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Files posted by eeny
[H] [Quest] 1-70 grinder
By eeny in Quester - TBC
The most tested and stable WRobot grind profile for Horde on private servers.
The Demo is a 1-6 quester - Valley of trials. After which it will load the grinder.
The Zip includes 1-60 Vanilla and 1-70 TBC Horde grinding packs. Built on Elysium Vanilla and Warmane TBC. Also includes recommended WRobot plug-ins for leveling
Leveling paths
1-6 Valley of trials
6-12 Durotar.
12-26 Barrens,
26-31 Ashenvale.
31-41 Desolace.
41- 46 Feralas
46-51 Tanaris.
51-55 Un goro
55-60 Silithus
The Burning Crusade
58-61 Hellfire peninsular
61-64 Zangarmarsh
64-67 Terrokar
67-70 Nagrand
While this profile is 99% grind- you will still need to load it as a quest profile.
The profiles favour quiet grind spots with mainly beasts being the target.
A Second grind path is included that will also target humanoids for those bots who need cloth. However these spots may have more players than the normal grind profile- you are able to freely swap between profiles as they follow similar paths.
[A] Alliance 1-35 quest profiles
By eeny in Quester - Vanilla
A tested Alliance Human Quester for Vanilla 1.12 Servers using Wrobot.
This product is a single profile for 1-30, plus a single 30-35 file using the quest framework. Quests in human + Dwarf zones. There is grind in this profile ( As its Vanilla WoW this is expected), however majority of the EXP comes from completing / turning in quests.
Starts in human start zones and moves between zones in Eastern kingdoms as it levels. Does not take the boat to Kalimdor.
Required bot to start at level 1. Release v1 will be the 1-35 release. Once feedback input has been included will break the file down to allow different starting levels. Preferred classes are Warlock, Paladin, Hunter, Druid and Priest. Mage is passable. Rogues and Warrior's may struggle( As normal with Vanilla WoW).
If you have any feedback I'm always open to ideas and if you like the file post a review!
[A] [Quest] 1-60 grinder
By eeny in Grinder - Vanilla
Tested and stable WRobot grind profile for Alliance on private servers.
The Zip includes 1-60 Vanilla and 1-70 TBC Alliance grinding packs. Built on Elysium Vanilla and Warmane TBC. Also includes recommended WRobot plug-ins for leveling.
The Alliance profile is split into 2 parts 1-45 and 25-60. At some point you will need to move the bot dependant on level- when you do it is up to you (you have 20 levels to decide. A third profile is added for 58-70 in TBC.
Leveling paths:
Vanilla 1-45
1-6 Northshire
6-14 Elwynn
14-19 Westfall
19-22 Redridge
22-32 Duskwood.
32-36 STV
36-45 Swamp of sorrows
Vanilla 25-60
25-31 Wetlands
31-37 Arathi
37-43 Badlands
43-51 hunterlans
51-55 WPL
55-60 EPL
While this profile is 99% grind- you will still need to load it as a quest profile.
The profiles favour quiet grind spots with mainly beasts being the target. I have made gradual mobs changes so you wont see any massive jumps in death / mob difficulty as the profile goes on.
A Second grind path is included that will also target humanoids for those bots who need cloth. However these spots may have more players than the 'normal' grind profile which favor quiet spots- you are able to freely swap between profiles as they follow similar paths.
- vanilla alliance
- alliance
- (and 1 more)
[H] [Quest] 1-60 grinder
By eeny in Grinder - Vanilla
Eeny's Vanilla Levelling Pack Version 10
Tested, reliable and stable WRobot Levelling profile pack for Horde on private servers.
The Demo is a 1-6 quester - Valley of trials. After which it will load the grinder.
The Zip includes 1-60 Vanilla and 1-70 TBC Horde grinding packs, along with 1-25 Quester for Orc / Troll and start zones for Tauren + Undead.
The files are built Built on Elysium, lighthope and Northdale Vanilla and Warmane TBC. Also includes recommended WRobot plug-ins for levelling
1-60 Main Grinder file paths:
1-6 Valley of trials
6-12 Durotar.
12-26 Barrens,
26-32 Ashenvale.
32-41 Desolace.
41- 46 Feralas
46-51 Tanaris.
51-55 Un-goro
55-60 Silithus
1-25 Quester file path
1-6 Valley of trials
6-12 Durotar / Tirisfal Glades
12-20 Barrens
20-25 Barrens / STM / Ashenvale
There is also the Alternate file section which contains over 100 files including support for Tauren + Undead start zones to make your bots levelling unique. Each level 1-60 has 3-5 different options for levelling
The profiles favour quiet grind spots with mainly beasts being the target. A Second main line grind path is included that will also target humanoids for those bots who need cloth. You are able to freely swap between profiles as they follow similar paths.
The new V10 file has runcode added. Once your bot is finished with a zone the runcode will walk it to the next zone, talk to the flight master, set hearthstone and begin grinding in the new zone. Will also purchase gear dependant on the class.
- vanilla horde
- leveling
- (and 1 more)
Paladin Vanilla 1-60 by Eeny
By eeny in Fight Classes - Vanilla
Retribution Paladin Fight class usable from 1-60. Built towards working with my vanilla levelling profiles
Will heal at 40%.
Will only Judge Crusader only if you learned seal of command
Will keep BoM up until you get BoW at 14.
Uses Ret aura however at low levels will use devotion aura.
Hammer of justice to interrupt spells
Hammer of wrath if > 60% mana and mobs < 20% health
Lay on hands if low Bot health / mana.
In built tag avoid.
This is one of the fight classes i have bee using to pump out lvl 60 vanilla bot accounts using my grinder.
any recommendations / bugs send me a PM.
Demon / Affliction lock 1-60 by Eeny
By eeny in Fight Classes - Vanilla
Free C# fight class for Vanilla Aff / Demonology Warlock's. Built towards working with my vanilla levelling profiles
The idea behind this was to make a FC's that will go 1-60 where you dont need to populate the action bars with spells after training.
This FC is about when you would expect from a levelling lock FC.
Works best with instant cast corruption + improved voidwalker torment. Once you have the Voidwalker spell at lvl 10- you NEED a wand.
Upon targeting an NPC it will send the pet in. The rotation will keep immolate / Curse of Agony / Coruption on the target. If you have Siphon life it will swap out immolate for that spell.
Stack a bot with high stam / spirit and a wand- should be good to go.
Should use unending breath when swimming
Will attempt to keep a healthstone in your bags + use if in combat at 50% health.
Will also use all consumable scrolls! Stamina, spirit and intellect will be cast on you, armour, strength and agility will get send to the pet.
If you have any suggestions / bugs / recommendations drop me a PM and i can look into it.
Hunter 1-60 by Eeny
By eeny in Fight Classes - Vanilla
A Free Hunter FC you can use 1-60 without adding spells to the bars. Built towards working with my vanilla levelling profiles
This profile works best with grinders where you are engaging mobs, not questers where you may aggro mobs.
Will attempt to feed the pet from the first bag slots from the first bag. So make sue you have food in there.
Rotation is simple
Will buff with aspect Will use consumable scrolls on you / pet Will try and move back if target is close and focusing pet Will move closer if pet is low on health Fighting is using a mana efficient approach
Hunters mark Serpent sting Arcane shot ( if mana > 75%) Mend pet Raptor strike if close I know some spells are missing like bestial wrath / intimidation / aimed shot / feign death / trap. these will be added with testing.
As always, if you have any additions or recommendations / bugs let me know.
Feral druid 1-60 by Eeny
By eeny in Fight Classes - Vanilla
Im trying to make the best, free C# fight class for Vanilla Feral Druid. Built towards working with my vanilla levelling profiles
The idea behind this was to make a Feral druid FC that will go 1-60 where you dont need to populate the action bars with spells after training.
please set the food / drink tab to look like the attached screenshot. If you want to add actual drink you can set the upper mana to 95%.
Levels 1-4 will be a bit plain as it will just be melee / healing touch (wont use wrath). 4-10 will be a moonfire / rejuvenation rotation.
10-60 Is a bit more fun as the bot should get shapeshifting. Will use bear form til cat form is learned.
Bear form is a simple maul spam.
Cat form will use rake and claw. Will use combo points with Rip if mob health > 50% and Ferocious bite if mob health < 50%.
Should pull with faerie fire << need testers
Should also buff omen of clarity if your specced.
Will break forms at 35% health and drop HoTs / heals and shift back in .
Will also break form if out of combat and dont have Mark / thorns active.
Will also also break form if your target is a friendly NPC, trainer or vendor.
I think this will work best when grinding lower level mobs.. once you need to heal a lot mana will become an issue.
If you have any suggestions / bugs / recommendations drop me a PM and i can look into it.
Shadow Priest 1-60 by Eeny
By eeny in Fight Classes - Vanilla
C# fight class for Vanilla priests. Built towards working with my vanilla levelling profiles
The idea behind this was to make a Shadow priest FC that will go 1-60 where you dont need to populate the action bars with spells after training.
Levels 1-10 will be a SWP / smite rotation. Im 100% assuming you have a wand equipped by lvl 10.
10-60 is just a simple SWP / mind blast / wand rotation with vamp embrace. The focus here was efficiency, ideally the bot should not need to drink using this profile after lvl 10.
Until the bot knows shadowform it will use holy spells to heal it self. once it knows shadowform it will use PW: sheild and Vamp Embrace never seen issues at higher lvls with healing on my priests.
Will always keep buffs like Fort and Inner fire up.
massive should to @reapler who sorted out wanding and generally cleaned up my code.
If you have any suggestions / bugs / recommendations drop me a PM and i can look into it.
1-60 Enh Shaman lvling by Eeny
By eeny in Fight Classes - Vanilla
Trimmed down and subtle fight classed i use on my Shamans. Built towards working with my vanilla levelling profiles
Healing wave at 50% health
Shocks when > 25% mana.
Will keep Rockbiter weapon up when below lvl 30 and WindFury weapon up when above 30. I found shamans with passable gear where able to grind without downtime from about lvl 15 if you defined healing wave as a food / regen item .
Totems are used sparingly as its looks suspect if the bot is dropping them every fight. Stoneskin + Mana spring totems will be dropped if you are fighting 2+ mobs. Searing totem is on a timer so it doesnt drop every mob.
Massive shout-out to @Imod who wrote the timers in the C# profile,
Let me know if you would change anything.
[FREE] [A] Dwarf + Gnome starting file 1-12
By eeny in Quester - Vanilla
A free quest/grind file that i use for fresh gnome / dwarf bots 1-12.
Like always it works best if you can send a lvl 5-7 green weapon to the bot, i want to add auto weapon buying at lvl 7 in the next few days. I have already added low level auto armor buying for gear dependant classes (Warrior, Rogue, Paladin, Hunter).
Its not as fast lvl'ing as humans, however it should be AFK and zones a bit quieter...
If you have any additions / ideas let me know and we can incorporate them.
Night Elf Runner
By eeny in Custom Profiles - Vanilla
A custom Quest profile that should get your night elf from ShadowGlen to Northshire valley fully AFK while picking up all the FP's along the way. Will also set hearth at goldshire.
Best to be run on a lvl 10+ char, lvl 1's will die a lot running through wetlands due to their massive aggro range and 1 hit deaths.
Let me know if you find any bugs.
Scarlet Monastery Grave Yard
By eeny in Custom Profiles - Vanilla
This is a simple framework for Vanilla dungeon runs.
Starts with a run-code to attempt to loot BoP boss loot, changes the free bag spaces and runs in.
The kill stuff pulse kills all the stuff and is completed when close to a specific spot. once its done that it will run out , reset the instance and run the file from the top.
Obviously needs a lvl 60 with gear to complete the istance. I found druids in bear form and rogues/ warriors ( with gear) quite good.
This file itself is a bit slow. However it is easy enough to changes the positions / NPC's to other instances. I will make a video on this shortly.
Night Elf 1-11 Quests
By eeny in Quester - Vanilla
Night Elf quest file for 1-11.
Personally i found the night elf zone really hard to play so botting it is tough going. You may look into getting some lvl 5-7 greens for your chars to avoid chain deaths.
I do attempt to buy some items depending on the class much like my other files. Always open for recomendations if you have any,
Also selling other files here https://sellfy.com/eeny
[Class Quest]Human Voidwalker quest 1.0.0
By eeny in Quester - Vanilla
The file i use when my warlocks are lvl 12-13 and im AFK.
There are 3 mobs which can hit pretty hard so a lvl 10 lock may chain die.
Starts in Goldshire and will do the quests and finish in Stormwind.
Its a very simple profile- let me know if you see a bug / see how to improve.
Gnome Runner
By eeny in Custom Profiles - Vanilla
Profile to run bots from the Gnome / Dwarf start zone over to the human start zone- AFK.
Will go via the tram, collect SW Flightpath, set hearth at Goldshire and run to the valley.
[Class Quest][H] Warrior Stance quests
By eeny in Quester - Vanilla
The profile i run on my botted warriors once they are lvl 35+ and need stances.
does the bare minimum to get the stance- doesnt do the whole quest line.
Starts on Org- finished on fray island off ratchet. Will attempt to do both defensive and bezerker stance. if you have completed defensive manually you may need to edit the profile to not attempt those quests
[Class Quest]Orc Voidwalker quest
By eeny in Quester - Vanilla
The file i use when my warlocks are ~ lvl 13.
The mobs in the cave hit pretty hard so a lvl 10 lock may chain die.
Starts in razor hill and will do the quests and finish in org.
Its a very simple profile- let me know if you see a bug / see how to improve.
[Class Quest] Paladin Redemption quest (Human)
By eeny in Quester - Vanilla
Just the human lvl 12 res quest " the tome of divinity"
Picks up from Golshire and runs around finishing the quest line in stormwind
Simple- let me know if you hit any bugs.
[Class Quest] Vanilla Shaman totem
By eeny in Quester - Vanilla
Four quest files to automate the shaman totem quests.
Just a re-furb of the profiles i made for BC to make them work with vanilla.
Water quest may need some babysitting due to the amount of travel, but the profiles should to the heavy lifting for you.
Call of earth is only for orc / troll.. who makes a Tauren shaman anyway.
[Class Quest] Tauren Druid Bear form 1.0.0
By eeny in Quester - Vanilla
This is the level 10 "Heeding the call" quests for druid to get bearform at level 10.
Starts in Bloodhoof Village and should be full AFK- ends in Thunder Bluff. For those who have done the quest before, you know its best to be 12+ to AFk it as the end mob hits pretty hard.
A lot of runcode needed to get the bot to/from TB so just let the Bot do its thing- Dont stop it, only pause if you are watching and have to intervene.
If you find a bug let me know and il try fix it- there shouldnt be any issues though.
[Class Quest] Night Elf Druid Bear form
By eeny in Quester - Vanilla
This is the level 10 "Heeding the call" quests for druid to get bearform at level 10.
Starts in Dolanar and should be full AFK- ends in Darnassus. For those who have done the quest before, you know its best to be 12+ to AFk it as the end mob is lvl 14 and hits pretty hard.
A lot of runcode needed to get the bot from Darn / Auberdine and back so just let the Bot do its thing- Dont stop it, only pause if you are watching and have to intervene.
If you find a bug let me know and il try fix it- there shouldnt be any issues though.
Feral druid C# cat levelling FC
By eeny in Fight Classes - TBC
Just a Cat Feral druid fight class i use.
Normal profile is a 1-50 lvling claw / rake / rip / heal.
The C# profile is a high lvl feral druid (uses mangle / Omen / faerie fire)
Both should keep MoTW and Thorns up at all times. Will break Cat form to cast regrowth when at 40% and will cast rejuvenation if out of combat, moving, and not at 100% health. Will attempt Maim if target is casting.
Not fully fleshed out yet. will add skills as my druid progresses
V1- Druid skills up to lvl 24.
V2- added higher level skill support (XML)
V3 added C# fightclass for lvl 60+ druids
Enh shaman
By eeny in Fight Classes - TBC
Enhancement shaman profile
Got me 1-58.. then i'll go ele.
Rockbiter till 31, then WF weapon. Abilities scaled down as mana gets lower. I added healing wave as food at 70% and just let the bot melee stuff to death.
Healing wave at 40%... shamanistic rage when its available. Searing totem for each mob, other totejms only drop if 2+ mobs around
If gear is up to the task its a no downtime profile.
Searing totem at mob health 90%+
Stoneskin + Mana stream when 2+ mob's
Flameshock when not active + >60% mana
Healing wave when < 40% health
Weapon Buff: Rockbiter till 31... WF after that
stormstrike when > 50% mana + know the spell. earthshock when SS is active + has focused buff
Shamanistic rage when move health > 90% (to get as much mana back as possible.
feedback - recommendations let me know and il add them
[A + H] [Quest] (Advanced) Legion Stonehide grind pack
By eeny in 100-110 - Legion
These profiles will need you to modify them to work well for your bot. You need to look at the profile prior to loading it to see what it does. If you want a simple grinder look at my other Beast Grind pack.
For the rest...
These are profiles that i use to keep my bots truly AFK while farming leather. The profiles are built to allow the user to not have to log into the bots every day to clean them out.
Each of these files are actually questers. The profile will get the bot to farm 2500 STONEHIDE leather. After which will use the Dalaran Hearth, use scavenged good(from boon) / scrolls / pages (for artifact power) ect... Then attempt to mail all whites / greens / epics, Vendor all greys then reload the profile to start again. you will need your mail recipient to be on your bots "friends list" to avoid the mailing popup.
The bot decides what it does depending on the amounf of stonehide leather it has in its bag. less than 2500 it will farm, More than 2500 it will hearth and to go dalaran.
To make the bot vendor i use wrobot run codes to modify the min bag space to go to town. You may need to change this value depending on the bags you have. You may also need to change the stonehide collect value depending on the bags you have!
you need to define a mail recipient for these profiles or they wont work!!! < holy shit im not kidding here...
I have put the following runcode default for all profiles
/console maxfps 20
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.Selling = true;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellGray = true;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellWhite = false;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellGreen = false;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellBlue = false;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellPurple = false;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseMail = true;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailGray = false;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailWhite = true;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailGreen = true;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailBlue = true;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailPurple = true;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.FlightMasterTaxiUse = true;
modify as you see fit.
I hope you have a mail recipient that can Disenchant Legion greens... If not set up a CoD deal for legion greens with an enchanter on your server so some easy gold
any (smart) enhancement requests welcome as always.
- quester profile
- farming
- (and 1 more)