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[FREE] PartyChatCommandEX (PCCeX) 1.0.2

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About This File


Command your bot with in-game chat! This plugin executes commands (Lua code, C# code, use item or cast spell) with argument support, when any party member or whisper sends a specific message in WoW chat. This is a standalone, free plugin (Party chat command not required) that monitors in-game chat channels (like a Discord bot) for a trigger command, an action, and any arguments/variables you want to pass along. The plugin is designed to scan party chat, party (leader), and whispers for triggers/commands. There is also an optional Argument Handler that when active, parses all arguments as 1 string (Used in the say command for example). As the file is CS, the source is available for the community to digest and use for their own needs.



*This plugin should work on any version, but as I only play and test on Vanilla, I'll list it here until I get some testers ?*


Default Actions (send via game chat)

Where a discord bot normally searches for a symbol like !, by default PCCeX has the bot respond to it's character name. I originally decided to default to character name because it makes it easier for me to delegate individual instructions to multiple bots in the same party. This is editable per action in the settings (meaning you can give different actions different triggers as well for your own wishes/purposes). Depicted below, the trigger (only the trigger) can be used at either the beginning, or the end of the command statement. For the sake of the examples, our bot name is Bobthebot:

  •  Bobthebot gohome OR gohome Bobthebot  // uses Hearthsone
  • Bobthebot pause OR pause Bobthebot // Pause WRobot
  • Bobthebot unpause OR unpause Bobthebot // Unpause WRobot
  • Bobthebot stop OR stop Bobthebot // Stop WRobot
  • Bobthebot say Hey how's it going? OR say Hey how's it going? Bobthebot //  bot says in say chat Hey how's it going?
  • Whispered commands can be used without trigger by setting "Whisper No Trigger" to "true" in plugin settings (Eg. Whispering gohome to the bot will execute gohome action)



How to use arguments

  • All arguments parsed are labeled "t00zArg" with an incremented value based on how many arguments are parsed (t00zArg1, t00zArg2, etc)
  • Arguments are accessed via robotManager.Helpful.Var.GetVar<string>("t00zArg1");  (change t00zArg1 to the corresponding argument)
  • The say command is an example of both argument use, and the Argument Handler set to true (on)



How to Use/Install:

  • Move download file into folder "\WRobot\Plugins\".
  • (Re)Launch WRobot.
  • Go to tab "Plugins".
  • Select plugin "PartyChatCommandEX.cs" and click on to activate it.
  • To add/edit command list, in "Plugins" tab, select "PartyChatCommandEX.cs" and click on button "Settings for selected plugin".


Potential things you can do with this plugin (custom action scripting required, not included):

  • Make a heal/buff/attack action with arguments: Have your bot heal, buff or attack a target of your choice, with the spell of your choice
  • Change your "Party" product target from in-game with the player of your choice
  • Integrate with Traveller and use chat commands to send your bot places to do things (go to place, sell/buy this)
  • Much, Much, More!


I will update default actions with some actions I make for myself as I go, but I am so interested to see what you all can come up with! Enjoy!



This plugin is based on Droidz' Party chat command:


What's New in Version 1.0.2   See changelog


Added Whisper Trigger toggle to settings. Default is false (false means whispers requires a trigger in the command statement to execute action) to protect bot from random whispers. Use at your own risk/leisure!

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Can you provide more examples for those of us that don't really get the details here?

For example, what would a simple "attack my current" target command look like?

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It seems like changing the Custom Trigger doesn't work? 

These settings DO work...

Action command: LuaMacro
Command: assist
Command action: /assist myAltsName
Custom Trigger: myMainsName
Process arguments: False

These settings do NOT work...

Action command: LuaMacro
Command: assist
Command action: /assist myCharName
Custom Trigger: hey
Process arguments: False

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Can you add an option to specify a channel instead of using Whisper? I'd like to get the spam out of my chat ?

I run my alt, tag the mobs and then macro whispers to my main (which is the bot). This is powerleveling!

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