute ago, food4me said:

I just bought this and ran the 1-45 human on a 35 human started the bot in STV he ran all the way to darkshire to acquire some Fine Aged Cheddar then proceded to run all the way to Stormwind to my trainer where I was greeted with a Wrobot error "Compilator error: c:\users\valued customer\appdata\local\temp\idc5qkn4\ldc5kqn4.0.cs(22, 169) : errorCS1026 ) expected error    

I have  go to trainer off in Wrobot.

I've sat here and watched the 1-45 human and the alliance 25-60 run around and do nothing I'm level 35 started this at 0 exp,  time played this level 1 hour 11 minutes and I'm still 0 exp into my level.... It's literally just running all over the place taking trams... walking to venders now I'm watching it walk to maybe the wetlands??? When I have all the flight paths and have that turned on in Wrobot starting to feel this was a giant waste of time and money

The 6-45 profile doesn't take trams, buy food and should be training in goldshire for majority of classes.  I suspect you are using HMP.  Get the bot to golshire / STV, turn off HMP and see what it does.


if its still messy send me a log so i can see what its trying to do.



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Just leveled up out of the last area now its taking flight path from duskwood to redridge mountain then walks all the way back to duskwood and flies back to redridge its done this 5 times nows. HMP is turned off. One thing I can say about this profile is it doen't really use very obscure places at all I never really afk bot and watching my toon get ganked every 3 minutes kind of sucks every grind I've used so far has been quest mobs or near them so you get ganked non stopped.


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1 hour ago, food4me said:

Just leveled up out of the last area now its taking flight path from duskwood to redridge mountain then walks all the way back to duskwood and flies back to redridge its done this 5 times nows. HMP is turned off. One thing I can say about this profile is it doen't really use very obscure places at all I never really afk bot and watching my toon get ganked every 3 minutes kind of sucks every grind I've used so far has been quest mobs or near them so you get ganked non stopped.


1- try turning off flight master in general options and make bot run to where is should be

2- thats whay i gave you alt files.  Dependant on server some zones are busy (profile cant help this), so i gave the option of an alternate  levelling path.

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36-42 swamp of sorrows goes right into stonard, it also targets the guards and attacks them maybe make some blacklists?



EDIT: I've now watched my guy run right in there and die 7 times.  For some reason, he feels the need to just run in there and target guards. all plugins and addons are disabled. It's worked fine for hours till now

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5 hours ago, food4me said:

36-42 swamp of sorrows goes right into stonard, it also targets the guards and attacks them maybe make some blacklists?



EDIT: I've now watched my guy run right in there and die 7 times.  For some reason, he feels the need to just run in there and target guards. all plugins and addons are disabled. It's worked fine for hours till now

The area should be blacklisted- the main line file 6-45 is in the same area- does it do the same?

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Hey there

I bought the profile long time ago somehow cant find it on computer. Possible to re download it again?

I still have the paypal information about it.

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8 hours ago, privateman said:

Is there no other option than starting in the human zone?

thanks for asking- i had the files but hadnt added them into the package.

Pull the zip down , it has starters for all races now.

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11 hours ago, haasbro said:

Is this multi IP or single IP? I'm using VPN on 1 computer and wanna use it on main comp aswell ?

 Its a multi use file...  IP/ computer / whatever

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WPL is bugged or something.. Keeps runnings to this one spot and getting stuck, even when i blacklisted it with 5 dots. And it farms in a really bad place where mages AOE farm ?

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5 hours ago, haasbro said:

WPL is bugged or something.. Keeps runnings to this one spot and getting stuck, even when i blacklisted it with 5 dots. And it farms in a really bad place where mages AOE farm ?

Tried looking in the alt files?? If one spot is too busy there is a second and third option for 50+

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Hello eeny,

i just wanted to DL the file again as i have come back to priv server botting.

It seems you have deleted your shop, at least that is what selfy is telling me.

Any posibility of you somehow making it avaliable to me?

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