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[Dungeon]Stratholme v2b Version 2b

   (1 review)

About This File

At First: Buy Findel's Loot-A-Rang or build your own Loot-A-Rang if you are an engineer

This profile is a quest profile without any quests. It should help you to farm the Mount of Stratholme. Start the profile after the first gate, before you enter the dungeon. The profile only loot the baron, if you have a Loot-A-Rang (buyable) and set Loot Mobs=off. So you can kill the boss many times more before your bag is full.

Because of a Bug in the Quester its a good idea to set the following settings:

Loot Mobs: off

Attack before beeing attacked: off

These settings and a few more will also set temporary by the profile, but after you stop and restart the quester, the temporary settings are gone (thats the bug).

At Last: Buy Findel's Loot-A-Rang or build your own Loot-A-Rang if you are an engineer

What's New in Version Version 2b   See changelog


  • V2b:
  • - WoD 6.1 compatible
  • V2a:
  • - removed GoToDungeonLong
  • V2:
  • - Lot only the Baron (you need a Loot-A-Rang)
  • - Blacklist the bug trap
  • - some improvments
  • V1: Initial release

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It was perfect till I got to the Baron, he killed the guards, but then ignored the Baron, used the Loot-A-Rang (the Baron was standing alive) and then proceeded to leave. Five tries in a row, used both V2 files, don't know which one is newer.


Is there a point to the Loot-A-Rang? Can we just kill the baron old fashion way? Is there a way to add the Baron and force him to be attacked?

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For me it doesn't work, it gets to ramstein, kill it, minions spawn, kill it, guards spawn, run to the kill them before they leave ziggurat and here it breaks, it goes back to his spot just outside ziggurat and waits... like it doesn't record killing guards and doesn't proceed further. 

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Phyriel, did you download the newst version 2b?


I just got the mount!


Sometimes the profile doesn't work, and if you re-start from the middle, it's a mess. Whenever it fails, I just run back and re-start, right before the portal to the instance.


Still great!!

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Yea i downloaded 2b, I tried few times, each time from the beginning just outside stratholme portal, it does all as intented up to those guards, it kills them and stop without entering final ziggurat.

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Did you use Blizzard or private server? Blizzard changed the Scenario ID. A privat server maybe not. If you use a Blizzard server send me the log of a run via pm.

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Hello sorry for late reply, well i stopped using that cause it produce many different errors, sometimes it would stop at guards like I described and sometimes it would clear 2 ziggurats and keep coursing between them like it wouldn't already know they are cleared. I used this script as a learning hub. 

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Bonjour,j'ai la version 2b,pour moi,il fait tout comme il faut à part qu'il ne loot pas sur le baron.

Pourtant au premier essai,il a même looté sur le baron,c'était lors de la première utilisation du Loot-A-Range de Findle (le jeu m'a même demandé si j'acceptais que l'objet soit lié si je l'utilisais) et depuis ce premier essais concluant il ne veut plus looter le baron maintenant.

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I hope, I understand you right.


1) The Baron as killed, but the loot-a-range would not be used ?

2) Or is the loot-a-range used, but there was no drop?


at 1) no idea at all, but did you see the quest-entry in your Log (debug=on)

[D] ti:me:01 - [Quester] RunLuaCode: local function UseContainerItemByName(search)


[D] ti:me:02 - [Quester] Wait: 5000 ms


at 2a) this could happened if the Baron is behind you, (bad luck, next time will be better)

at 2b) if the loot windows is opened, but auto-loot is off (auto-loot must be on)

at 2c) or isnt used in a time of 5 sec (increase wait 5000 sec to 7000 (i.e.) or edit Quester to redo the RunLuaCode and Wait a second time)

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As of 6.2 this does not work i have tried on muti toons. Goes in threw frist gate stops at 2 gate then proceeds to bounce back and forth. Does not go in the hallway to get to the 3 gate.

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Sorry, at the moment i can't fix it, because I didn't play. And because I didn't play, I cant start wrobot and without that I cant start the quest-editor....aaargl..... DROIDZ !!!!

anyway...start the bot, and while you are in Stratholm, go to dev-tools and execute this lua-script

local stageName, stageDescription, numCriteria = C_Scenario.GetStepInfo();  
local idObj = 1;
for idObj = 1, numCriteria do
 local criteriaString, criteriaType, completed, quantity, totalQuantity, flags, assetID, quantityString, criteriaID, duration, elapsed = C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfo(idObj);
 if (completed) then
    print(idObj .. ' ' .. criteriaString .. ':' .. criteriaID .. ': Completed' );
    print(idObj .. ' ' .. criteriaString .. ':' .. criteriaID .. ': In Progress'+ );

You see the output in game with the right criteria ID and strings. I need this output. Maybe I can change the file with a simple editor (I can't test)

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Hey, Im desperatly trying to create my own dungeon profile for farming specific trash (avoiding boss's) and reseting but struggling, anyone able to help?

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1 hour ago, jonnyboy899 said:

Hey, Im desperatly trying to create my own dungeon profile for farming specific trash (avoiding boss's) and reseting but struggling, anyone able to help?

Certainly, however the problem with avoiding bosses is "iscomplete > move to next step" portion of a profile.  The dungeon profiles droidz has done all rely on the instance tracking guide on the wow interface, the profile is set to kill one boss, when that boss is dead the part of the profile is complete and the bot moves on. When killing no bosses I don't know of a way to tell the bot/ profile that it's complete and to exit the dungeon and reset.

That's my brain dump. Let me know what instances you are looking at (not sfk pls) and il take a swing at them. Curious, why no bosses?

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