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Zan's Retribution Paladin 1.0.3

   (3 reviews)

2 Screenshots

About This File

I feel this rotation is good enough for a release at this time. I will update it if I find errors, things that need to be tweaked out better, or if I find time to add more spells. If you find problems let me know and I’ll get to them when I can. Interrupts and can be toggled on or off and is set to interrupt right before the end of cast. Rebuke is the main interrupt and Hammer of Justice will be used if Justicar’s Vengeance (Talent) is not selected. The profile will use Crusader Strike and Blade of Justice to build Holy Power. It will not cast Blade of Justice if it only needs 1 more Holy Power to hit 5. Once it hits 5 Holy Power it will go through a very optimized rotation for max DPS according to the Talents in my screenshot. Other spells implemented are Execution Sentence, Eye for an Eye, and Holy Wrath. Zeal and Crusade can also be used but they are only replacement spells. There are several spells to use for survivability and set to act when your health % drops below a certain level. These spells are fully adjustable by you. There are various settings that can be modified for your gameplay. I suggest you pay attention to the descriptions of them all. You have a decent amount of choices. Enjoy the rotation and let me know of any problems. – Zan

P.S. After it builds up to 5 holy power it will then use Verdict.

What's New in Version 1.0.3   See changelog


  1. Fixed distance issue when using Quester

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Where do I put the file once downloaded? I have tried putting it in the fightclass folder and also some other folder but it doesn't cast spells just normal attacks

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Yes it belongs in the Fight Class Folder. By normal do you mean just auto attack? If so check the settings to "Attack before being attacked" and "Can attack units already in combat" and make sure they're on.

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im getting an issue where its constantly standing out of range and not attacking targets. only judgement them. other than that its working great

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Same issue. Character stands just out of range if Ashbringer is on CD or Judgement isn't ready. If they aren't attacked after a few short seconds, the character just moves on.

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