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[A + H][Gatherer] Suramar West Gatherer 1.3.0

   (10 reviews)

3 Screenshots

About This File

This loop is highlighted in a lot of the profession guides as a way to lvl herbalism and mining quickly.  As a result it can get BUSY so use the profile in a quiet time.

The bot can sometimes run off into Val' Sharah to chase nodes- i dont see any issues there however.


Loop is the screenshot- obviously you need to be 109-100 to run around in Suramar.

Bot can sometimes get a bit slower when you are full of mana crystals... il think of a way to spend them somehow. 


What's New in Version 1.3.0   See changelog


1,1 Blacklisted some elite NPC's "elfbane" and his surrounds


1.2 more blacklisting and path correction 

1.3 even more blacklisting and path correction

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7 hours ago, Hapiguy said:

True, there's always that one mining node, just on the edge of the cavern... and BOOM!  Dead!!! Lol

Got a srceen shot of where it happens? il blackzone it and re-upload.

You will lose a potential node, but you wont die...not a bad trade

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It's where the falanaar stream runs down into the cavern with the spiders, I'm at work or I'd happily SS it.

Will do when I get home.


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I have an issue, my char dies always in falanaar. It would be nice if you can update it or something else :)

I doesnt work when i try to blacklist the area, maybe i do it wrong idk

any advice ?

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eeny will be updating the file once he receives pictures of the area.

I'm at work, and I didn't remember to upload them last night.

If you have photos of the falanaar area, then put them up so he can blacklist.

Also, there's an outcropping on a large piece of stone that the bot ALWAYS hangs up on, pathing-wise, I'll get a picture up for that.

This profile is all but perfect, and I'm sure eeny will get it 110% soon! :wink:

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The first image is a rock outcropping that causes at least 25 stucks every 3-4 hours, if not more.  Perhaps the pathing could be updated to give this a wider berth in the navigation??

The second and third images are of the location in falanaar that follows the stream into the cavern.  There's always a node that spawns on or near that shelf, that makes you drop down into the cavern below and SPLAT!!!

The fourth image shows the ingame map for the location of the cavern.

Let me know what else I can get you to assist.





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1 hour ago, Hapiguy said:

The first image is a rock outcropping that causes at least 25 stucks every 3-4 hours, if not more.  Perhaps the pathing could be updated to give this a wider berth in the navigation??

The second and third images are of the location in falanaar that follows the stream into the cavern.  There's always a node that spawns on or near that shelf, that makes you drop down into the cavern below and SPLAT!!!

The fourth image shows the ingame map for the location of the cavern.

Let me know what else I can get you to assist.


1 was actually a kink in the path i was able to iron out


2-3-4 are hard for me as i dont usually mine on this route (only herb) for starlight rose.  I went through both caves and dropped the blacklist bomb everywhere i could.  let me know if i need to black out more there.


V 1.2 uploaded.

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11 hours ago, eeny said:

1 was actually a kink in the path i was able to iron out


2-3-4 are hard for me as i dont usually mine on this route (only herb) for starlight rose.  I went through both caves and dropped the blacklist bomb everywhere i could.  let me know if i need to black out more there.


V 1.2 uploaded.

I will watch it for a few hours tonight and see, but the mass of stucks seems to be dissipating on my bots.

I ran 4 all night, and one had a total of 76 (not sure why yet), and the rest had less than 10-12.

All in all, an improvement I think.

Will let you know...

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