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About This File

Hi guys,

I made a mining-rotation from 175-230.

The route takes place in Tanaris.

The mobs are between lvl 42 and 50, so be prepared.

If you are feeling not well equipped or are not above lvl 55, turn indoor nodes of.

If you have indoor nodes on, please ignore the up-and-down-running if you are mining a hive, just WRobot run (it takes about 10min for the hive in the West).

[Or turn it off, if you are annoyed]



- Iron

- Gold

- Silver

- Truesilver

- Mithril

- Thorium


I leveled my mining skills up from 183-230 with just one run (Gadgetzan to Gadgetzan) and it just took 1 hour.


Please report any bugs and enjoy.



User Feedback

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   2 of 4 members found this review helpful 2 / 4 members

Doesnt work, just stands there.



Started it as Alliance in dustwallow marsh and it ran all the way to tanaris and started mining with only 1 problem and that was 1 skill away from small thorium vein it kept looping around trying to pick them. But I moved the bot a bit and started again and it looped around with no problem.



Works as intended.

Got full bags in short amount of time, only one or two hiccups with pathing, other than that a very viable profile.

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