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Healing in BG


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It was never implemented. You can write your own healing fightclasses in C# that will heal friends. If you want to follow friends around in combat

I suggest using C# code similar to this:

public void Initialize()
        FightEvents.OnFightLoop += FightEventsOnOnFightLoop;
        FightEvents.OnFightStart += FightEventsOnOnFightStart;

private void FightEventsOnOnFightStart(WoWUnit unit, CancelEventArgs cancelable)
        if (!ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWPlayer()
            .Any(p => p.IsAlive && p.Reaction == Reaction.Friendly && p.Position.DistanceTo(unit.Position) <= 30) && !Me.HaveAnyDebuff("Idle", "Inactive"))
            cancelable.Cancel = true;

    private void BlackList(WoWUnit unit, uint seconds = 15)
        wManagerSetting.AddBlackList(unit.Guid, (int) (seconds * 1000), true);
        new Thread(() =>
            Thread.Sleep((int) (seconds * 1000));

    private bool RunToHealTarget()
        WoWUnit healTarget = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit()
            .Where(o => o.Guid != Me.Guid && o.IsAlive && o.Reaction == Reaction.Friendly && o.HealthPercent <= 80 &&
                        o.Type == WoWObjectType.Player && o.GetDistance <= 75)
            .OrderBy(o => o.GetDistance)

        if (healTarget != null && healTarget.GetDistance > 10 && !Me.IsCast)
            Logging.WriteFight("healing target found - chasing it to heal");
            Me.Target = healTarget.Guid;
            if (GoToTask.ToPosition(healTarget.Position, 10f, false, context => Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && Me.HealthPercent > 55))
                MovementManager.StopMoveTo(false, 1500);
                return true;

        return false;

private void FightEventsOnOnFightLoop(WoWUnit unit, CancelEventArgs cancelable)
        //No friend to heal in range!
        WoWUnit friendInRange = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWPlayer()
            .Where(p => p.Guid != Me.Guid && p.IsAlive && p.Reaction == Reaction.Friendly && p.HealthPercent <= 80 && p.GetDistance <= 35 && !TraceLine.TraceLineGo(p.Position))
            .OrderBy(p => p.GetDistance)
        if (friendInRange == null)
            if (RunToHealTarget())
                cancelable.Cancel = true;
            if (friendInRange?.GetDistance > 30 && !Me.IsCast)
                Logging.WriteFight("Running closer to heal target");
            MovementManager.StopMoveTo(false, 1000);

For a resto shaman (vanilla) example fightclass, you can check out the source code here:


Edited by Matenia
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  • 1 year later...

Battlegrounder uses the GrindingBG and FightBG class. Decompile to see what they do. Replace GriningBG with your own state if you must.
And adjust your fightclass range, then it won't try to melee people as a caster...

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